Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by avocet8
Is there a small conflict here or am I reading it wrong?


One is 8” NBPEL, and at my current fat pad level I’d need to be 9” BPEL to have that.

So nyah nyah I think :)

Originally Posted by Glenn Delta
I’ve been a hanger for a while and started with the LAdist pump about two months ago. I have to say I’m really hooked on it. Avocet and peforeal don’t believe the pump will give you permanent gains, yet it’s so simple to use, I would have no problem pumping for the rest of my life to maintain any gains I might get. It’s far simpler, and less time consuming, then hanging, altho I won’t give up hanging. I see you’re in the UK, I just moved to the Canary Wharf area last month.

Take Care, Glenn

Hi Glenn,

Can you see hi to the Queen for me? And I don’t mean Elton John!

Actually, I do believe that pumping can give you permanent gains. I’m a product of those permanent gains myself, i.e. my first inch in length. Like you, I’ll be pumping for the rest of my life in some way. I do it at least 4 days/week, and my dick never felt healthier and I’m still making gains, especially in the girth department.

Have a good pump for me! I knew avocet8 and I would make a permanent pumper out of you.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Hi Peforeal

Yes, you and pesky Avocet turned me into a believer. I’m doing 2, 20-minute sessions per day. Since I returned to work, can’t seem to get in that third 20 minutes. I noticed neither you nor Avo chimed in on the question of going into the tube flaccid or erect and then remaining erect. What do you two perverts think? I know that Avo says one can go in the tube either flaccid or erect. I sure don’t want to spend 40 minutes, plus jelking, post pump strapping then heat if I’m doing this incorrectly. Of course when it comes to PE, what’s good for one is not particularly good for another.


I think it’s best to go in erect because you get less lymphatic fluid interference. But some guys can’t go in erect (ED issues) and so it’s perfectly fine for them to go in flaccid. The repeated vacuum erections they get will help reduce the degree of their ED in the long run, anyway.




I prefer to go in as erect as possible in order to encourage more length through maximizing my dick stretch in the cylinder. But, even if you go in flaccid or semi-flaccid, the pressure will cause an expansion of your dick which will be good for girth/length also. Just do it! By the way, if you stop having afternoon tea sessions with the Queen, you can probably fit in that extra 20 minute workout.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

I was gonna

tell the Queen hello per your request, pefor, but I think he’s dead, went and saw a musical about him - “We Will Rock You” with another Thunder member last March and sure ‘nuff, he be dead. Well, I normally go into the tube semi erect, there’s only so many times a day I can get erect - shit, I’m close to 60. Feel I do pretty damned well with about 4 erectons a day for PE stuff. Maybe I should get some of that generic Viagra stuff to force more erections, but it’s pretty steep to use on a daily basis. Not sure if it’s available over here in the UK.

You guys take care and thank you for what you do for us pumpers. I will probably start alternating hanging and pumping soon, all my perverse PE stuff has arrived from Atlanta. It’s kinda nice just to leave it out in the open now. I leave my cable clamp and Homedic strap wrapped around my towel rack in the bathroom. Very convenient.


Originally Posted by Glenn Delta
tell the Queen hello per your request, pefor, but I think he’s dead, went and saw a musical about him - “We Will Rock You” with another Thunder member last March and sure ‘nuff, he be dead. Well, I normally go into the tube semi erect, there’s only so many times a day I can get erect - shit, I’m close to 60. Feel I do pretty damned well with about 4 erectons a day for PE stuff. Maybe I should get some of that generic Viagra stuff to force more erections, but it’s pretty steep to use on a daily basis. Not sure if it’s available over here in the UK.

You guys take care and thank you for what you do for us pumpers. I will probably start alternating hanging and pumping soon, all my perverse PE stuff has arrived from Atlanta. It’s kinda nice just to leave it out in the open now. I leave my cable clamp and Homedic strap wrapped around my towel rack in the bathroom. Very convenient.



I buy the generic Viagra at about $2 per 100 mg tab, I then cut it in 8’s for PE so it cost me almost .25 everytime I use it. If I happen to mutilate the tab I just crush it all the way and just put a small amount of the Viagra dust under my tongue. There could have been a day when I would have snorted it. Of course, when I might have snorted was long before Viagra was invented and long before I needed it. Oh well another story.

Good luck


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Thanks 7

I’ll try and get hold of the generic stuff over here. BTW, I’m from Cocoa Beach, the place in FL no one knew about until the space industry got into full swing.


My office had been in Cocoa Beach for about a decade, now on the other side of the Air Force Base.

Good luck with the Viagra and enjoy your privacy.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

You might like Cialis more than V, Glenn. It’s effective for a whole lot longer.



Originally Posted by Glenn Delta

I’ll try and get hold of the generic stuff over here

You could try ,they are pretty cheap and UK based :D

Welcome to sunny England……our summers are usually better (thanks to global warming)

I got my pump 2 days ago and think it’s great (so does the wife) I have to stop myself from pumping up the pressure and sucking the shit out of my cock. Oh well only day 3 :)

Thanks Avo and ForMe

I have one tab of V and about 3 of C that I took for maximizing flaccid hang - which didn’t work too well. I’ll finish off these and then go on the site ForMe suggested. I found C to be as expensive as V. And while I don’t need it for sex, I probably do for PE. I’m noticing I get pretty flaccid when I come out of the tube and getting an erection for post pump jelking and strapping is getting harder (ops, I guess I should say more difficult). I’m not one who gets off on porn and the brain, which is supposed to be our biggest erotic motivator, is missing after I gave myself a lobotomy for Christmas. Thanks, Guys, for the suggestions, I shall take them.

Oh, ForMe, where are you? I’m about 6 blocks from Canary Wharf in the Docklands. I’ve been coming to the UK for about 20 years, so your weather is no that much of a shock for me. It’s been quite nice here since I moved over, I sure as hell don’t miss the humidity in Atlanta about right now.


Originally Posted by Glenn Delta
Oh, ForMe, where are you? I’m about 6 blocks from Canary Wharf in the Docklands.

Nice area…….I flew over the other day and I must say it’s looking nice down there. I’m about 40 miles west of Docklands, so no chance of popping round for tea :)

I’ve been pumping for about 4 days now at about 6 HG, but I don’t seem to feel a good pull on my unit until about 8 HG, should I pump to my comfort level or stick below 6 HG? Plus I must say that due to the upward curve of my erection and the fact that the pump pulls me down to a 90 degree angle is somewhat uncomfortable and I’m a little worried it may decrease my natural erection angle ?!?

My starting routine is roughly: Hot wrap, some light stretching and achieving erection, 5 mins @ 6 HG, 10 mins 80-100% erect jelqing, 10 mins @ 6HG, hot wrap. 5 days on 2 off. What do you think guys?

If you have a whole lot of PE behind you, you might be able to take higher pressures with no problem. Ramp up by small increments each day, see how that feels. If there is serious vacuum strain, verging on pain, you can be sure that you are going to end up with some issue you’d rather not have. But you might be one of those who can start at higher HG than I suggest.



Cheers avocet8, I’m not feeling any discomfort as high as 10 HG, but I’m gonna keep to about 6-8 HG for the time being. I have also found that I have little or no fluid build-up after my work-outs, but my head seems a funny shape (less flared) but this could be due to my head girth almost maxing out, so no longer looks proportionate with my shaft. Overall I’m still pretty chuffed with my pump :D


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