Some Questions
Hello all. I’ve frequently visited these forums, and have found they are quite full of useful information. However, I am in need of a couple of questions to be answered, but I’m not sure if this is the place to ask them. Still, any help would be appreciated.
1) I just started hanging, and I find it to be pretty effective. I’m using Bib’s starting hanger, and I was wondering if I was doing the routine correctly. First off, I’m not new to PE exercises, been doing them on and off for a while, but found that hanging seems to be the way to go for me. Anyway, my routine was as follows: For the first week, I started off with hanging 2.5 lbs for one hour. Each week after that, I hung for an additional hour until I reached a 3-hour mark. Then I increased the weight by another 2.5 lbs and start over at 1 hour. Currently I’m at 5 lbs and hanging for two hours. Is this an acceptable method?
2) After my hanging sessions, I sometimes get the urge to masturbate. Will doing so after I hang hinder my hanging efforts, and decrease my gains?
Thanks for having me, and I’d appreciate a speedy response.
— TehNewGuy