Multiple tubes in 1/8” Increments for Uniform Girth Development
I’ve discovered a real advantage to owning a series of tubes in 1/8” increments.
In order to optimize your girth gains, you need to use just the right size tube. If the tube is tight, you will limit lateral expansion. If the tube is too big, you risk getting uneven girth expansion. I don’t necessarily mean JUST fatter at the base. You may just develop an overall uneven looking appearance.
The problem with using a “just right” tube is that what is just right for your third set is probably bigger than what was just right for your first set. I’ve discovered the perfect solution to this dilemma is to purchase (or construct) a series of tubes in 1/8” increments. I know that a lot of people already use multiple tubes in ¼” increments, but that is way too big a jump, in my experience, to avoid uneven girth expansion. I’ve been able to ratchet up nice and smoothly with 1/8” increments, but experienced some unevenness, that I’ve since corrected, when I got greedy girth and tried to jump a ¼” in one shot.