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Pumping with a piecing?

Pumping with a piecing?

Hey guys, so I just recently bought a cheap Air pump as kind of a trial run for pumping (I’m officially a pumping convert now and just ordered a bathmate yesterday). It took some getting used to and some unfortunate trial and error, but I think I finally have it down pretty well.

My only issue that I am having (as I do with all of my PE devices) is my piercing. It’s a dermal on my shaft on my left side about a quarter of an inch below my glans. I almost always have swelling and water retention in the area around it afterwards.

It’s never really painful and typically recedes within a few hours (goes way faster than when I get too overzealous and give myself a donut) but I just want to make sure that this won’t create a long term issue. So are there any other pierced pumpers who have any experience in the field as it were?

Starting Stats: 5.5 BPEL/5.0 EG (Jan 08)

Current Stats: 6.0 BPEL/5.25EG (Mar 09)

Starting Pics: The Leap of Faith: Here are my starters.

Bathmate with a PA piercing

I just got my Bathmate and I am still contemplating if I should remove my PA piercing during the pumping session or not. Obviously I have to increase the gauge of my PA ring but since it fits in the pumping tube.. I can keep it.. It is comfortable but I wonder what it changes while pumping overtime with a PA.

Any clues anyone ?
Thanks in advance

I think you should remove it.

Originally Posted by Aiynsedai
Hey guys, so I just recently bought a cheap Air pump as kind of a trial run for pumping (I’m officially a pumping convert now and just ordered a bathmate yesterday). It took some getting used to and some unfortunate trial and error, but I think I finally have it down pretty well.

My only issue that I am having (as I do with all of my PE devices) is my piercing. It’s a dermal on my shaft on my left side about a quarter of an inch below my glans. I almost always have swelling and water retention in the area around it afterwards.

It’s never really painful and typically recedes within a few hours (goes way faster than when I get too overzealous and give myself a donut) but I just want to make sure that this won’t create a long term issue. So are there any other pierced pumpers who have any experience in the field as it were?

I think that if you pump with a dermal you will irritate it for sure. I’d suggest that you cover that area with a short silicone sleeve to protect it while pumping. You could get one from ebay (6 Silicone Sleeves for Penis Enlargement for sale online | eBay), order one from monkeybar (Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device), or make your own (Silicone Sleeves - Make your own).

Live long and prosper.

Originally Posted by Cerisesbanane
I just got my Bathmate and I am still contemplating if I should remove my PA piercing during the pumping session or not. Obviously I have to increase the gauge of my PA ring but since it fits in the pumping tube.. I can keep it.. It is comfortable but I wonder what it changes while pumping overtime with a PA.

Any clues anyone ?
Thanks in advance

I have a PA too. I think it is a bad idea to pump if your PA isn’t completely healed, or if you’ve recently stretched the piercing. That said, most pumpers do sets in the 10-20 minute range at modest pressures (5mmhg) or so. If that describes you, the best strategy would be to take out the ring, do your PE routine, and then put it back in. If you wash the ring carefully and use an antibiotic ointment to reinsert it, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Live long and prosper.

PE with PA

Thanks for your advises..

I received my bathmate Xtreme X30 today. Tried it already. Loved it..

I must say it has nothing to do with the bad experience I had with its pale copy (called the Water Buddy), which I returned right away when I noticed at the first usage that the top valve was leaking and that base was too hard to be comfortable around your penis.

With that said, I agree with you, one must remove the PA ring to PE with a hydro pump.. The pressure and the penile expansion is too much to take for the fistula, even healed and away from any recent stretch. And, it is true that the reinsertion of the PA ring right after the PE requires to be extra gentle with a bit of lubricant. I noticed that the fistula is quite solicited during the PE and works out with the rest.

With that said, I am blown away by the pressure and the quality of the Bathmate Xtreme X30. I think that this thing is going to become my new best friend even though I am only starting my PE journey.. Let me precise here that I have not ties with the Bathmate manufacturer but I must admit that their pump is great.

Update about pumping with a PA

A piece of advice. Do make sure you are away and fully healed from a stretch before you pump.

I tried both ways to pump with and without the ring. For me what works best is to pump with the ring at a larger gauge (circular barbell is best in my case. Over five weeks with a bathmate Extreme X30 I gained flaccid about 1.5cm in length and 1.5cm in girth.

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