I have switched to a V-hang method after noticing results. I’ll try to keep this brief:
I started hanging years ago, and achieved an inch of BPEL growth, in approximately 1.5 years. I stopped two years ago, because of an injury while experimenting. I was experimenting with a V-hanging method, and made two mistakes – I used too much weight and I didn’t understand the importance of making sure that you get all the blood out of the glans (head) before hanging.
Now, I have started my PE program back up, and I use the V-hang method. I prefer the V-hang method because it has produced results for me, and I can hang a lot more weight than I could using standard straight down hanging techniques. Also, I have a very low LOT (6:30), so some tunica work is needed. I also alternate my hanging routine with A-stretches (DLD blasters), and jelq every other day for girth/penis health.
I use as much weight as I can comfortably. I started with 10 lbs, and quickly moved up to 16lbs. I am now using 29lbs as my first “set”, lowering the weight down to 16lbs as fatigue sets in. I was stuck at 7.5” BPEL over two years ago. I have been hanging/ jelqing/ stretching since 24 September 2003, and today I am at 7.88” BPEL. I know that I have never hit the 8” BPEL mark ever, and I know that the 7.5” BPEL was my best prior to 24 September 2003, because of multiple measurements over time. The small but significant increase lets me know that I’m on my way. Unfortunately, I have found that it takes a lot of dedication and time.
This is my first post. I have been following this forum for sometime. This is an awesome forum. I have been motivated and inspired by many of you who have shared your experiences on this forum; so, I decided to post. I hope the attached jpg image helps illustrate my version of the V-hang. [Note: The “robe belt” is fixed at one end, so I only worry about the weight in the middle].