BPFSL is the most closely correlated with BPEL compared to all other measures (flaccid hang, height, age, etc.)
Most people have BPFSL within 1”-1.5” of BPEL, very rare to have BPFSL much greater than BPEL than that. I imagine it would be impossible (but could be wrong obviously) that BPFSL is something like 3” greater than BPEL. E.g. BPFSL 10” but BPEL 7”. Personally my BPFSL has increased almost 7 cm while BPEL only increased by 3.8cm
Keep growing BPFSL and BPEL is bound to follow. That is my own personal theory behind my routine.
2014: 5x4.5, 2018: 6.5x4.75, 2020: 7x5
Current: 7.2x5.1 Progress Thread
Goal: 8.25 x 5.75, thickest at base, more wide than tall