Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101


The best way to get your issues discussed among other members is to start a New Thread. Look up on the right hand corner of every Forum page here. When you have a separate subject from one being discussed now, click on New Thread, give it a title, and say what you want. That way your stuff won’t get mixed in with others’ stuff.

Did we answer your issues yet? If not, start a thread and we will have at it and try to help.

Good to see you posting, even if you sometimes get things in the wrong place. I’m just trying to see that you get the best audience possible.



Congratulations Avocet on creating a thread of such distinction that the kiss of death (aka sticky function) couldn’t down.

I’ve just read supersizeit’s pumping article again followed up by yet another read of yours.

I’ve said it once, and will say it again, invaluable stuff! :thumbs:

Supersizeit did a great job on his write-up. Everybody thinking about pumping should read both that and Pumping 101.

Stickies are indeed the kiss of death for a thread but somehow this one has persevered. I am happy for that, and thanks for the good words.

Stay the course, ICM. We will all help you to your goals.

Now, if you do get 9 x 5.5, are you going to quit there? It amuses me that some many into PE change their goal levels (up) once they get to them or near them.



Originally Posted by avocet8
Stay the course, ICM. We will all help you to your goals.

Thank you! :)

Originally Posted by avocet8
Now, if you do get 9 x 5.5, are you going to quit there? It amuses me that some many into PE change their goal levels (up) once they get to them or near them.

I’ve given a lot of thought to this. If I was, one day, 9” BPEL, I wouldn’t go any longer. What’s the need? Hell that’s it, I simply wouldn’t need any more, for ego or anything. With that BPEL I’d probably be about 8.25” NBPEL and that is plenty.

As for the girth, I don’t know. I’ve gone from 4.5” to 4.75” and the biggest increase I ever had was to be 5.25” at the base. It is possible that I would like more than 5.5”, but in terms of “magic numbers” and my outlook towards size, my TEBAT figures should be right on, and my goal (at least length-wise) is my final one.

If (dare I say ‘when’?) I reach 9 x 5.5 I’ll still pump to maintain it, and to keep the vascular system healthy as it’s great stuff.

And yes I forgot to compliment supersizeit’s writing, it also delivers well and is another essential read.


I ditto avocet8’s “Stay the course, ICM. We will all help you to your goals.” That’s the great thing about this site is the willingness of many to help and support others. I’ve stayed in the PE game way beyond the time that I thought I would for this same reason.

Now as far as goals go, I thought I would quit or go into retirement at 7” x 6”. But here I am still shooting for another 1/2 inch to reach 8” erect BP and I’ve surpassed my girth goals in a major way. Of course I’m sure that if I ever reach 8”, I’ll just set my new bar at 9” BPEL like you. Why stop?


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal

I ditto avocet8’s “Stay the course, ICM. We will all help you to your goals.” That’s the great thing about this site is the willingness of many to help and support others. I’ve stayed in the PE game way beyond the time that I thought I would for this same reason.

Yeah this place is like no other. There are so many people I’ll need to thank personally when I’m ‘done’ (if I ever decide to stop). I also have an excellent mentor and have tried to pass on this help down to my mentorees.

Originally Posted by peforeal
Now as far as goals go, I thought I would quit or go into retirement at 7” x 6”. But here I am still shooting for another 1/2 inch to reach 8” erect BP and I’ve surpassed my girth goals in a major way. Of course I’m sure that if I ever reach 8”, I’ll just set my new bar at 9” BPEL like you. Why stop?

Would you stop at 9” BPEL?

Originally Posted by ICM

…Would you stop at 9” BPEL?


Honestly, I can’t imagine I’ll ever stop. PE is already such an established and regular activity in my life. I’d just modify the amount of time and intensity that I apply, depending on my life rhythms.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Water in the cylinder may give the illusion of packing the tube. I seem to visually pack the tube with water, but when I put the whole cylinder under water, a more normal view is apparent, which is not visually packing the tube.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Hi Avocet,

Thank you for the reply.

I have already posted on issues regarding pumping with no success. Being new around here I thought either the issues were treated already in other threads or I was wrongly starting threads instead of posting here (Pumping 101). I do care for your advice and regard your opinions very highly, the same way I feel about Peforeal and other vets who have been not only a great help but also decent cool guys, which seems a common occurrence here at Thunder’s, by the way.

I have been disciplined in reading as many of the old threads as I can, have also tried searching with no great success. I guess I’ll keep trying and banging my head against the walls until I get things right.

Thank you again,


The confusion was that previously your posts were attached to other subjects or were in other forums than this one.

If you post pumping issues here, each under a new subject heading in it’s own thread, you can then be sure that we will try to help in any way we can.



Right, I’ve read this whole thread and have just ordered my pump from LAdist. I hope this will work for me, as I’ve been getting very frustrated with my inability to gain girth.

Cheers for a great post Avocet8………I’ll be back :D

Hi For Me

I’ve been a hanger for a while and started with the LAdist pump about two months ago. I have to say I’m really hooked on it. Avocet and peforeal don’t believe the pump will give you permanent gains, yet it’s so simple to use, I would have no problem pumping for the rest of my life to maintain any gains I might get. It’s far simpler, and less time consuming, then hanging, altho I won’t give up hanging. I see you’re in the UK, I just moved to the Canary Wharf area last month.

Take Care, Glenn

Originally Posted by avocet8
Now, if you do get 9 x 5.5, are you going to quit there? It amuses me that some many into PE change their goal levels (up) once they get to them or near them.

Ahem. This is from an early on post in my progress report, over a year ago: ICM - ICM´s Progress Report

My goal hasn’t changed! (notice that one measurement is BPEL, the other NBPEL.

So you can remove me from the “amusing newbie” list if you don’t mind! :)

Is there a small conflict here or am I reading it wrong?

Way back then you said:

>My ultimate goal is:

5.5” EG <

Your subscript reads today,

“Final goal: 9” BPEL, 5.5 EGMS”

Did another inch get added in there somewhere?

Maybe that’s just “internal penis” you aren’t going to count? :)




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