Going Backwards With Pumping
I’ve been pumping for 5 months now. I increased so I now pump for 20 minutes, 5 minutes rest, 20 minutes, 5 rest, 20 minutes. I do this 5 days a week. The first 20 minutes I keep pressure slightly below -5. The second 20 minutes I increase pressure to -5. The last 20 minutes I will increase pressure to -10 for a few seconds, then back down to -5. I’ll do that 10 times spaced throughout that final 20 minutes.
When I first built up to the longer sessions I started to fill out the tube more and more. I also saw some length gains. However, in the past month I appear to have lost both girth and length. I no longer fill out the tube at all and I can’t get to within 1/4” of what I use to routinely get for length.
Obviously this is very discouraging. I did the beginners routine when I started my PE jourey and saw no gains from it. Now I have been pumping for 5 months, saw glimmers of hope, and now am moving in the wrong direction.
I’m not ready to give up, but need some encouragement and guidance.