Thunder's Place

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Why we don't gain from hanging

Couldn’t have said it better myself Hobby!

Originally Posted by hobby
Marinera, how much experience do you personally have hanging?

If (a big if, actually) I remember correctly, I hung about 200 h total. Working in the ideal range, I gained about 4/5" in about 1 month (again: if my memory is serving), hanging 8-10 hours weekly - my experience is reported here
Marinera’s Hanger.

After that, I overworked and wasn’t able to cement part of my gains.

Originally Posted by hobby
>"The most weight and time you hang, the more you gain.".

I don’t think anyone here is advocating that. I’m certainly not. As you said, a balance is required. We have 3 main variables to play with: duration, intensity and frequency. All are inversely related in the sense that as one increases the other two decrease to some extent.

I don’t think you are advocating that. :) Under a pratical profile, I would subscribe all your "hanging guidelines", as I was trying to explain in my previous post.

But, how about somebody who says having hung 10 punds 10+ hours daily? And then posts "I have gained near 2 inches that way" when his own stats on our PE database are saying otherwise?

He was saying he gained near 2 inches since the beginning which he has! I think it was flaccid though.

And in the thread you posted you said you don’t warm-up and you don’t wrap and you were experiencing pain but hanging anyway. You were also using a homemade noose style hanger. I now think your an inexperienced hanger and I can remember before I hanged how dangerous I thought it was. It can be but if you do your research and play smart I now know one can experience more injuries with manual type work than with controlled hanging.

Hey longerstretch, try reading what has been said, ok? You seem always to speak without knowing a thing.

I could say the same about you! You might have hung a lot of hours but that doesn’t necessarily make you experienced. If there are two basketball players playing for 40 days straight, one learns proper technique and conditioning drills and the other just plays around the world without learning anything who has more experience?

Did you hang after this? Do you currently hang?

I’d say if one has gained 4/5” in a month isn’t that much inexperienced, according to your definition, right?

Hobby do you have a hanging log posted anywhere? I wouldn’t mind giving it a read. A question that always gets me is when to switch angles and what is a good sequence to go in. Like should you go from BTC to SO to SUp or BTC to SUp to SO?

Marinera, you don’t have the hanging experience to be commenting so insolently on other people’s technique. Your research and thoughts are fine, but you’re far from omniscient here…as many hangers in this thread have hung 10 times as long as you. And, beyond that, I question the veracity of your 4/5” claim.

I hope you learn to offer as much respect to other people (longerstretch, lostracco, etc) as you would expect in return.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

So you question my results because are better than those of ‘more experienced hangers’?

And: I wasn’t basing my opinion on my hanging experience or gains, just on simple reason. Being short on arguments, you ‘experienced hangers’ called on my hanging ancienty and gains - as the motto says: ‘If you don’t like the answer, don’t ask’.

Come on, dude. 4/5” in a month at 10 hours a week? More than an 1/8 of an inch a week? Doesn’t happen. Measurement error or EQ or something else.

No one is short on arguments. Just don’t like them. You, on the otherhand, seem to. Simple reason? More like uninformed, inexperienced THEORY. Learn practice, then comment.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

There’s an awful lot of quibbling in this thread.

I think it’s obscuring the main point, which is how best to maximize gains from hanging.

Let’s all do a little better and follow hobby’s lead: post what you know and what you’re experience is and, if you don’t quite believe or get someone else’s approach, trying asking questions. Not pointed questions, sincere questions and let’s all get to the bottom of what we know.

Sound approach?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by bubba77

Come on, dude. 4/5” in a month at 10 hours a week? More than an 1/8 of an inch a week? Doesn’t happen. Measurement error or EQ or something else.

No one is short on arguments. Just don’t like them. You, on the otherhand, seem to. Simple reason? More like uninformed, inexperienced THEORY. Learn practice, then comment.

My argument is very simple. If you can’t overtrain with hanging, why you should take a day off when you are fatigued? If your penis can heal whilst stressed, why starting with a very low poundage “riding the fatigue” (with 1 lbs?!) and then adding weight but… wait…when the weight is high, and you are feeling fatigue, what you say? Take a day off or injury could happen. Can’t you see the contraddiction?

Try answering that, instead that supposing I’m a liar, please.

And, if you guys are getting worst results than I had, maybe you need to learn something.

I agree completely this bickering is accomplishing nothing. Lets all cut the bullshit out and try to progress. Hell we all might even learn something.

Originally Posted by marinera

My argument is very simple. If you can’t overtrain with hanging, why you should take a day off when you are fatigued? If your penis can heal whilst stressed, why starting with a very low poundage “riding the fatigue” (with 1 lbs?!) and then adding weight but… wait…when the weight is high, and you are feeling fatigue, what you say? Take a day off or injury could happen. Can’t you see the contraddiction?

Try answering that, instead that supposing I’m a liar, please.

And, if you guys are getting worst results than I had, maybe you need to learn something.

You can overtrain with hanging. But riding the fatigue is about using the most weight to reach fatigue. In fact one starts with the max and lowers the weight as fatigue sets in, not the other way around. I think hobby answered your other questions.

Originally Posted by marinera
My argument is very simple. If you can’t overtrain with hanging, why you should take a day off when you are fatigued? If your penis can heal whilst stressed, why starting with a very low poundage “riding the fatigue” (with 1 lbs?!) and then adding weight but… wait…when the weight is high, and you are feeling fatigue, what you say? Take a day off or injury could happen. Can’t you see the contraddiction?

Try answering that, instead that supposing I’m a liar, please.

And, if you guys are getting worst results than I had, maybe you need to learn something.

You have a bizarre and, unless I am misunderstanding, quite insignificant argument. These multiple rebuttals of yours all stem to this? I don’t know about lostracco and others, but personally I think there are no need for rest days. When hanging for gains, one should hang 7 days a week, no matter the time of hang per day.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL


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