Thunder's Place

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Why do some say that pumping gains are not permanent?

Why do some say that pumping gains are not permanent?

There are several members on this forum, alone, that have commented on permanent gains through pumping? Why do some insist that the results are not premanent?

Okay, please chime in if you HAVE had permanent gains from pumping.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I got permanent gains from pumping. I used the Kaplan 2 cylinder system back in the mid ’90s and gained about 3/4 in. in length and 3/4 in. in girth.
Since then my PE has been irregular at best. Although I have gotten some further gains from using an ADS and some clamping.

My wife thinks I’m “big enough” so I’m not going at it aggressively any more.

Hope that helps.



Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 4.5 EG. Upon finding Thunder's: 7 BPEL x 5 EG. 2006: 7.25 BPEL x 5.25 EG BPFS: 7.75. As of Oct. 10, 2007: 7 1/2 BPEL x 5 1/2 EG BPFS: 8 in.

When they say gains are not permanent they are talking about the immediate size increase you get after a pumping session. That generally involves some lymph fluid build-up and it goes away in say a half an hour or so

However I have gotten permanent gains from consistent pumping. How do I know they are permanent? Because I had to stop pumping for several months, and I still have the girth I gained.

I think most people that claim pumping gains aren’t permanent didn’t do it long or consistently enough.

Originally Posted by GatorLandon
I think most people that claim pumping gains aren’t permanent didn’t do it long or consistently enough.

Exactly. Quality of a pump can have a lot to do with it as well. I’d be willing to wager that most men who have pumped and not seen gains are just experimenting with the novelty of pumping. They probably bought some cheap model out of a magazine or a sex shop. The thin plastic type with no gauge. They toy around with it for a while and quit because ”it’s not working”. They never learn how to use a pump properly, how high HG to use or not use, how often to pump, etc. It’s like PE in general. MANY men may learn of PE but never really learn how to do so properly to gain. These are usually the men who end up saying ”PE doesn’t work”.

Originally Posted by Walywrld
Exactly. Quality of a pump can have a lot to do with it as well. I’d be willing to wager that most men who have pumped and not seen gains are just experimenting with the novelty of pumping. They probably bought some cheap model out of a magazine or a sex shop. The thin plastic type with no gauge. They toy around with it for a while and quit because ”it’s not working”. They never learn how to use a pump properly, how high HG to use or not use, how often to pump, etc. It’s like PE in general. MANY men may learn of PE but never really learn how to do so properly to gain. These are usually the men who end up saying ”PE doesn’t work”.


Yes you do get permanent gains through pumping Andgrowing, don’t buy cheap equipment and have an accurate gauge.

Its very easy to get edema gains from pumping, and of course it all disappears. True gains take longer and you usually have to keep edema down to a minimum.

Jelquers could say the say thing, you can get temporary gains from edema jelquing really hard, but those also go away.

Really, all method could show some type of temporary gains. What really cracks me up with human beings, is a lot of guys will get results in one method and not others, THEN ASSUME that their experience is the real truth for everyone!

The trick to ending all this silliness is to just state what you found worked for you, and skip the part where you claim its the ONLY method that will work!

Thanks guys. That’s what I wanted to know.

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