Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Who has had the most permanent gains from pumping here?

Who has had the most permanent gains from pumping here?

Hey just wondering the answer to the question I want answered. Just wondering how many of you that followed a pretty good routine gained some good permanent size from it?


Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

No answers?

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

This is probably because the question has been asked and answered so many times. No offense, but it gets tiresome to repeat. If you do a search on this phrase, “permanent gains from pumping” you will probably get linked to a whole lot of threads and posts that give the information you are looking for.

We’re not likely to answer the question, “who had the most gains” because we tend not to look at PE as a contest, more of a personal quest.

That avatar is very cool.



Ok thanks man. Pretty new here so i wasnt to aware. I’ll be sure to search for it .


Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

No problem. Keep reading. There’s so much stuff stored in the archived threads.

And keep asking. If you don’t get an answer, it’s because whatever is a very common question, OR, nobody knows an answer!



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