Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Lots of tips in old thread, Glenn, and feel free to hound away. It feels better, too, than hanging don’t you think?



Oh yes,

feels much better than hanging and the pre-post prep is so much faster. I will continue to hang - after I find some weights - once I get to London and will be living by myself. Glenn


Always glad to help out a fellow pumper. I’ve also recently tried some hanging, but I just can’t seem to get into it as much as pumping and my latest thing, erect clamping.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Hi Peforeal

Did a morning and aftrenoon session today with the pump - 10 minutes each as suggested by avocet in the third week. Can’t believe I’m folloiwng that smart ass’ advice :-) ~ Also did 2, 10-minute sessoins pumping my balls before I put my rings on. Did 2 sessions of erect clamping as well, 30 minutes each. I leave the clamp and Homedic strap on until my cock starts to numb a bit then I take it off and massage. I’m not great with the Homedic and clamop in that my dick is pretty small and there’s not a whole lot of pecker sticking out of the strap in which to engorge. If you need any hanging advice, I’ll try and help you with it. Due to weight limits on luggage, I’ll have to leave my weights here and buy new ones in London for my Bib Starter.

Aloha, Glenn

Originally Posted by Glenn Delta
Did a morning and aftrenoon session today with the pump - 10 minutes each as suggested by avocet in the third week. …. Due to weight limits on luggage, I’ll have to leave my weights here and buy new ones in London for my Bib Starter.

Aloha, Glenn


You need to get your priorities straight. Leave your clothes and personal belongings back home, and just take your weights in your luggage for hanging. You can always buy new clothes in London. LOL.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Not when

a frigging white undershirt is $18.00. After Tokyo, London is the second most expensive city to live in the world. I’ll have to save up to be poor.


I’ve just read this entire thread. Good stuff in here. I’m pretty much a newbie but I have done some jelqing and other manual stuff and was looking to getting into pumping. I have a curve (hence the name), I don’t think it’s too severe but I was wondering if this would change the size of tube I need to order. I’m about 5 1/2 in girth which tells me I need a 1 3/4 inch cylinder. Thing is, I curve to the left so wouldn’t the head be pressing against the cylinder on the left, and could this make for some oddities when I start to expand? I’m thinking a bigger cylinder might be in order but I don’t want to guess wrong and screw myself up.

Also, has any one here tried pumping with a bent rod? If so, did it straighten a little, or stay the same? Any change at all, positive or negative?

"...this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to..."

- Maynard James Keenan

I should also add that I’m a bit concerned with a couple of things. I plan on going at it slow and following 101 here, but I am still concerned with deformation, dependency, and performance being affected.

Deformation - I realize that pumping puts a strain on the penis and I’d like to avoid any ridiculous abnormalities. I’d like to pretty much look the same, have the same shape, just bigger. I’m pretty symmetrical, no baseball bat going on or anything like that and I like the shape and overall look. Is this possible to avoid “mutating” or changing the look of it and still increase in size, assuming I follow the guidelines?

Dependency and Performance - I’m engaged and I live with my fiance and needless to say, I need (and want) to be able to have sex on a pretty much daily basis. I don’t want to have to depend on a pump to get a full erection and that would be awkward in the bedroom anyway. Also, is there any problem with having sex and pumping in the same day? My fiance works nights, we usually have sex in the evening, then she grabs a little nap and takes off around 10:30 pm. I usually start my manual PE stuff around this time. I know that I’ll need to take days off from pumping and PE but will I need to take days off from sex too? This has been discussed to some extent already and I think I’ll just have to “listen to my dick” as it were, but I thought I’d ask anyway.

Sorry for all the questions.

"...this may hurt a little but it's something you'll get used to..."

- Maynard James Keenan

You don’t sound very concerned about the curve, so forget it. Make your tube size decision based on your actual girth, a 1.75. If the curve is not severe, your dick will slide comfortably into the tube and if you are well-lubed, it won’t chafe against the side walls even if pressed against the walls on one side.

I’ve yet to read here of anybody here who practiced sensible pumping getting a deformed unit. Been here for years.

Performance: When you pump and when you have sex will probably be decided by your refractory timing; how long after you ejaculate you require before the next erection can happen.

If sex before isn’t interfering with your manual work now, it probably won’t interfere with pumping. Just resist the temptation to finish your PE work by ejaculating close in time to when you might then have sex.



