Thunder's Place

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uncut hanger


uncut hanger

I`m uncut and i want to know if i have to keep the skin over my glan when i wrap or retract it.

I`m a newbie hanger with a BIB hanger.

thanks to answer my question.

You don´t have to do it in any special way, the important thing is how it feels and that you get a good stretch. If you have plenty of skin you can leave it over your gland and still have skin left lose enough for tunica and ligs to take the weight. If you have less skin you may have to retract it a bit, or the skin will take most of the stress.

The art of conversation is not a martial art

Can anybody tell me where to hold the clip?I mean where to grip the clip of the tube made at home.

I feel sorry for you Apple6969. Starting hanging uncut even with the Bib is a pain in the ass.

I hang, (better to say made a lot of tries), for the last 4 months. I mastered the wrapping and the adjustment of the Bib (consider spending at least 80 hours of experimenting), but my foreskin cannot handle the stress. It got constantly irritated after the 2nd or the 3rd set so much so, that I couldn’t hang anymore for at least 24 hours. The irritation became so bad lately that I got kind of dark-red semi-hard ring going over my foreskin and in the middle kind of hard bubble as big as peas bean. So finally I have to give up hanging. I was so desperate to hang and see result from it that I even considered getting cut. But after seeing some pictures of adult circumcision on the web, I got scared.

Unless you have tried manual stretches of all kind for a long time without result, don’t waste your time with hanging. If you invest half of the time you are about to spent to adjust the Bib and to master the wrapping, you will see more gains.

I suggest, you read all the threads of the uncut hangers and ask yourself how many of them are good gainers or still hang?

Hey Juri seems we both have same kind of problem.well after posting yesterday about where to hold the clip as genomesoldeir wrote that he clip it in the center I went n tried to hang for the first time ever in my life.Ah m sure you all are excited to know how I felt.I became much frustrated .I couldn’t hold that dick in the tube which was just 2 n half inch in length.It just slide away.Then I brought that white plaster adhesive plaster and wraped around the penis leaving an inch gap unwrapped between head and put the plastic tube again and tried to clam it by steel clamping clip it still I read somewhere first we have to master how to hold that dick in the tube and it seems much please anyone kindly and cearly explain be how to hold or clip my dick.I am much excited to grow my penis an inch or more in one months as other guys have made.

Started 8 10 2004
BPEL 6 “
EG 3 “

NOW 6 9 2005
BPEL 7 “

Originally Posted by Juri
I was so desperate to hang and see result from it that I even considered getting cut. But after seeing some pictures of adult circumcision on the web, I got scared.

Adult circumcision is not all that bad when you consider the anesthesia we have these days both during and after the cutting. I can see where the extra skin could be a pain to get placed right. And probably the last thing you wanted is to stretch some new additional skin. Can’t say as I blame you. If I were considering a Circ job I think I would go to a cosmetic surgeon. Seems he would be able to sew that guy up so pretty. Healing would only be a couple of weeks. Wow, makes me wish I was uncut. :)

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Hi, Monty530!

Regarding circumcision, I was so serious about it that I read for days about it. I saw a lot a pictures of the actual procedure here in USA. I would say, the circumcision here in America is more a kind of mutilation than a true circumcision known trough the ages. I have seen pictures of circumcision from Egypt and Near East, but it is nothing like what I have seen here in America (on the web). It has nothing to do with the OT circumcision – Abraham, and so on.
Here the surgeon cuts off not just the foreskin, but also a big (really big – see the picture below) portion of the inner skin, that covers the shaft of the penis and then these nasty stitches. I wonder how a penis mutilated this way can perform well afterwards.

Hey finally today I hanged for the first time. I used medical tape n tube PVC pipe

So last time the mistake I did was I used very short PVC pipe and this time I used full 3 inch pipe and I wrapped my penis well fully so I did not feel pain n felt good as well.I will keep on increasing my weight.thanks thunders place

So Juri what would you recomend? to use other devices such as Jes Extender, Autoextender?… I was planning to start hanging with a Bib, but if its going to be a pain in the ass, and i will get as dick similar to an ant bear… well that sucks…

Sorry for my english


Meta: 22"X12"

Seems a bit extreme to get circumcized for the purpose of hanging.

