Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Oh looky here! The CCH3.


Hi there CC,

I’ve got a question for you. Up until now I still havn’t got the chance to build your great hanger, but guess what I’ve just search around my house and I found that I have enough PVC to build my self a hanger. The only problem is the PVC is in 1.5” diameter-at least that what is printed on it. So, do you think that one can be use?? I’m too lazy to bring my butt to the hardware store its about two blocks from my house. One more thing, about the grippers, do you have any other options for it??. Hmm what about this, I’ll try to build the hanger by this 1.5” pvc and I’ll report it to you how does it feels. OK. Seeya :)

The only drawback to using large PVC is when you hang SD, the added bulk between your thighs makes you want to stand with your legs far apart.

Generally though, it should feel the same as the 1” PVC. No problem hanging BTC, the ventral end of the pillars sit on your buttcheeks. It should be more stable ( no twisting ) because the fatter pillars have fatter ends against your buttcheeks.

You can increase the size of the window in the pillars but you’ll need to support the gripper pads from inside the pillars once you install them. I’m working on building an extra support for the gripper pads now ( it will be a square piece of firm but flexible plastic stuck on the inside sticky part of the grippers - inside of the pillars - supported by a fat bolt screwed in horizontally from the outside, get it? I ram the bolt flush against the plastic ).

You can use any hard but flexible material in place of the grippers. ficti0n here uses cork. Try heavy felt, layers of leather, thick flexible plastic. If it’s not firm enough, you can always build a support for it like I described above.

Good luck, bro.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Brilliant, elegant design idea - thank you for sharing!

I’m new to hanging, ordered a Bib which is excpected in the mail any day or week now, but I will look for parts and assemble a CC3 this week as well.
Off to stitch up pouches filled with lead buckshots for weights.


You’re welcome.

If you go to Lowe’s right now, you’ll be hanging with the CCH3 in an hour and a half!

Pouches? Try drinking-water jugs for weight.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Lead buckshot is dirt cheap at diving shops, and the 1k pouches I make are conveniently small and handy, not to mention the 1/4k. No mess, no fuss to use and alter weights in a small, slim bag hung from the S-hook.

It’s sunday night here and now, I’ll hunt down the CC3 parts tomorrow :)

Hey guys, just a reminder regarding Product Update4, where you don’t have to knot the cords at the front of the pillars any longer, giving you 4 less holes to thread through, here is the actual threading process step by step:

Facing the standing pillars from the front,

the first cord is knotted at the back upper left hole & goes to the
back upper right hole to the
front upper right hole to the
ring to the
front lower right hole to the
back lower right hole and knotted at the
back lower left hole.

The second cord is then knotted at the back upper right hole and goes to the
back upper left hole to the
front upper left hole to the
ring to the
front lower left hole to the
back lower left hole and knotted at the back lower right hole.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Originally Posted by chickenchoker
Pouches? Try drinking-water jugs for weight.

I tried this and found it too cumbersome. I made some weight by rolling up some lead sheet with a wire through the centre to hang from the S hook.
I find them easier to get on/off and also easier to hide (important for me!).
I also made the weights so that each one weight 2.5 pounds. I hang with two so far.
Just a warning to all using lead weights. Make sure that you wrap the weights in some kind of non permeable membrane (eg electrical tape) as long term exposure to lead (everytime you touch it, some may absorbed by the body if you then eat without washing your hands) is bad news.
Its interesting you talk about extra support as I have found that the rubber gripper material that I have is a little soft and so I had to add support just as you described (semi-rigid plastic)

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Just a warning to all using lead weights. Make sure that you wrap the weights in some kind of non permeable membrane (eg electrical tape)

Indeed: Lead accumulates in the body.
I cram it in a plastic bag, knotted tight and put inside tough fabric pouches.

I have 1/2 made the hanger. I still have to cut out the windows and get the gripper stuff. It is fully wired up though and I have found it makes a great sac stretcher too. I could hang 11lb with no wraps or anything just the bare round plastic grabbing the skin. Just pull some skin out the bottom and get as much in line cylinders length so it is grabbing a large area of skin. I am going to heat up a box cutter blade to cut the window easier.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Originally Posted by trigger
I have 1/2 made the hanger. I still have to cut out the windows and get the gripper stuff. It is fully wired up though and I have found it makes a great sac stretcher too. I could hang 11lb with no wraps or anything just the bare round plastic grabbing the skin. Just pull some skin out the bottom and get as much in line cylinders length so it is grabbing a large area of skin. I am going to heat up a box cutter blade to cut the window easier.

Excellent job trigger! This is in line with using it wrapless on the shaft and getting more foreskin in the long run since it needs to substitute a bunch of skin for the wrap.

My balls hang too high anyway and have gone too forward since I’ve got about an inch of inner penis pulled out, so this may do the trick along with some sac wrapping for stretching.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

cch3 progress

The CCH# is awesome. After a while the pads comform to the shape of your dick, and the cch3 just gets more and more comfortable. I used the furniture protectors, btw. They also seem to get more pliable with use but not to the point where the grip is affected.

I measured today after having used it solidly for 3 weeks, and I have gained a decent .25 inch, making me a little over 8” bpel. I have not hung with anything over 10 lbs in the past, and I think that adding 2 lbs made all the difference.

More to come later…

Need Help

Dear CCH3,

I’ve made the hanger, its about 90% done. I have pre-used the hanger before its really OK. Well, I have one problem, like I said before I made the hanger using 1.5”PVC and I don’t know whether I made the window slightly too bigger or is it my cock which is too thin or the pads that is not good(I stuff a lot of papper from local phone book). I try to hang using 200 pages book and the cock slips. I have to arranged it very well, once I got it hanged I don’t get the stretch feeling that I expected. What should I feel when I hang?? this is my first time hanging. I think I should move to hanger section from now:) . Thank you in advace for your help CC. Seeya:)

Originally Posted by occa
I don’t know whether I made the window slightly too bigger or is it my cock which is too thin or the pads that is not good(I stuff a lot of papper from local phone book). I try to hang using 200 pages book and the cock slips. I have to arranged it very well, once I got it hanged I don’t get the stretch feeling that I expected. What should I feel when I hang?? this is my first time hanging. I think I should move to hanger section from now:) . Thank you in advace for your help CC. Seeya:)

Let me get this straight: Instead of the gripper pads, you have stuffed the pillars with paper so paper bulges out the windows? How big did you make the windows?

I can only support you in the stuff I recommended. If it’s too different, I’m at a loss too.

A 200 page book only weighs a few pounds, if that. I would say try something heavier. And you really need gripper pads or something really similar to them.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


Yup, you are right CC, since your CCH3 is so tempting to use, so I stuffed paper in it until its buldge and confortable enough for it to hold my cock. I made the window just like yours. I need a lot of paper to stuff 1,5”PVC. I still looking for the gripper pads. How much weight do you recomend for a newbie in hanging as me to hang?? and how long does one hanging session goes?. Thanks CC:) .

Originally Posted by occa
Yup, you are right CC, since your CCH3 is so tempting to use, so I stuffed paper in it until its buldge and confortable enough for it to hold my cock. I made the window just like yours. I need a lot of paper to stuff 1,5”PVC. I still looking for the gripper pads. How much weight do you recomend for a newbie in hanging as me to hang?? and how long does one hanging session goes?. Thanks CC:) .

Try 2.5 lbs. hanging straight down for no more than 20 min. Make sure you do a good warm up first with a hot wrap and stretches.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


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