Ok Avocet,
I thought may as well talk about this here.
What if what is effective is a combination of external vacuum and internal pressure? I’ve been reading a post where a guy lightly cable clamps, uses constant heat (hot water) then when he gets a max erection…clamps one notch tighter, kegels as hard as he can for as long as he can hold it, then ends session. Says about 6x/day for a few weeks will produce great results. Kinda’ like the American version of ballooning.
What I’m thinking is, maybe the use of your velcro wrap helps with internal pressures to help expand or cement the gains made by external pressures. Further, its “feels” much more effective if I can get a really hard erection in the tube while under vacuum. This is where the moderate to low pressures come in for me. If I go above 5 in hg, it is hard to get a hard erection. At lower pressures, I can get a better erection…greater internal pressures. Think about it…we are trying to expand the walls in an effective way. If you use a lower vacuum, but add significant internal pressures, that probably gives a greater net force towards expansion. Plus it is using the “plumbing” blood vessels and valves the right way. This is also why kegels are important, they seem to allow a much greater internal pressure.
So it seems critical elements to improve pumping success (one way, anyway)
1 Enough vacuum to expand the tissues, yet not produce enough damage that causes rebound (shrinkage). I think no more vacuum than you can maintain a good level of hardness. Check with the part of the penis that isn’t in the tube. (2-5 in hg ?) Maybe it not productive to overwhelm the internal mechanism needed to produce an erection.
2. Short duration in tube 5-10 minutes seem to work well generally, multiple sets if needed.
3. After or between vacuum sets, produce increased internal pressures. Velcro wrap, jelqing, cable clamps etc. I think short duration of moderately intense pressure, or longer period of modest pressure (velcro wrap?)
4. Kegels to increase the ability to produce higher internal pressures.
5. Recovery. Like exercise, it will depend on your levels of growth hormone, testosterone, etc, amount of damage done during exercises. I think you should experiment with different amounts of time off until you find what gets the best results.
6. Heat. Over and over I’m hearing from guys getting much better expansion with heat. I bet that there is a productive range of heat, that if you’re under it…minimal effect. Over it..can damage the skin. I would like somehow to get the guys that have seen real improvement to measure the heat and report it.

Well, I’m just trying to tie all the elements together in an effective way of approaching this. Give me some feedback on this if you have time.

Wow, Sparky, you do manage to cram a lot of stuff into a post. ;-) But I’ll try to separate out what seem the main points.

Vacuum pressure: the 3 to 5 hg range is suggested by most pumpers as being sufficient to maintain a firm erection and without the damage that higher pressure can cause. If you find your erection flagging at higher pressures than that, this is probably good because you’ll then avoid going higher than the “safe” range.

Internal and external pressures: The easiest and best way I know to maximize internal pressures while pumping is to use a good-fitting cock ring. I use a ring during maybe 25 percent of the times I pump. Arterial pressure engorges the penis to the max; the ring prevents some of the back flow out, hence the cavernosal chambers fill to their capacity causing a certain amount of tunica stretch in the process, and the arteries and veins expand to their current capacity, too. This part is pretty obvious because they do tend to pop out all over the shaft. Even the glans is affected, engorging to its max as well. Kegels bump up the “internal” pressure, too.

I use a ring sometimes for reasons other than those you might because I have the size already that I like. Having ED, I pay a lot more attention to arterial and venous health than to shaft size gain.

Any kind of artificial (PE) expansion/stretching will cause microtears. We see this visually in the extreme when we go a little too far with the pressure or a manual exercise and get blood spots and capillary breaks. The unseen microtears are the best ones to work on and to concentrate on post-PE. By using a post-PE wrap like the TheraP or another comfortable velcro or leather construction like an adjustable three-snap cock and ball ring, some engorgement from the PE erection is held over and the microtears heal while we are larger rather than turtled-up.

For you guys who use some sort of post-PE wrap, don’t be discouraged to find early on that your flaccid is not as large as you hoped it would be a a half hour after you wrap. The effect is cumulative. Micro-tears heal quite quickly; after a sensible work-out they have healed in 12 hrs or certainly by the next day. With a wrap on you can pretty easily get yourself re-aroused and increase your healing times in the larger state.

I agree totally that heat is very important to gains. Not only does heat increase blood flow but I am pretty sure it increases the rate of cell division, too. During the period of my fastest gains I was using a wet, heated cloth after every short pump/jelk session. The various heating pads suggested by guys in the Pumper’s Forum, (Gprent has a good one), make a whole lot of sense to me.

If I left anything important out, give me a hoot.




We have doctors in this forum, don’t we? lol

these last two post Summarized the work of several years. You can’t go wrong following these instructions.

Great job guys

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I’ve been reading a post where a guy lightly cable clamps, uses constant heat (hot water) then when he gets a max erection…clamps one notch tighter, kegels as hard as he can for as long as he can hold it, then ends session. Says about 6x/day for a few weeks will produce great results. Kinda’ like the American version of ballooning.


