My Two-dollar Chickenchoker Hanger!!
INGREDIENTS: Ok, so maybe it costs a little more, but only if these things aren’t laying around.
1) 2 highlighter markers ( or wooden dowels )
2) 2 strands of cord ( possibly nylon ), 1 foot in length apiece.
3) A very large fish hook ( 9/0+ ) with the point and barb cut off ( with bolt-cutters ) or strong
barely-bendable wire.
DIRECTIONS: see the attachment in the next post.
1) Hollow-out the markers and cut the main body down to 3-¼” with a
heated knife.
2) Punch 8 holes in these markers a half-inch from each end with a
heated nail. The holes should just be barely big enough to let the 2
nylon cords running through them.
3) Thread the 2 cords through the marker holes and through the fish
hook AS SEEN IN THE PICTURE. I colored-in one of the cords so it’s
distinguishable from the other.
4) Knot the ends of the cords so they don’t slip back out the holes,
making sure these knotted cords are of the same exact length ( Pull
on the hook until the cords are taut. The marker bodies should be
side by side equidistant to the hook. If one of the marker bodies is
closer to the hook, then its cord to the hook is too short ).
5) Superglue the knots so they don’t come undone ( nylon is slippery ).
1) This baby has Tom Hubbard’s lateral grasping design so no pressure is put on the dorsal nerve.
2) The pillars that do the grasping are just 2 hollowed-out marker bodies. I chose markers that have a rectangular body design although I’m sure round marker bodies work just as well.
3) The design of the placement of the 2 cords allow the pillars to come together and pinch on your wrapped dick once the hanging weight is attached onto the hook.
4) I use a fish hook and not an S-hook because I like to have the end of the hook come out towards the front and not towards the side like what an S-hook will give you with these cords, although you can use a ring with the cords and just throw an S-hook into the ring also.
5) All the ingredients were found around the house so it cost me nothing to make this. You can even make your own hook in your garage. However, if you need to buy some of the parts, were talking almost pennies here, guys.
6) Once in the hanging position, the ends of the markers jutting from the topside of your dick are closer together ( toe-in ) than the ends of the markers jutting out from the underside of your dick ( toe-out ).
7) When I use it, the ends of the markers on the topside of my dick are also angled upward. Conversely, the ends of the markers on the underside of my dick are angled downward. This is a purely personal choice for comfort. You can adjust this angle by manipulating the hook and cords. The surprisingly good behavior of the cords to stay in your chosen angle is a cool thing.
8) This will slip down your wrap to the head of your dick unless you use a second narrower wrap closer to the head as a stopper. I start the hanger right at mid-shaft ( the circumcision scar ) and it slides a bit towards the head as it hangs. I use an Ace foam underwrap first on most of the shaft, starting from the head on to the base. Then a 5” x 1” strip of Ace self-adhering bandage on top of that ( right behind the head ) as the hanger stopper. You can even use a strip of 2-sided velcro ( hooked-side in ) as your second wrap / hanger stopper.
9) I have not hung with any other device. This trooper gave me nearly a half-inch since July 1 and it just last Friday gave me a full half-inch but it needed some assistance from ANOTHER device ( it will blow you away ), which is the focus of my next article. Stay tuned.
Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03
Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04
Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG