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Long pumping sessions


Long pumping sessions

I am fairly new to pumping, have doing it for about 4 months maybe. But not seen any real results yet. I get the impression my dick is quite “stubborn” and hard to expand because I don’t see it being any much bigger even right after a pumping session. I pump for around 20 minutes 3 times with 5 minutes breaks in between to jelq (total 1 hour). I have never read anyone pumping “all day long” like many big gainer hanger guys do. Is it dangerous to pump for lets say 3 - 4 hours a day? If you do it in about 20 minutes and breaks for 5-10 minutes the sets?

As a newbie I don’t know how much advice I can offer, having never pumped. But from what I’ve read here on the forums pumping for too long or at too high an intensity can cause some pretty disfiguring injuries. Have you read all that you can in the pumpers forum? I’ve only brushed the subject a couple times, but perhaps you’re using too low an intensity? Do you have the right cylinder size to fit you? Are you positive that there are no air leaks?

Having never pumped before please take what I say with a grain of salt.

jaaag, if your dick grows inside the cylinder, over a period of time that temporary change should become permanent, even a minimal gain. You haven’s seen (measured) any change in length or girth at all?


Originally Posted by mafero

jaaag, if your dick grows inside the cylinder, over a period of time that temporary change should become permanent, even a minimal gain. You haven’s seen (measured) any change in length or girth at all?

Right, I was thinking about that. The whole thing with pumping is that you do get bigger. It’s that the gains aren’t as permanent as other methods, or so I hear.

The dick does grow when it inside the tube. But as soon as I stop the pumping session it goes back to normal very fast. But I would like to pump more if it is not dangerous, but I have never heard anyone that pumps all day, like some hangers do. So I thought maybe it’s dangerous or something? (And I don’t mean pumping all the time, but like 20 minutes * 9 or something = 3 hours, with rest in between every 20 mins.)

As a long-time pumper (and hanger), I’ve found that a two hour pumping session was what worked well for me. I also found that, when I used a cockring, after pumping, I kept my gains (especially girth gains).

This is by nature a dangerous method of pumping: it’s very easy to over pump. If you find that you’re having difficulty maintaining an erection after your pumping sessions, reduce your time or intensity.


jaaag, what is your dick size and what cylinder are you using?


GlandMaster, how are your routine? In those 2 hours, do you rest every 20 minutes or what? And how many days a week? Whats your gains?

Mafero my stats are about 7 bone pressed in length and around 5,5 in girth. I have two cylinders from vacutec. One I buyed first, but then I buyed another that was supposed to be better for length.. Don’t know the measure of those in my head.

The part with having to maintain a erection after have always ben a bit vague to me. It’s hard to know what is the cause to having less erections. Like how you feel and what you have ben doing otherwise. Do you mean I should be able to check my erection RIGHT after the session when I pull the dick out of the tube?

Pumping is made up of 2 key components. Pressure and time. You told us the time. How much pressure are you using?

I believe there’s someone here who pumps 10-11 hours daily at 2 Hg.

jaaag, maybe the most important detail about a cylinder is its diameter. That’s what I would like to know about your tube.


Mafero. Hmm don’t know the diameter, and I have peeled of the label with the measurement.. But it was supposed to be the “right one” for me when I asked for it back then.

Gprent I usually pump at about 4hg.

Plustwo do you know who this is or is there someone describing a routine with longer pumptimes?

It’s easy to measure the inside diameter with a ruler.


If you tell me the most common diameter measures of the tubes I will remember :)

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