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OTS hanging option needed

OTS hanging option needed

I have been hanging BTC for a while now and my gains are drying up. I don’t feel fatigue in the ligs anymore even when I increase weight. I’m going to continue BTC hang to cement the gains and I plan to move to OTS soon. I need options on what set up or what ever you guys have found to work best for you to hang OTS.

Thanks, SNM

Well, just a simple towel over your shoulder in a low cut computer chair. The towel serves to keep the hanger’s rope and weight from digging into your skin, thus causing pain. I bet a simple pully set up at higher angles would work too.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Would the towel not cause friction and cause a drag on the rope? Has anyone come up with something to use that will not cause this. This is one of my major concerns with OTS hanging.

Late last summer I assembled dedicated chairs for all the various angles. The purposes behind this project was to be able to hang any angle, sitting at my desk or wherever I wanted to multitask; I also wanted the best possible ergonomics for all angles, important when hanging long sessions. Having accomplished that, I’ve been looking forward to take pictures and show the chairs in a dedicated thread on this forum, whenever I can get hold of a digital camera for a day.
Anyway, that’s that and when eventually that thread is up, I’ll link to it from this one. I’ll put it in my signature as well.

For now, although I suppose pictures could help, I’ll take a shot at explaining the OTS chair anyway:

You need a fairly sturdy frame, as wide as the chair you’re using, and somewhere around 1.8m high. I use a wooden side frame from a bookshelf.
Rest the frame on the floor and strap it to the back of your chair.

Two furniture wheels are attached to the top of the frame; one on each side. Big and smooth $5 wheels rather than small and squeaky $3 ones. You’ll be using the same wheels for all the chairs, and of course you’ll be using them for a long time. After a day or two you’ll want all the smoothness you can get.
Cut a deep track in the rubber of each wheel, so the cord running from your hanger sits secure and doesn’t slip.

You’ll need 5-6m of a fine strong cord to run from your hanger, alongside your shoulders, over the wheels and to the weights which will be hovering behind your neck.

Last detail is a pin of some sort, to keep the cord running parallel over your shoulders, rather digging into your throat. The length of the pin is the same as the distance between the wheels on your frame.

Well, I don’t know if this description was good enough to get you interested. Anyway, any questions — just ask.


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