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simple hanger...


simple hanger...

i’ve seen a ton of GREAT hanging devices on this board…some of you guys are over the top ingenious!!!

but i have to say, there is a much more simply clamp that i can easily hang up to 15# with…all with a simple piece of PVC pipe some velcro and a normal hose clamp.

i don’t know how to post photos on this website…if someone can help me…i’d be happy to share this very simple design!!!

essentially all the design is…is two pvc sleeves, one outer, one inner. when the hose clamp on the outside is tightened, the two sleeves move independently of each other clamping the shaft…its really crazy simple and effective.

Under the post reply box, are 3 silver buttons. Hit the middle “preview reply” button. scroll down past the same 3 silver buttons again, and you’ll see an “Additional Options” section, in the middle of which is a “Manage Attachments” silver button.

Click that and a pop-up opens. Hit the “Browse” button and navigate to the picture on your computer. Double click the picture, then hit the “Upload” button.

Oh, and a friendly heads up, staff requires Capitals at the beginning of each sentence, and request you do a spell check before submission of a post. I’m a no cap kind of guy myself, but when in rome… ;)

What you’re doing sounds similar to saiyans pipe repair clamp. Still would be pretty interested to see a picture.

thanks guys…i’ll see if i can get some pics updated.

ummm…i just checked out the saiyans pipe repair clamp…and my design is WAY more simple than that!!!

I’ll get some pics uploaded soon…i promise!!!


id like to post the following photos in the Hangers Forum…is this acceptable?

(40.6 KB, 189 views)
(40.6 KB, 165 views)

its a simple hanging clamp that i designed. i’d like to share with the rest of the group. i have no intention of showing the device in action, unless asked…i simply wanted to show the group and explain the very simple concept and construction technique.

appreciate your feedback. thank you.

I would love to know how you made It so I could In the future.

Nice simple design. The only issue I’d have with it is quick removal and a device requiring the use of a sharp and rusty screwdriver next to my penis. If you use a clamp like that get one with a thumbscrew.

:_pump: :donatecar

Yes; there is no problem posting those in the Hanger’s Forum. Only ‘in use’ pics have to go in the Member’s Pics Forum.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

69, please would you use upper case/capital letters for ‘I’ and to start your sentences please. I notice Thunder has already asked you to follow the Forum Guidelines above; please do so. Thanks :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Smart thinking, 69. For sure, I would not use shedule 40 PVC—use the thinner kind. I would size carefully because if the inner Sleeve is too large, when closing it would obviosly pinch! Also, two Grabber strips (opposing), to center on the CCs (perhaps glued with “Gorilla Glue”) would, I think, be an improvement.


I don’t use schedule 40 pvc, but rather I use a sink replacement kit you can get at Home Depot…it is a thinner more flexible PVC.

As for the screwdriver…DO NOT use that…get yourself an 8mm nut driver…it won’t slip off!!!

I still use a wrap…because the chances of pinching are definitely there, but the wrap will keep you from pinching yourself. Also I prefer to leave the slots open, so that this device can be used for a number of multiple sizes.

It really grips the shaft nicely and easily holds up to 15#. I’ve tapered the ends like the shape of the penis head, which helps keep things more comfy. Essentially all the weight is carried by the single hose clamp. The velcro cover and thing velcro strap simply hold things together while you are slipping it on.

The PVC sleeve is only about 2” long, that is to the tip of the taper. The slot on the inner sleeve is about 1/2”-3/4” wide…and the slot on the outer is larger. The slots can easily be enlarged or fitted as required.

Anyways, my main goal was to give you folks a more simply design. I’m a mechanic and I’ve always thought the “hose clamp” was a marvelous invention. So this is my version of a simply hose clamp for hanging. What I like is it grips the shaft on ALL sides, just like a hose clamp should, which helps distribute the force very evenly. Large, pricey, complicated contraptions are not necessary…KISS…Keep It Simply Stupid (not that I’m calling any of you stupid!!!) This is a wonderful forum with tons of GREAT information, and I’m happy to be part of it!!!

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