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Scavenger hunt - flat plastic for Piet's hanger?


Scavenger hunt - flat plastic for Piet's hanger?

Can anyone help me with an *easy* source for flat plastic pieces similar to those incredibly neatly cut pieces of PVC in Piet’s hanger? /forum/attachme … =&postid=149455

I’ve poked around Home Depot without success, and didn’t want to buy a huge long piece of pipe. I finally found a scrap piece of pipe in a vacant lot (while I was with my teenage Little Brother, whose inquiry I discretely declined to answer; happily he forgot about it), and cobbled a crooked version together, and it works better than anything else I’ve made. But…there must be something easier than cutting big plastic pipe.

Final dimension is 2” x 3.5”. Thickness around 1/8”. (5 x 9 cm; 3mm thickness)

Any ideas?

Get yourself a scrap of PVC pipe. Where ever from it doesn’t matter and I don’t care either.

It’s easy to cut with a hacksaw, FFS I used a steak knife when I made a Uli-thing type thing.

Once you cut the tube down the side, boil it over the stove in water. When it gets real hot, you can bend it with your bare hands (Although I don’t recommend this because it will burn the shit out of you after being in boiling water)

Just get a flat surface (ie kitchen bench top) and a couple of phone books, press the boiled PVC section under it with some heavy shit.

Come back in 10 minutes and it will be totally hard and completely flat. You can now cut a square or whatever shape you need out of the flat plastic again with a hacksaw (or steakknife!)

Originally posted by secjay
Get yourself a scrap of PVC pipe. Where ever from it doesn't matter and I don't care either.

It's easy to cut with a hacksaw, FFS I used a steak knife when I made a Uli-thing type thing.

I think it does matter if you’re talking about the different thickness, hence flexibility, of 1” PVC and 2-3” PVC, but I appreciate the variation of my original ideas and will try it with 1”. Because I’m trying to present replicable instructions, it does matter and I do care where the pipe comes from. We’re going on eight years now, and I’ve had plenty of opportunities to present ideas that require special “ops,” and for a lot of people, “getting yourself a scrap of PVC pipe” is an operation that’s not entirely plausible. Correct if I’m missing something - dumpster diving? I’m not sure where I’d get myself a scrap of PVC pipe….

BTW, what does FFS mean?

I never saw this thread until I posted in one of my own threads and saw this one under similar threads. To construct my hanger I had to buy a meter of PVC pipe and have only used a small part of it. The pipe was cheap but there should be a more efficient way to get some PVC. So I did some calculations. If you get a foot of 1.25” outerdiameter PVC pipe with a thickness of about 1/8” then the width of the PVC is 1.85” after flattening and you only have about 1/3 of the material left over after cutting off 2 sides for your hanger.

This will give you a hanger with sides with a thickness of 1/4” which should really make it comfortable for heavy weight hanging. Cutting/melting out the lines like in my hanger would probably be easier to do before flattening. Cutting out the lines make a really huge difference in amount of grip you get on the innershaft of your penis. Without enough grip on the innershaft you’re primarily stretching skin.


I still don’t get how you make your hanger so nice and neat - I’ve made two, and they’re too ugly to photograph. Plus, cuting the pipe is a hassle, even with a vice. Seems like there’s got to be some ready-made something or other.

I use a two-layer wrap, ‘silk’ with tight latex over it, and find it works very well without grooves, but I will try the grooves. Can i call it Piet’s AFB hanger?

If you don’t have the right equipment it can be a real hassle cutting out the hanger sides, very time consuming. I drew straigth lines everytime before making a cut and filed of the edges till they were silky smooth. I used an ordinary (iron)saw for the cutting.

Secjay, PVC of this thickness doesn’t get soft from boiling, you have to put it in the oven for a while.

Grooves are very easy to make with a soldering gun, the grooves in my current hanger are 6mm wide and 46mm long. Sure you can call it Piet’s AFB hanger ;)

Originally Posted by Piet
you have to put it in the oven for a while.

Make sure you don’t burn the PVC. The smoke is toxic.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Originally Posted by chickenchoker
Make sure you don’t burn the PVC. The smoke is toxic.

In fact, I wouldn’t even put it in the oven. It smokes the moment it starts to melt.
Here’s a quote from this link ( scroll 4/5ths of the way down to find it ):

http://www.ejne … g/plastics/pvc/

"* PVC burning in accidental home and building fires appears to be
a major source of dioxin. PVC is now ubiquitous in modern
buildings, and high concentrations of dioxin have been found in
the residues from accidental fires in which uncontrolled PVC-
burning occurred in homes, schools, office buildings, and
industrial facilities. The total contribution of PVC fires to
the national dioxin burden has not been estimated, but given the
hundreds of thousands of fires that occur each year, the dioxin
loadings are certain to be significant.

According to USEPA’s dioxin reassessment, dioxin is
extraordinarily toxic, persistent, and bioaccumulative. Dioxin
is now distributed globally in the environment, food chain, and
human tissues, and EPA has found that current "background" levels
of dioxin are already at or near the range at which health
effects are known to occur. These findings provide added weight
to recommendations such as the International Joint Commission
call for a phase-out of chlorine.

PVC is the largest single contributor to the national
dioxin burden."

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

The warning was more than enough CC, no reason to go off topic like that, very annoying. I’ve already used the oven plenty of times for heating up pieces of PVC. Even at 200 degrees Celsius in a preheated oven it takes several minutes for it to go soft. There’s plenty of time to remove the PVC from the oven before it starts to melt. I have not once melted this kind of thick PVC in the oven. So there you go, if you want to discuss it further I would suggest to start a new thread on it.

When you use a soldering iron to melt holes or a soldering gun to melt the grooves out in the sides you should expect (some) smoke. Either do this outside or make sure there’s a window open before you start. Hanging weights of your dick can be a whole lot more dangerous to your health than a little PVC smoke :D

I commend you on your expertise in PVC softening. I just wish those of us who want to build your hanger this way are as proficient as you.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I’m not that proficient at softening PVC lol but thanks, it’s just trial and error. A small piece of PVC I flattened for my first stretcher did melt a little. However that PVC was very thin. PVC with a thickness of 1/8” requires a lot more heat before it melts. I don’t recall exactly but I think it took about 8-10mins at 200 degrees Celsius before it got soft enough to bend. Try it out you’ll see, maybe you can use it for your CC4 and up :)

Wrap it in tinfoil and iron it.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

Ironing PVC to flatten it sounds perfect! I hope the PVC I use is not too thick, I will try it.

I have found popping it in boiling water works. Just boil for a few minutes, take it out and unroll it slowly. It will “set” very quickly so do it a few times if needed, when almost straight boil once more and put a flat heavy object on it if you want it totally flat.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

I made some sides for this out of white 2” schedule 40 pvc pipe sliced down the middle and about 3” long. I layed the half circle pieces with the edges down on a foil-wrapped cookie sheet, put some foil on top followed by a couple light bricks, and turned the oven on to 425 F. I kept a close eye on them, pressing down on the bricks every so often to see how soft the pipes were and to help them spread out.

When “done” I took the whole thing out, set it on a bare concrete floor, put another brick on top and stood on it to mash the pieces flat as possible.

A few foil bits stuck to the plastic and were reluctant to come off. No big deal though. I ended up with 2 nicely flattened pieces of pvc. I’m surprised it worked out so well on my first try.

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