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Is pumping leading to permanent gains?

Is pumping leading to permanent gains?


did anyone here only pump and gain through it?
Or did anyone add pumping to his schedule and felt it helped to gain?

I have a cheap pump without pressure control or gauge, its made of clear plastic and is 3 years old. Is it too risky to use it?


My goal: from 11.9 cm NBPEL to 18 cm NBPEL (~7 ") or never...!!!! after 5 weeks(and a long break): 12.5 cm NBPEL

When I first started manual pumping, I only did manual pumping and gained about 1 inch in girth and 1/2 inch in length.

I have gone electric as of a few days and am hoping for large gains, will report back later.

ttiger, was your pump one of those cheap ones what they sell in porn shops around 25usd?

Looking to be a kiwi.


How long did it take you to achieve those gains?
What was your routine, vacuum level etc.?


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

First pump I ever bought was one of those cheapies but I didn’t gain anything the entire time I had that and I don’t even count it in my PE experience other then as a mistake. While some people may like those things I don’t. They have no guage and are extremely poor quality for the most part.

The pump I was refering to in my earlier post was my manual pump from kaplan. My new electric is a CTC XL-3000, I just started using the electric and have not had enough time to get gains from it. But I can say already that I love the thing. It is so much better then manual pumping in so many ways.

Took me 5 months to reach those gains. But in the 7 months since then I have gained very little. I seemed to have hit a wall. I was doing manual pumping everyday except Sat, Sun. only because I didn’t have time on the weekend. I would try to pump around 5hg or less depending on how I felt and I would pump until I began to see fluid build up. As soon as that started it would stop. I didn’t have a set amount of time or pressure that I used because I found that what felt comfortable and the amount of time I could pump before causing fluid to build up varied from day to day.

I have a new routine which I will post if I see good gains from it.

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