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Erection gains from pumping

Erection gains from pumping

I wanted to know how to achieve erection gains from pumping? Do you have to have an erection the whole time while your in the cylinder to achieve erection gains? I usually go into the pump with a full erection but after a couple of minutes I can tell that my dick isn’t erect anymore because the angle starts to go down while still in the pump. Can you get erect gains without having a full erection the whole time in the pump?

I don’t usually leave the tube with an erection, but since pumping my erections are sooo much harder it’s amazing…


I believe that you maximize your efforts pumping for erect length by trying to stay as hard as possible in the cylinder. Have you tried watching some porn while pumping? That should help, if you’re losing your max erection in the tube. Or maybe you’re losing vacuum pressure from an uneven seal, thus causing some dick deflation in the tube.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I usaually do not watch porn while pumping. I usually masturbate until I get an erection then I go into the cylinder. After a minute or two I can tell that I’m not erect anymore. My dick stays the same size as my erection length when I start going flaccid because of pumping. So If I maintain a constant erection while in the cylinder will I have better length gains?

I think it definitely helps to maintain an erection so you pump up from the inside while being aided by the vacuum from the outside. Porn helps me stay erect in the tube and I also do several hundred kegels while pumping. Like peforeal mentioned, if your pump does not have a gauge, you might be losing pressure.

If you do several pump cycles of say 15 minutes each, jelq for 5 minutes inbetween pump sets and then get an erection again before re-entering the tube.

I always try to imagine I am pumping up more from the inside out rather then outside in, so maintain that erection and kegel while pumping.

Originally Posted by gprent101

If you do several pump cycles of say 15 minutes each, jelq for 5 minutes inbetween pump sets and then get an erection again before re-entering the tube.

Repeated pumps are the key.

The repetition of erection, partial loss of engorgement, another erection, etc. causes a cycle of blood exhange. This, like your nocturnal erection pattern (the average healthy guy has 4 to 5 erections a night) assures that accumulated gunk is flushed out and that veins/arteries remain strong and healthy.

Gradually the entire penile vascular system increases its capacity to deliver newly-oxygenated blood and to drain out oxygen-depleted blood. The result is often visible after some months of pumping in a new and prominent array of veins and arteries on the shaft. Because the vascular system has improved, most have more frequent and harder sexual erections as well as more frequent and harder nocturnal erections.

As you can imagine, this does not occur overnight - rather after months of regular pump workouts.



Originally Posted by gprent101
I think it definitely helps to maintain an erection so you pump up from the inside while being aided by the vacuum from the outside. Porn helps me stay erect in the tube and I also do several hundred kegels while pumping. Like peforeal mentioned, if your pump does not have a gauge, you might be losing pressure.

If you do several pump cycles of say 15 minutes each, jelq for 5 minutes inbetween pump sets and then get an erection again before re-entering the tube.

I always try to imagine I am pumping up more from the inside out rather then outside in, so maintain that erection and kegel while pumping.

So a question from there:

Let’s say I enter the tube completely erect, and I use a pressure of 5 HG throughout and do not lose any. Does this mean I am still erect? How are you supposed to tell whether or not you are erect in the tube since it looks the same no matter what? Any way besides being erect when you leave the tube? I find it difficult to leave the tube erect matter of fact I don’t know if I could without causing blisters. Is leaving the tube erect important to pumping? I haven’t been erect leaving the tube yet for any of my pumping sessions :(



I just get the sensation of being very erect when pumping. This feeling is not 100% of the time, but occurs at different times when pumping. You do see yourself grow while pumping right? My length increases from 1/4 to 1/2 inch and my girth continuously expands to fill more and more of the tube. When I actually exit the tube, I would say I am around 90-95 percent hard, although much larger then when I went in. I immedeatley begin doing light to moderate girth blasters for 3-5 minutes and then massage myself to a huge hardon.

So let the pump bring you up to huge new proportions and then take advantage of your new size to massage to full erection after leaving the tube. Then repeat once or twice depending on the length of your pump cycle. I either do three 15-20 minute sessions, or two 25-30 minute sessions.

And don’t worry if you exit the tube less than erect. The time in the tube does the work for you. If you appear to be hard while in there, you are.



erection vs. erection

I agree that there is a huge difference in in- tube- erections. When I’m able to maintain a natural erection in the tube, I can feel it, it’s like my dick is going to explode, really powerful. If I CAN’T maintain a natural erection, my dick still looks hard and full, but the feeling is very different, it’s a kind of passive erection, created by the vacuum. It then takes a higher vacuum to make the dick hard, IMO. I think that a passive erection leads to more fluid build- up than a natural erection while pumping. So I’m constantly Kegeling while in the tube, I also pop 25 mg of Generic Viagra pre session, and I watch porn, either on my computer or in my head.
I also have another trick that might work for some, and that is to stimulate the nipples, preferably both at the same time. I put the tube on the sink, the table or whatever I have access to, so that I have both hands free. That’s a really powerful way to get a rock hard erection.

I used to easily pack the 2” cylinder all the way up, but most of it was fluid, and now I want it to be bloodfilled meat. I don’t pack it yet, but I’m coming closer and closer. I move into the 2.25” cylinder after 2 10 mins sets in the 2”, because I think the 2” limits base girth gains. My impression is that gains from pumping often start at the base.
I aim to maintain a natural erection throughout the session, which is certainly more work-demanding than going in hard and then forget about it and watch “Friends”.

January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally Posted by ahund
…I also have another trick that might work for some, and that is to stimulate the nipples, preferably both at the same time. I put the tube on the sink, the table or whatever I have access to, so that I have both hands free. That’s a really powerful way to get a rock hard erection… My impression is that gains from pumping often start at the base..


The nipple play also works for me, and based on my experiences my pumping gains started at the base too.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

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