Not seeing any gains...
Hey guys,
I’ve been pumping now for about a year and I am barely seeing any gains and I dont know what Im doing wrong or maybe it’s the pump itself?
I bought a cheap pump from ebay for about $50
when i first started I was doing stretching for a couple minutes, 10mins pump, and then jelqing
After a few months i increased the pumping to 15-20 minutes.
Now on a regular im stretching, pumping for 20 minutes, jelqing 5 mins, and clamping for 10mins.
I started clamping maybe a few months ago as I heard it helps with increasing girth.
I try to PE everyday but there are times where I can or i’ll be gone to a chicks house or something.
But overall its been a year and im not seeing any gains like Id hope.
please help and give some advice/opinions!
thanks in advance!