If you do try the clamping method that you mentioned above be prepared for some major skin discoloring if you go overboard. For me, it seemed as if many short ten minute sessions spaced evenly throughout the day worked much better than one long session in the morning. Also, it seemed as if warm water worked much better verses hot water. I believe that using water that is too hot will accelerate skin discoloring. Hot tub water would probably be pretty close to the ideal temperature (104 degrees - it pisses me off that my hot tub is outside in range of my neighbors view).

Unfortunately just about every time that I get into a good routine which produces good results, I always end up screwing it up by starting to smoke cigarettes again (this causes severe reduction of arterial inflow to my penis). The funny thing is, when I first begin to smoke after being off of them for a month or longer, my erections will actually improve for several days (initial reduced venous outflow while the arterial inflow is temporarily unchanged). However, after the third day back on them, my erections slowly start to decline right up until the point to where I will need Viagra. I think the penile arteries are a little slower reacting to the drugs in cigarettes than the penile veins are. This temporarily causes reduced venous outflow until the arteries are forced to shrink down catching up to the veins.

The thing that our dicks need are big arteries with small veins so that we’ll be showers instead of growers. Judging from the logic above, I would tend to think that showers probably have better erectile function than growers do.


Last edited by r0ad_h0gg : 07-16-2004 at .

Thanks Road Hog,

Let me give credit where it is due, that was indeed you I was referring to. I thought it sounded brilliant! By skin discoloration, do you mean the permanent type? I really am trying to avoid that! I’ve been water pumping, and it is really good in not causing fluid build up or discoloration. I’m fairly new at this and really don’t want to disfigure Mr Johnson! After Avocets post above, as well as your routine I considering trying this; I made a Velcro strap (about 1/2 wide) that I will wrap around penis and scrotum while water pumping in a hot tub. The idea is to increase internal pressure, while applying external vacuum (apx 3-5 in hg) while in hot water. I plan on doing about 5 min cycles in the tube, jelqing the tube from the low end (about 2 in hg) to the higher end (3-5), for a 3 sec hold. I figure 2-3 cycles with some easy blasters in between ( stretch the penis out and up, and do kegels under tension). I think this is very much in line with your idea, except I add a external vacuum which should enhance the effect of the increased internal pressure. Ideally, I think you are on the right track with the short frequent thing. If I could do 5 minutes, six times /day I think that would be great. There’s just no way I can get out my equipment, get in the tub and pull my pud 6x/day!!! I would have to be retired and have an extremely understanding wife for that one!

I’m glad you piped in here, in that I think you have some real good concepts…thanks!



ps good thing we are among friends here, because we really sound like a bunch of sick bastards!

Hi Avocet,

I’m learning my way around Thunder’s, so my posting different threads at the Newbie’s and Pumper’s forums has nothing to do with bad manners. I read this thread when I first came to this place and later several times, but thought it was and old and closed thread. Anyway, my apologies.

I started pumping a couple of weeks ago. At first, I wasn’t much interested in pumping but after giving it some thought, reading many of your posts, including “Pumping to treat ED” and understanding the mechanics of it, came to the conclusion that pumping was -perhaps- the most health oriented PE technique (done propperly, of course).

I got unexpected results as you know from my thread (which should have posted here) “Pumping and Testicle Pain Relief” and are very enthusiastic about possible gains in girth as well as in length.

I’m reproducing some of my threads here where -I think- they belong. Don’t know whether the original threads can be deleted.

“I have been pumping for about two weeks with a homemade equipment (haven’t been able to get the vacuum gauge, yet). I’m not being cheap, but the circumstances in my country now make e-commerce almost impossible. I pump until I feel discomfort and then back up a little. I’m not getting any more petechias (maybe Vit C, E and Hesperidine-Diosmine (Daflon) supplementation has helped) nor thrombosed veins I can detect, although some veins get a little thick and hard after the workout, but with jelqing and massage are restored to their original state. I pumped for 5 min. jelq, massage 5 min. and repeat 4 times, applying heat all the time. I feel a nice pump, especially at the base where I hope to pack some serious girth. I’m packing about 3” of the tube and normally reach a 6.5” length, some times 7”. My routine includes 20 min. stretching (mainly BTCs).”

I have a question about how pumped length relates to BPEL and FSBPL.
“My FSBPL is 7.5”, my BPEL is 6.5” although I (and the wife) have measured up to 7.5” on occasions when very hard. Since I only reach 6.5”-7” during pumping, I wondered how these figures normally compare (on average) according to the experts’ opinions.

An also:

“I have pumping my balls in a 2.5” tube for 30min. once or twice a day (easy to do while doing other things).
I need to know for how long and at what vacuum pressure I can safely do it.”

I don’t know if this subject has been treated in older threads, I’ve tried searching with no results. If so, please direct me to them.”

Take care and thank you,


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