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Jelquing and pumping

Jelquing and pumping

When I jelq after I pump, should I be doing it fully erect of flaccid. Keep in mind I need both length and girth.

For the most benefit from jelqing a semi erect penis works best, but any manual massaging done after pumping it good because it restores circulation and distributes fluid build up all along the shaft keeping it from bulding up in the tender spots such as cause the dreaded donut.

Good Luck


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Is it better to jelque with the top of your hand on top of your cock and pull down, or underhanded, with your palm under the bottom of your cock. It seems easier for me to do it underhanded and pull up, than jelq pulling it down to the floor.

For me the overhanded jelq works best, but I have a huge amount of newly acquired skin from PE and it gets in the way of the underhanded jelq. I think either way works equally well. I’ve heard some speculate that you should jelq in the direction of your LOT. If your LOT is low, jelq upward, if it is high thank the Almighty.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have found that using the improvised “canning jar tongs” jelq tool works great after pumping to eliminate the donut problem. I use a gravel cleaner type tube for about 10-15 minutes at around 3-5” hg varying, then jelq with this.


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