Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Looking to gain length with pumping

Me too, I am always shorter than BPEL inside the cylnder (by 1”+), no matter the pressure or how long I pump.

Mm have you tried this ? 4 mn at 3-5 Hg , 20 seconds at 8-9 , and repeat the cycle a few times, then just stay at 3-5 for the rest of the session.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Man, I just can’t get past BPEL at 5hg or even 10. Any tips on how to break this barrier. I do use heat from infrared lamp.

It takes time with heat. Stay consistent. I found it takes a few days a week to get there. Once you do, fewer days are needed.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
It takes time with heat. Stay consistent. I found it takes a few days a week to get there. Once you do, fewer days are needed.

Ah, the universal break-in period. I’ll give it a go on a more consistent basis.

I seem to find when I let off pressure and take it back up again it seems to get longer. The smaller tube really seems to be working for me though.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Hey guys I am new to PE and I just recently bought a bath mate. I’m trying to make gains in both length and girth. I was wondering what would be a good routine for beginners. And should I jelq with the bath mate before during or after pumping?

Originally Posted by CDC_2015
Hey guys I am new to PE and I just recently bought a bath mate. I’m trying to make gains in both length and girth. I was wondering what would be a good routine for beginners. And should I jelq with the bath mate before during or after pumping?

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info
Vacuum Pumping 101

Should have everything you need.
Please try and avoid posting the same question in different places

Is there a video on how to use the bath mate? I don’t feel like I am doing it right. It seems as my dick goes to the left and while I’m pumping it gets stuck against the side of the tube. Instead of going up its bending. I went in soft because I read the manual and that’s what it said to do. Are you supposed to go in with erection? I have seen where some have said yes and some say no.

Marinera, I know what you mean, at times that has been my frustration but none the less I made gains. I found that with consistency and heat, it certainly does make a difference to my unit being more readily available to expand on demand.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

As a side note does anyone make a 2 1/8” round tube?

Originally Posted by CDC_2015
Is there a video on how to use the bath mate? I don’t feel like I am doing it right. It seems as my dick goes to the left and while I’m pumping it gets stuck against the side of the tube. Instead of going up its bending. I went in soft because I read the manual and that’s what it said to do. Are you supposed to go in with erection? I have seen where some have said yes and some say no.

Go in hard and do a light pump to get the shaft straight in and centered. Then relax for 2 or 3 minutes. Pump as recommended or desired from there. If you hang up on the side again, hold the cylinder with both hands to help maintain seal at the base and jiggle it up and down a bit and as you feel it free up, do a short pump and this will pull you straight and centered again. Also, for me, I find the Bathmate works best by having the pressure indicating label turned 180 degrees. I’m not saying relocate the label, rather, rotate the whole pump.

Anyone able to link me a decent one from an Australian site. Thanks

3/02/2019 - BPEL 6.5", MSEG 5.5"

BPEL 6.5” to 9.0" 8% Progress 6.7”

MSEG 5.5” to 6.5" 19.7% Progress 5.71”

No? :(

3/02/2019 - BPEL 6.5", MSEG 5.5"

BPEL 6.5” to 9.0" 8% Progress 6.7”

MSEG 5.5” to 6.5" 19.7% Progress 5.71”

Thanks, if I get one I don’t want it to be a crappy one that falls apart easily after a few uses. Seeing as some have gauges but are all made of plastic so I wasn’t sure.

3/02/2019 - BPEL 6.5", MSEG 5.5"

BPEL 6.5” to 9.0" 8% Progress 6.7”

MSEG 5.5” to 6.5" 19.7% Progress 5.71”


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