Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Oh looky here! The CCH3.

Applying the CCH3

Originally Posted by Rocky5
thanks CC.. I meant that my dick rotates as I put it on. No matter how many times I try to realign it, it always rotates. It starts out straight, but by the time I let the weight down, it rotates. If I start out slightly rotated the other direction, it will just rotate that way when I let the weight down. I’ll try some wrapping technique changes to see if that helps… but any other words of wisdom are surely appreciated.

The pillars should be positioned at midshaft but closer to the base than the head. If no wrap is used, it should be even closer or right at the base.

1. Hold the pillars in that position with your right hand and then

2. push down with your left hand on the S-hook with almost as much tension as the weight you are about to apply. You should see the pillars clamp down on your shaft. The right pillar will rotate clockwise and the left pillar will rotate counterclockwise.

3. As you maintain that tension, let go of your right hand ( since the pillars now have a good grip ) and pick up the weight with your right hand and set it on the S-hook replacing the tension applied by your left hand.

4. Finally, pinch the rear of the pillars together to finish off their rotation into a tight fit. When you get good at this, it should take less than 5 seconds.

As you can see from the procedure, any twisting of the shaft as the weight is applied can be prevented by the firmness of the grip of the pillars during the pre-stress phase with your left hand.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

The CCH3 is now OUT of production!

There are too many legalities involved which would compromise my privacy. Any current orders and agreements by PM will still be honored but no more new orders please.

…but I’m always here to help you with technical support for making it and using it.

Thunder, I guess I won’t be needing that “Commercial Account” label with my avatar anymore.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I have read before about hanging with the CCH3 without wrap so I thought I would give it a try.

Due to the rather soft “grippers” I have used it is actually just as comfortable as wrapped. I also read of excess skin stretching, but I don’t feel any at all.


Are you cut or uncut? Either way, do you realize the great percentage of hanging problems solved/avoided by not needing a wrap??

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


I am building a CCH3 at the moment. I can’t wait to start hanging again!

I just started hanging with a CCH3 I built myself today. Since I’ve never hung before it took me a few attempts to get everything right. Once I figured it all out it was very comfortable hanging. I didn’t use any sort of wrap and experienced very little coldness the whole time.

That contraption is ingenious, man. Good job.

I hope all you “cocksmiths” are PATENTING your shit!!

Originally Posted by LurkMeat
That contraption is ingenious, man. Good job.

I hope all you “cocksmiths” are PATENTING your shit!!


I’m working on it ( with someone else )!

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

this thing looks awesome…i’ve been using the swim cap with little success…can’t wait to try this out…you are a genious!!!


Thank you for calling me a genius on your very first post! Welcome to the board!
If you need assistance making the CCH3, let me know. I’ll be right here.


Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I’d like to use a little bandwidth for one more plug for the CCH3 hanger even if it is no longer in production. Although the Bib Starter is my choice for more aggressive hanging especially for weights over fifteen pounds and the wench was the hanger I started with when my cash flow was hardly flowing, I have to say the CCH3 is a very innovative little device. Chicken choker was nice enough to send me a working model a while back at no expense. The idea behind this little hanger was really a fine example of US ingenuity. It handles light to moderate weights very well even without wrap or with very little, and is very easy to ditch and don for those of you who PE in stealth. The working model he sent me was very well made, and I feel this hanger is a very good option for any of those out there who are handy with tools or those who can’t afford the Bib.

CC, sorry this review was so long coming, but I’ve been really busy. I see you’ve stopped production. That’s too bad, but I certainly understand your concern for privacy. Also, I know how time consuming this kind of project can be when we are all looking for every minute of time possible for active PE


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
I’d like to use a little bandwidth for one more plug for the CCH3 hanger even if it is no longer in production. Although the Bib Starter is my choice for more aggressive hanging especially for weights over fifteen pounds and the wench was the hanger I started with when my cash flow was hardly flowing, I have to say the CCH3 is a very innovative little device. Chicken choker was nice enough to send me a working model a while back at no expense. The idea behind this little hanger was really a fine example of US ingenuity. It handles light to moderate weights very well even without wrap or with very little, and is very easy to ditch and don for those of you who PE in stealth. The working model he sent me was very well made, and I feel this hanger is a very good option for any of those out there who are handy with tools or those who can’t afford the Bib.

CC, sorry this review was so long coming, but I’ve been really busy.

No problem. I sent that to you so you could include it in that PE book you’re working on. ;)
By the time that book comes out, the CCH3 will be patented ( fingers crossed ).

By the way, what type of problem are you having with it at the heavier weights? Slippage? If so, just pinch the rear of the pillars together for a tighter grip. And definitely use a snug wrapping if you are having slippage problems.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Yes. I plan to mention all three hangers in the book: the Bib, the Wench and the CC04, with all the designers’ permission of course. Hopefully, by that time all copyrights, patents and disclaimers will have been secured.

As far as slippage, the problem I have is I have gained a lot of skin. Even with the Bib my newly acquired PE skin is a pain and takes a lot of wrap to restrain. What do you mean by pinching the pillars together? You mean to hold them together before lowering the weight, or readjusting the strings. I hope it is not the later. Getting the strings right was the problem I had with the one I tried to build. Have you had anyone successfully use the hanger with weights over 25 lbs? Sorry if I missed something, perhaps I need to reread this thread. I see it has earned a pretty high rating.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
What do you mean by pinching the pillars together? You mean to hold them together before lowering the weight, or readjusting the strings.

No. AFTER you lower the weight, you pinch the rears of the pillars together.
You’ll notice that as you lower the weight, the left pillar rotates counterclockwise and the right one rotates clockwise to grab onto your shaft.
Well, just finish off the rotation by pinching them together with one hand. Or you can always grab both pillars with each hand ( after the weight is already on the hook ) and finish off their respective rotations - you’ll notice the power of their grip this way.

Have you had anyone successfully use the hanger with weights over 25 lbs?

Well, Bigflip says he feels like he can pull a car with it. I’m not sure how many actual pounds he uses…

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


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