Thinking about hanging...NEED ADVICE
Hello, all. I’ve been PE’ing for about 4 months and I’m really considering purchasing the BIB to incorporate into my daily routine.
I’ve gained about .5in NBPEL since I’ve begun, but I would like to see more. I’ve also gained about .25in in stretched length since I started doing more frequent stretching. Although I’m not sure if this means much.
Anyway, I would like to ask those have experience hanging a few questions. So here it goes:
1- What type of weights do you use for this? I’ve read that you can use virtually any type of weighted object. Is this true? Does anyone find the use of any one object in particular to be more manageable? I have 2.5lbs metal weights. Would these work?
2- What is the recommended starting weight. I’ve heard a good routine to follow is 10 minute hang, 10 minute rest/jelq for circulation, followed by another 10 minute hang. Does this sound reasonable? How many days a week?
3- Is there a learning curve to be expected with the use of this thing? This sounds dumb, my mind doesn’t function optimally when dealing with machinery/equipment/tools/etc.. Is it as simple as attach and hang, or is there more required.
4- What kind of gains have you guys had from the first few months? Does anyone lose girth? If so, how much?
I hope this doesn’t annoy too many of you and drive you away. I would really love your response. For those who take the time to read this and respond, I would like to thank you for your generosity. I really appreciate it!
Cheers and good luck to all!