Thunder's Place

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My Brief PE History...Plus My Current Routine & Goals

My Brief PE History...Plus My Current Routine & Goals

June 2005:

My aim is to hang 40hrs a week (9hrs per day hanging a total of fourty minutes in each hour), when not hanging I wear a Penimaster to maintain the stretch. I’ve been using a PowerJelq for the last two months but have discontinued due to concern that additional girth might hinder my length gains.

I originally began PE in November of 2004. I basically wore my Penimaster as much as I possibly could for about 7-8 months at which point I began to notice a discrepancy in the size & ‘weight’ of my shaft below and above the Penimaster’s tightening belt- the Penimaster was only developing my shaft from the point at which it was attached, so my glans and the 1/2” - 3/4” below my glans began to appear smaller in comparison.

I bought the PowerJelq to combat this- I’d run a few searches on developing a ‘mushroom head’ and Jelqing seemed to be the solution. Two months with the PowerJelq and I’ve seen positive results and am very happy with its functionality (but not with the quality of the service or with the build-quality of the tongs (which are actually jar-lifters). The rollers are good however, but at $59.95 it might be better just to build your own: /forum/archive/ … dex.php/t-29828).

After two months of ‘power-jelqing’ I became concerned about my base-girth and was also beginning to notice a slight baseball-bat effect developing, at which point I discontinued Jelqing and sent off for a BibHanger.

In my first month with the BibHanger I’m hanging 5lbs BTC and am aiming for 40hrs a week. I’ve also just started a ‘hanging journal/diary’ where I’m recording all of my sets (and making a graph of my progress).

My goal for the near future is to buy a g-clamp for my desk, so that I can rig-up a fulcrum for hanging SO (because sitting with my legs in the air all day makes it a little difficult to type).

If anyone has advice or comments please do post


Last edited by Beaver Eager : 07-13-2005 at .

Good luck with the journal hanging that long of hours, it was an impossible task for me. I will be very interested in your progress, I think long hours hanging is the way to go. You can take a look at my story by clicking on my name. Happy hanging, keep me posted.

Please tell me you work from home. All I can picture is you with your feet propped up on your cubicle desk saying “How’s it hangin’ ” to any one who walks by.


Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
Good luck with the journal hanging that long of hours, it was an impossible task for me. I will be very interested in your progress, I think long hours hanging is the way to go. You can take a look at my story by clicking on my name. Happy hanging, keep me posted.

Mr Nine, thanks for the encouragement. Along with Bib your an inspiration.

I read some of Bib’s PE history and it seems he reached 10” hanging for around 40hrs a week, so I decided to model his efforts in an attempt to reach my own goals, so to hear that you’ve also achieved great success through extended ‘hang-time’ is very gratifying

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
The only thing that I know that works without argument is dedication and time sacrificed, there have been plenty of days that I plowed on against the grain.

That’s a conclusion I reached reading the forums, it’s good to hear a real gainer confirming it (the more I read the more I think there’s more to the plastic-deformation/hypertrophy theory than members credit. I think it could be a little of both: hypertrophy/plastic-deformation & hyperplasia/mitosis.)

I’m interested in the following:

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
after I learned how to wrap and monitor penis health closely while hanging, it wasn’t out of ordinary to let a set go 30 to 45 minutes.

I normally get numb after about 15 to 17 minutes. I’ve been a little sloppy when it comes to the wrap however. Could you give me some advice or point me towards some good techniques/threads?

Also, what’s your experience with the Redi-Stretcher? How does it compare with the Bibhanger?

If you could shed some light on the above it would be very appreciated.

Originally Posted by RoomToGrow
Please tell me you work from home. All I can picture is you with your feet propped up on your cubicle desk saying “How’s it hangin’ ” to any one who walks by.


If you asked some of my older friends they might tell you that that’s probably exactly what I was doing, but no- I can assure you I am at home.

Right now I’m not working and have time to spare so my thoughts are make hay while the sun shines. Also I’m probably not going to be this free forever so I want to get as much from my PE time as possible— right now growing my dick is my full time occupation (and I work late & weekends).

Originally Posted by Beaver Eager
I normally get numb after about 15 to 17 minutes. I’ve been a little sloppy when it comes to the wrap however. Could you give me some advice or point me towards some good techniques/threads?

Also, what’s your experience with the Redi-Stretcher? How does it compare with the Bibhanger?

If you could shed some light on the above it would be very appreciated.

I somewhat regret making the 30-45 minute statement, it is not very wise to do this. This was done with lower weights toward the end of the hanging day. Sometimes, a set would only be 5 to 10 minutes, it was all according to temperature and color and feeling. Don’t hesitate for a second to unhook when something doesn’t feel right, no matter the time. I don’t want to see anything go bad for you.

As far as wrapping, I used sweat shirt material and scotch tape. I never did get into the Theraband much, I think I’m allergic to it.

The Redi-Stretcher and Bib Hanger are totally different animals. With the Bib, the fatigue was up high in the lower abdomen and with the Redi, it is where the ligs mesh with the base. I must admit I haven’t used the Redi much, so I have very limited experience with it. The Redi seems ideal for the beginner, it is easier to set up.

If you have anymore questions, please let me know. It sounds like you have a good plan and see the same conclusion I did when first starting out in regards to the long hours. Please use caution and unhook when neccesary, think of the time as cumalitive. there is nothing wrong with a 5 minute set, it is part of the ride.

I try to stay away from the theories, I’m a simple kind of guy. If I would have been pulling and pushing on my nose as long as my dick, I’m sure my nose would be longer too. That’s about as “technical” as I get. :)

Originally Posted by Mr. Nine

I try to stay away from the theories, I’m a simple kind of guy. If I would have been pulling and pushing on my nose as long as my dick, I’m sure my nose would be longer too. That’s about as “technical” as I get. :)

Excellent— thanks. I’ll keep on keeping on. ;)

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