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My favorite pumping product

My favorite pumping product

I’ve tried both air and water pumps and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Currently I have settled in on an air pump with a pressure gauge. The LeLuv company makes the best pump I have ever used hands down. I used to have problems with lymph swelling due to high pressure, long term pumping sessions, but the LeLuv pump changed all of that with their sleeve that extends into the pump 7-8 inches which is plenty for most users. You guys should really check it out it is the most affordable option that I have used. Any other pumpers want to list their setups?

I have a LeLuv flared base tube, with a brake bleeder pump I got from Harbor Freight, and I still have a Bathmate X40 which I mostly just use for my warm-ups these days. Occasionally I’ll go for a fifteen or twenty minute session with it, but not so often. The air pump is so much less muss n’ fuss.

Originally Posted by dudemandudeman

I’ve tried both air and water pumps and each has its benefits and drawbacks. Currently I have settled in on an air pump with a pressure gauge. The LeLuv company makes the best pump I have ever used hands down. I used to have problems with lymph swelling due to high pressure, long term pumping sessions, but the LeLuv pump changed all of that with their sleeve that extends into the pump 7-8 inches which is plenty for most users. You guys should really check it out it is the most affordable option that I have used. Any other pumpers want to list their setups?

Which model you are using ?

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