Applying the CCH3
thanks CC.. I meant that my dick rotates as I put it on. No matter how many times I try to realign it, it always rotates. It starts out straight, but by the time I let the weight down, it rotates. If I start out slightly rotated the other direction, it will just rotate that way when I let the weight down. I’ll try some wrapping technique changes to see if that helps… but any other words of wisdom are surely appreciated.
The pillars should be positioned at midshaft but closer to the base than the head. If no wrap is used, it should be even closer or right at the base.
1. Hold the pillars in that position with your right hand and then
2. push down with your left hand on the S-hook with almost as much tension as the weight you are about to apply. You should see the pillars clamp down on your shaft. The right pillar will rotate clockwise and the left pillar will rotate counterclockwise.
3. As you maintain that tension, let go of your right hand ( since the pillars now have a good grip ) and pick up the weight with your right hand and set it on the S-hook replacing the tension applied by your left hand.
4. Finally, pinch the rear of the pillars together to finish off their rotation into a tight fit. When you get good at this, it should take less than 5 seconds.
As you can see from the procedure, any twisting of the shaft as the weight is applied can be prevented by the firmness of the grip of the pillars during the pre-stress phase with your left hand.
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