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temporarily gains after pe session as a sign of growth

temporarily gains after pe session as a sign of growth

I recently managed to overtrain my member, because my BPSFL shrunk about 0,6cm after my hanging session.

So in contrary, does there have to be (at least) a small gain after the session, so I can assume I am on the right track?

The shrunk in the bpfsl is never a good sign and yes its coming from over training.
But gains in the bpfsl seems that has no merit too IMO…. because me and almost all extender users have created a huge bpfsl that didn t translated into erect gain.

I have stopped believing in the bpfsl a lot time ago… it seems that all that matter is the true micro tears.

I disagree that BPFSL means nothing. BPFSL is closely correlated with BPEL but more importantly it would be impossible to have a BPFSL much much greater than BPEL (like 2”-3” greater). Tracking BPFSL seems like a pretty good way to see if a routine works since BPEL can be affected by EQ etc.

2014: 5x4.5, 2018: 6.5x4.75, 2020: 7x5

Current: 7.2x5.1 Progress Thread

Goal: 8.25 x 5.75, thickest at base, more wide than tall

Originally Posted by falmos
I disagree that BPFSL means nothing. BPFSL is closely correlated with BPEL but more importantly it would be impossible to have a BPFSL much much greater than BPEL (like 2”-3” greater). Tracking BPFSL seems like a pretty good way to see if a routine works since BPEL can be affected by EQ etc.

Well tell that to the tons of members that gained more than 3cm of bpfsl than their BPEL and their BPEL never changed.( I have read tons of posts like this in both forums)
I am one of them. My BPEL was 16,5cm and my BPFSL had become 20 cm from the extending.
A Longer BPFSL certaintly means that you are not overtraining and that your penis is in a good health.
But it doesn t automaticaly means that you gained in EL.
My conclusion is that a more flexible flaccid doesn t mean that its also bigger in EL.
So this is leading us to the theory that the EL gains are happening from the creation of the micro tears and their healing…which has nothing to do with flaccid flexibility.

BPFSL is the most closely correlated with BPEL compared to all other measures (flaccid hang, height, age, etc.)

Most people have BPFSL within 1”-1.5” of BPEL, very rare to have BPFSL much greater than BPEL than that. I imagine it would be impossible (but could be wrong obviously) that BPFSL is something like 3” greater than BPEL. E.g. BPFSL 10” but BPEL 7”. Personally my BPFSL has increased almost 7 cm while BPEL only increased by 3.8cm

Keep growing BPFSL and BPEL is bound to follow. That is my own personal theory behind my routine.

2014: 5x4.5, 2018: 6.5x4.75, 2020: 7x5

Current: 7.2x5.1 Progress Thread

Goal: 8.25 x 5.75, thickest at base, more wide than tall

There are exceptions to every rule. Both of you are correct, there are a small percentage that don’t gain anything erect, only bpfsl. For the majority it usually is within .5 to 1.5 inches.

If you are hanging and gaining bpfsl and nothing erect try wearing an all day hanger, golf weights work good and so do shaft collars. I wear 1lb of collars for 8-10 hours daily now. I recently overtrained and lost a little bit. After a month of wearing these I have gained back everything I lost and then some.

09-01-07= 6" Bpel & 4.5"

01-10-20 = 8&1/4" x 6"

I’ve been hanging for a couple of months seen that my member has increased in length a bit but when I measured it a couple of days ago I found that it looked a bit smaller and advice on what I should do ? Like its more then 0.6 cm shorter

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