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trying to construct captains wench


trying to construct captains wench

Wondering where else these cable clamps can be purchased, i checked walmart and a hardware store, not sure what their real use is for so i wouldnt know what to ask for. I also live up in canada so maybe our walmart dont carry the same products, any help would be great, thanxs!

Home Despot (My mom has stock, make her rich, so she’ll stop bitching at me), err I mean Home Depot and try Lowes too.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

In Walmart they are located in the hardware section right next to the heavy duty extension cords. (At least in the USA)

If you can’t find them you could also use wire clamps I think they are called. They are little metal bands that you tighten with a screwdriver or some also have knobs for tightening by hand. They work well also or at least they did for me. You should be able to find those in the electrical dept.


thanxs all

Cmorsnatch, I got some from Canadian tire. I can’t give you a section to find them in, because I found them on a shelf when I was at the tills. Good luck!

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”

I’m having the same trouble finding the pieces, or I should say 1 piece. At walmart I found the cable clamps and the floor skids and at lowes I got the velcro. I’m still having trouble; however, finding the nylon strap. Where in walmart is the nylon strap pictured in the instructions located?? I don’t want to steal the thread but it may be easier than starting another.

found some at rona today, im happy now!

Got everything except the grippers, where abouts in a walmart could I locate these?


Originally Posted by Cmorsnatch

Got everything except the grippers, where abouts in a walmart could I locate these?

Tough luck bro! I might have seen these at k-mart but other than that it can only be found at LOWES(eagle) hardware. Maybe I saw some at FRED MEYERS a multi-purpose store round here.

Originally Posted by dodge41
I’m having the same trouble finding the pieces, or I should say 1 piece. At walmart I found the cable clamps and the floor skids and at lowes I got the velcro. I’m still having trouble; however, finding the nylon strap. Where in walmart is the nylon strap pictured in the instructions located?? I don’t want to steal the thread but it may be easier than starting another.

If you go to sewing dept. It is around the fabric area, next to the velcro and elastic and binding ribbon.

I will note: Just because the box or package does not look the same doesn’t mean that it is not the same or equivalent, If you want a custom penis then you must customize the equipment to do so.

Originally Posted by dodge41
At walmart…I’m still having trouble; however, finding the nylon strap.

In addition to the sewing/crafts area, you can find nylon straps in the camping section. The ones in the camping section usually have some type of snap together buckle that you can cut off, and/or use for customizing your captain’s wench.


Originally Posted by makyen
In addition to the sewing/crafts area, you can find nylon straps in the camping section. The ones in the camping section usually have some type of snap together buckle that you can cut off, and/or use for customizing your captain’s wench.


Ahh very ingenious, I prefer cannibalizing something I have at home before purchasing something like that though. I would excel to stick to the capn’s wench recipe because as he says ” you can build more than one” I have built two useable and screwed up the first. That damn velcro is STICKY!

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