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manual pe between multiple short pumping sessions

manual pe between multiple short pumping sessions

Today I started on a new program.

On big pumping days I will do three 20-30 min sessions at 5” Hg. In between I will jelq and do my manual rotary drill bundled stretch.

It seems to be working, I’m on my 3 3rd session, and my length in the tube is 7.125, usually it is 7. I’m also thicker, and I can feel a deep ache like the CC are expanding more, not pain.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

I JUST got my bathmate today, haven’t used it yet but will be trying it for the first time tonight. And while waiting for it to be delivered, I thought up this potential routine I might consider trying:

1. Pump 5-10 minutes in hot water
2. One 20 minute hanging set
3. Pump 5-10 minutes in cool/cold water

The first pumping set would serve as a warmup for the hanging set, and expand the tissues really well. The hanging set would obviously help stretch out the tissues lengthwise a little bit more than pumping typically does. And then the final set in cool/cold water would build on the first pump/hang sets and give me max expansion, and would also go along with the other thread about “not releasing the stretch until the tissue has cooled down to normal temperature” to cement gains better.

I probably won’t try this for a few weeks, want to condition my penis first.

PE between pump (and heat) sounds like a great road to achieve gains, no doubt

Creciendo día a día... en todos los sentidos :D

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