Thunder's Place

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Raybbaby's Bathmate log and expansion study

Wake up. Check girth. 5 1/2 inches. Warm up for 15 minutes, then,

12 minutes-girth is 5 7/8”

another 10 minutes, girth is 6”

another 10 minutes, girth is 6”

another 10 minutes, girth is 6 1/8”

another 10 minutes, girth hit 6 5/16”

sit down, get hard, do 100 wet and then 50 v-jelqs.

Get hard, girth measures 6”

Sat (23rd) and Sun (24th) off.
15 minute warm up. Girth is 5 7/8
Up my wet jelqs to 200, up my v-jelqs to 70
15 minutes Bathmate girth is 5 7/8”
another 15 minutes, girth is 6” even.
Another 15 minutes, puts my girth all the way up to 6 1/2”
I edge for 20 minutes, my girth is still hitting 6” even.
After an hour, and then again after 2 hours, I get hard and check my girth. Both times my post pump session erection is still hitting 5 3/4” to 5 7/8”

Awesome session. Awesome results.

So I took yesterday off. Measured girth in the morning and it was back to my usual 5 1/2”. I was hoping it would have remained a little bigger than usual, but it was not to be. On a positive note, I stayed at the girlfriend’s last night, and we had sex twice, so EQ is good.

Last edited by raybbaby : 06-27-2012 at .

Ok, got hard, measured girth. It was 5 1/2”. Warmed up for 10 minutes in the Bathmate, and then did 200 wet jelqs, followed by 75 v jelqs. Back into the Bathmate.

Twelve minutes, girth was 5 7/8”

another tweve minutes, girth was 6” even,

Another twelve minutes, girth was 6 5/16”,

a donut was starting, so I quit and edged for another half hour.

A question for you, Raybbaby,

Do you get painful red rings at the base of your shaft?

A few nights ago, I had a pump session which left such painful indentation that I had to take a break for a few days. I believe I have “girthed out” my Hercules model and will now have to go full time with my Goliath model. I don’t particularly like it as much. It is ridiculously long, and not easy to get a good seal with outside the bath tub, but it doesn’t give me the painful red rings though.

Your thoughts?

I been getting some discomfort from it too. I have almost filled the tube, at least girthwise, after these longer sets I’ve been doing. I am going to try a solution I have read about in other places. I will be buying a pair of those thin latex gloves, the kind we think of as “surgery” gloves. I will cut the hand part off, straight across just beneath the thumb. I will then have to experiment a little, but basically,you stretch one end of this 4 to 6 inch vinyl gasket over the comfort ring, and let whatever extra remains hanging down into the bellows. I was going to do this today and post up a picture, but I didn’t get to it. I hope this is a clear enough explanation. I suppose there is really only one way you could do this, so hopefully, you can picture this in your head.

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Last edited by raybbaby : 06-28-2012 at .

Ray, I’ve tried this and it does work fairly well to eliminate the nasty rings at the base. The only problem is trying to fill the bathmate with water and keeping the glove inside. It wants to float up and out. That’s not to say it can’t be done, it just adds a level of frustration.

Aaah, that make sense. I’m sure there will be some trial and error for the first few sessions.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I been getting some discomfort from it too. I have almost filled the tube, at least girthwise, after these longer sets I’ve been doing. I am going to try a solution I have read about in other places. I will be buying a pair of those thin latex gloves, the kind we think of as “surgery” gloves. I will cut the hand part off, straight across just beneath the thumb. I will then have to experiment a little, but basically,you stretch one end of this 4 to 6 inch vinyl gasket over the comfort ring, and let whatever extra remains hanging down into the bellows. I was going to do this today and post up a picture, but I didn’t get to it. I hope this is a clear enough explanation. I suppose there is really only one way you could do this, so hopefully, you can picture this in your head.

Would a condom work?

…30 minutes later….

Ray, I tried the glove thing. I have some surgical gloves laying around. It lessened the indentations slightly. It didn’t totally eliminate them but at least a pump session is now bearable. On the plus side, it improved the seal. I’ve been letting my pubes grow back and the glove helped with the suction. I would recommend using lube.

Thanks for the tip, and happy pumping.

I have read that a condom does work, and you can cut it in half and use only the first 3 or 4 inches of it. Also, because it’s not being used for birth control, you can reuse the same condom over and over.

So on the 28th I warmed up and did 200 wet jelqs, but no pumping, and no measurements. And then on the 29th took that entire day off.

On the 30th I warmed up in the Bathmate for seven minutes. Girth was 5 5/8”, I did 100 wet jelqs followed by 40 v jelqs. Then another 7 minutes of warm up in the Bathmate, but I forgot to measure girth, I went ahead and did another 100 wet jelq, followed by 40 v jelqs .

then; 10 minutes, girth hit 5 7/8”

at 20 minutes girth was 6”

at 30 minutes girth was 6 1/8”

after 40 minutes girth was 6 1/4”

I considered trying another 10 minutes, but I had a donut forming and quite a bit of discloration, so I quit and edged for a while, and called it good.

Today off.

Did the glove trick work?

I still haven’t tried the glove, but others have had fair to good luck with it.

July first off. warmed up today, did 100 jelqs, warmed up a bit more, was 5 3/4”, did another 100 wet jelqs,
10 minutes 5 3/4” girth
20 minutes girth hit 5 7/8”
30 minutes, girth was 6 1.8”, but I decided to quit. Thinking I might go to taking two days off after these longer pumping sessions.


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