Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Sizing of Solid Metal Cock RIngs---for Somedick 54

I design “art” cock rings in silver and bronze etc, for sale over the Internet, so have had to consider this carefully. I have a “temporary web presence”….as opposed to a functional website…. at Follow through from “sex” to “toys” and I am “Circled Serpents”. The photo isn’t good, I know.

The variables are way too many to find this out “for sure” without a “test drive”….In some ways you’re best to go and buy a cheap ring….but this will give you some idea of where you are. As a general rule, once it’s on, and the dick is erect, you should still be able to slip at least the top of your little finger between the ring and your shaft. With flaccid dick, a full finger should fit between the ring and the shaft…..but it shouldn’t be so big as to slip off if you walk around with it in your jeans or swimmers

So we need to emulate this as best we can with a measuring tape…or string if you must.

Using a dressmakers or paper tape measure, measure your shaft behind the balls. Pull moderately tight with the dick say half erect, or a bit tighter with it fully erect. Measure a couple of times and write down the measurement in inches, or mm or whatever.

Get out your calculator and divide this figure (circumference of a circle)by “pi” 3.146.

This will be a rough indicator the diameter of the ring you need to get.

Let me know how you get on!!!!

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Would you all think a good regime of warm up, then 20 min of Jelging and then the pump would get the benifits of both worlds? I bought my pump over a year ago with my wife as a joke and only used it a couple of times because it didn’t know what I was doing. I just recently begain Jelging and remembered that I had the pump. I am going to add it to my routine and see what happens

This is supposed to feel good??

I constructed a pump with the mighty vac and tried it out today. After 10 minutes or so, it made me quite large, but I have read that some guys think this feels good. Am I doing something wrong, cause all I felt was like a tight balloon! The boy was heavy and thick for about an hour later and I am hoping with the stretches and jelqing I was already doing this will accerlerate my gains.

Insight from the experts would be appreciated

I don’t think I understand your question.

The object is to get large through pumping. You are getting large but it sounds like you are complaining? :-) I don’t get the problem.



Originally posted by metalchecker
Would you all think a good regime of warm up, then 20 min of Jelging and then the pump would get the benifits of both worlds? I bought my pump over a year ago with my wife as a joke and only used it a couple of times because it didn't know what I was doing. I just recently begain Jelging and remembered that I had the pump. I am going to add it to my routine and see what happens

Try doing short sets of pumping (6 - 8 minutes) and maybe 5 min of jelking between these sets. You can do a lot of jelks in 5 minutes. After 3 or 4 sets of them, you’ve done a whole bunch.

You are going to have to gradually condition your cock to pumping because you have not done it regularly. Work up gradually per the first post in this thread. You’ll be happy you did.



No complaints, just makin’ sure I am getting the most ‘boing’ for the suck!;)

I was just curious since the sensation I get is somewhat different from what I had been reading, but it sounds like I am doing things right.


The vacuum and the bong

I use a bong, about 2” by 10 inches, and an upright vacuum hose conected at the end with duct tape.. Wonder how much pressure? I have no pain, and it seems to pump well. Nice and plump after.

Anyone else try this?

A bong? Like the kind of bong I am thinking of?

Wow. Some of you guys are highly creative!



Excatly, the dual purpose bong.. How much pressure does my 10 eureka put out? The bong seals perfectly.

I got the bong part - decades ago. Are you talking vacuum cleaner now??

What you will spend in electricity with the Eureka over time will pay for one of these:

Has a gauge!




Do you use the bong after the pumping? I bet your friends would find it really funny that your penis was inside the bong before you sparked up some reefer and passed the bong around.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Man this is very info packed thread!

Life is a game! You win some you lose some! The only easy day was yesterday Just be happy :)

Decisions....what pumps are best???

Hi Avocet and all you guys. Have not been here at the site since early Dec. ‘03. Hope everyone had a great holiday season. Guys, I have never pumped before and don’t own a pump (yet). It is something I have always wanted to get into but never got around to getting one. I had actually hoped I could try one out somewhere before spending the $$. I have looked into Doc Joel Kaplan’s pumps more than once and almost bought one of the electric set ups a few years back. A couple months back I found the site for CTC and their pumps and those cool looking Stallion Cock Cushions. Their equipment sounds pretty good and has over pumping safety precautions built into the electric pumps. Do any of you guys know their line? Would love to get feedback from a number of guys on the types of pumps they are using and how they like them, all the pros and cons etc.. Any suggestions would be more than appreciated. I really like your “pumping 101” Avocet, I know once I get a pump I will refer to that a lot.
Hey how are you Hawaiian dudes (Avocet and peforeal) doing? Wish you could send some of that nice tropical heat back here to NYC!! You guys were so nice in your messages and help when I first joined the site. Thanks again. So many cool and nice guys at this site. I hope I can start coming here more frequently. I was doing pretty great with the PJ and PE then I kind of slacked off.

Best ever to all you guys!


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