Noobie Pumper Q&A: Invictus... From "Pump" to "Plump."
Hey guys, if you don’t know me I am Invictus and have mild experience with PE. I am currently on a decon break and almost done with it. When I resume my PE, I want it to be with Pumping. I do not have any experience with pumping but am very interested in it and want to begin doing. I have read many of the big articles on pumping, and posts by Avocet, GPrent and StaKool, among others. I will be ordering a pump very soon, within the next week or so, and have a few questions, if anyone can help me answer them, that would be appreciated.
1. I have a very sensitive unit; I have over-exercised and possibly causd a venous leak or so. I am not sure, but I do know I injured it mildly, sometime ago. I am looking for a light workout, but effective and efficient. The Bathmate sounds like a great pump…A water pump, easy to use, and with heat sounds great. But is this a noobie pump, something I should be messing with, since I have no experience with pumping? Or should I stick with the traditional air pump, until I get the feel. I will only be getting one, I don’t see myself ordering both.
2. I want to pump for length, EQ, and a healthier penis. Girth last. Right now I am about 5.25 NBPEL and 5.4~ish MSEG. But when I am on PE cycle, my girth jumps up from anywhere to 5.5” to 5.8”…So I don’t want girth, and I need length. Is pumping something thats going to do this? I have read people have gained length from pumping. I just don’t want to increase my girth while NOT increasing length, which in turn makes it harder for me to gain length. Any thoughts?
3. With my given measurements above, what is a good size cylinder for me?
4. I like jelqing, but I feel its hard for me to be consistent. I have strong hands and forearms from hardcore drumming from earlier years, and I exert too much pressure. Pumping sounds great, “consistent.” How many of you stopped jelqing completely, or just stopped jelqing AS MUCH when you began pumping? I still intend to jelq thought, just not as frequently.
Thanks for all the help. You can read my pumping progress in the thread that is in my signature, titled “True Life.”
Invictus…”From Pump to Plump”