Have you considered tps’s Redi-Stretcher?
That has the advantage of not needing a wrap at low to moderate weight levels.

The other thing is, just get good at wrapping.

I would think AutoExtender would be a good choice for an ADS. I have the PenisMaster, but if I had it to do over again I’d get the AutoExtender.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Hi, Gugliermo,

I have never used the Jes Extender or the Autoextender, so I cannot comment on that. The only think I have used for about 3 months was PeniMaster. Well, forget about the myth that one can wear the device for 8 hours a day according to the advertising. Unless you have a glans that is at least 20% bigger than your shaft, the rubber strap will slip over your head and that’s “ouch”. I had to tighten the rubber thing really hard in order to prevent slipping, and this caused dark blue, could glans. So I have never be able to where it for more than 30-35 min. in a session. If you have to run to the bathroom every 30 min. massage the dick and after 5-10 min. put the PeniMasterMaster again it becomes obvious, that putting on and off the device must be the only job you have to do. Forget about the 8 hours, the best I could do on a single day was about 3.5 hours and that means I spent 6 hours of my day in nothing else, but running to the bathroom every 30 min. for releasing my poor dick from the torture.

Saying all this I should mention that the idea of developing such a device was excellent, the only and the biggest problem is the attachment. By the way EVERY device on the market - Jes Extender or the Autoextender, BIB, just mention, has the same problem - ATTACHMENT.

About 3 weeks ago I bought the GripSustem ( ) and try to hang with it. I could say this is the best pool my dick have ever experience (0% skin stretch), because the attachment grabs by the head through vacuum and affects directly the internal structures of the penis. Jet, the attachment is the problem again. With this system it is impossible to hang more than 10 lb. (far away from my max hanging weight in SO – 22.5 lb) it is pain, not just in the ass. The system is good though if you decide to hang with really low weights – 5 lb. One can probably hang the weight for up to an hour. (I tried for 50 min.).
Lately, I cam to the idea to use my PeniMaster and to attach to it the Vacuum Camber of the Grip System instead of the rubber shit, so to say to use the PeniMaster without having problem with the circulation. It worked great, but after the first session the supporting surface of the PeniMaster broke (I knew it is about to do it – there was a visible crack in it). Yesterday I sent the part for replacement – there is a 3 years warranty on the PM.

So I will keep you in touch how is everything going. For now I do just manual stretches.

Ok, so Bib doesn’t work well for uncuts, Penimaster either…. there in no device for uncuts? It seems that de solution is to convert me in cut, and then restore foreskin…


Meta: 22"X12"

Hi, Gugliermo!

Originally Posted by Gugliermo
Ok, so Bib doesn’t work well for uncuts, Penimaster either…. there in no device for uncuts? It seems that de solution is to convert me in cut, and then restore foreskin…

Well, it is difficult to do PE uncut, but not impossible. Definitely the cut penis can endure more PE-force than the uncut and therefore has more potential for growth through PE, but if you are a newbie, than don’t bother about buying devices, just go on with the manual routine. The manual is the best for the uncut penis. Instead of the normal jelqs do modified dry jelqs – apply lube on you glans, but do the so-called dry jelqing. It works the best for me, and does not stretch the skin.

Do the different manual stretches described in the video-tutorials and stick to your routine. After using almost every type of devices on the market – ADS, Hanger (Bib), Redidi-Stretcher – I could say the manual reminds the best, the cheapest and for the time invested in it the most effective approach – 30-40 min/day of good manual stretches produced for me much, much more gains than 80 min/day of hanging (17.5-22.5 lb).

All this devices promise more than they do in reality (at least for the uncut penis). Use your hands and grow!

Well I m uncut and I have hanged well for two days .see you just need good wrap .the kind of hanger of mine is homemade bib style.

Ah but some chill feels in my penis today.

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