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Quick, Need Help Will Be Buying a Pump NOW


Quick, Need Help Will Be Buying a Pump NOW

Ok, I’m going to be buying a pump very very very soon. Today or tomorrow. I was going to get the LA Pump ones, but they’re very expensive. I would have to wait until next pay check to get those.

So, I can do that or get one of those “Dr. Kaplan” ones.

Here’s a link:

I really want to get one now. I’ve read that the good ones have a pressure release valve and a pressure guage. This pump has these qualities.

So go on Kaplan, or wait on LA?


EDIT: If you guys see any products on eBay or anywhere else that are cheaper then LA’s products, let me know. Give me a link so I can check it out. Thanks.

Last edited by TheRealExodus : 11-19-2005 at .

I don’t pump, but you want an immediate answer soooooo:

Don’t go cheap on your dick. You only get one and don’t want to fuck it up. I’ve read (and hope you’ve read) the Pumper’s forum and it’s GOT to have a relief valve that works. Personally, I’d go with LA pumps and yeah they’re expensive but if it means getting one NOW and waiting until you can afford something that isn’t going to rupture you if it fucks-up…… I’d wait.

My 2 cents.

I would wait and get the best. The LA Pump features a metal pump verses a plastic pump and the cylinder is constant diameter verses a tapered design for the Kaplan. So if you just want to buy one, get the LA Pump.

Let me know your erect size, and I will help you buy the correct cylinder size. The manufacturers tend to recommend a size that is too close to your actual size, and then you find yourself having to buy a larger tube after a short time pumping.

Thanks for the replies gents.

Gprent, thanks for offering to give me advice on the best size, but you already gave it to me a couple weeks ago :-) .

How about Osbon pumps? I think it was Thunder or someone that recommended them highly. I can get one for $129 right now with free shipping. What do you think?

Hmm, dang. It must of been someone else who recommended them. I’m not even sure if it was on these forums. But anyway, the link to an Osbon pump is here:

I will base my decision on what you guys recommend. Thanks again :-) .

Oh, by the way, I found the thread that was recommending the Osbon pump. I did do my research, and Osbon pumps sell normally for about $400. They’re the best pumps for people with ED (I don’t have ED, but if it’s medically prescribed - it must be good). I can still get the LA Pump. Let me know what you guys think!

Hey Slack. Yeah, heh, I know it seems like I’m in a rush. I am :-)

Reason being is that I will either buy a paintball gun or a pump, and after speaking with my GF, it’s a pump :-) . Well, I wanna buy one today so that I can get it by this coming weekend. That’s when I’ll see her again :-) .

As for my penis’ condition - yes, it’s ready. It’s not in “veteran” shape, but it’s just like every other exercise on here: take it slow, low pressure, and lot of warming up. I already did my research on pumping here on Thunder’s, and I feel comfortable with what I know. Thanks a lot for your concern though :-) .

Well, yeah, I do need to buy one. I’ve been looking into it for a few weeks already, but now I’m not short on cash. So let me know what you think.

The only reason the Osbon device is so expensive is because it is listed as a medical device and they probably expect somebodies medical insurance to pay for it. Personally, I don’t like the looks of it and wouldn’t buy it. Plus, I didn’t see a vacuum gauge.

I will stick with my original recommendation: LA Pumps. One of the very few, perhaps only system that has a brass pump.

Originally Posted by TheRealExodus
Hey Slack. Yeah, heh, I know it seems like I’m in a rush. I am :-)

Reason being is that I will either buy a paintball gun or a pump, and after speaking with my GF, it’s a pump :-) . Well, I wanna buy one today so that I can get it by this coming weekend. That’s when I’ll see her again :-) .

As for my penis’ condition - yes, it’s ready. It’s not in “veteran” shape, but it’s just like every other exercise on here: take it slow, low pressure, and lot of warming up. I already did my research on pumping here on Thunder’s, and I feel comfortable with what I know. Thanks a lot for your concern though :-) .

Well, yeah, I do need to buy one. I’ve been looking into it for a few weeks already, but now I’m not short on cash. So let me know what you think.

Your penis is ready….how ready? Whats your past RECENT PE experience?

If you havent been jelqing consistently for the last 3-4 months, your dick isnt conditioned.

But otherwise, go with LA PUMP, good quality, although getting replies to emails proved tricky. For me, anyway.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Hey Slack, thanks. I will be buying the LA pump then. I will let you know how it works out for me.

As for my current condition or state - no, I haven’t been jelqing consistently within the past 3 months. I had previous PE expeirence about 2 years ago, and started PEing again recently.

I don’t plan on going all gung-ho when I get the pump though. I read about the potential injuries for pumps if they’re used incorrectly, so I plan on starting off nice and slow. After a couple more months, I will try clamping.

Thanks again, Slack.

One more thing: I noticed that the MightyVac and the pump from LAP are about the same. Would it be cheaper and still be as effective to buy a cylinder from LAP, but to also get the MightyVac?

Originally Posted by Slack
I would advise against getting/using a pump until your dick is conditioned, whether you “start nice and slow” or not……

But its your choice.

I started my PE using a LA Pump. I don’t see a problem doing that. Just start out with low pressure.

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