Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

There is no need to buy a water friendly pump,Just try doing the complete operation under the water while in the bath or spa ,and just suck on the pipe[hose]If you dont have a small plastic tap to put on the end ,bend the end over.IMPORTANT . GO SLOWLY.Every cc of water you suck out has to be replaced by 1cc of blood into the penis


Welcome back. I visited NYC during the holidays and actually enjoyed the temporary change of pace in the weather from Hawaii. The good news is that even under the cold NYC conditions, my dick held a very respectable flaccid size. I wondered if I would experience a great size difference going from regular balmy climate to a frigid one. I thank the PE gods daily for finding their way to me three years ago.

Now, it’s time for you to commit. You can’t get a bigger dick by just thinking about it. If you do decide to pump, purchase quality cylinders and a pump. You won’t truly be able to appreciate effective pumping using cheap products.

Best to you.


Man, I read Pumping 101 back in Nov when I first joined T’s Place, but guess I missed a lot on the first read. I just read this whole thread again and you guys have peeked my interest on water pumping, I think it may be the only form of PE I haven’t tried yet. myeight’s comment above has given me an idea. Before I go out and buy a water compatible pump, let me ask this question to the group.

Once I realized the Doc Johnston hand pump (Sold in sex stores as the Doc Joel Pump), was basically a piece of s—t that falls apart almost every time you use it, I bought a Kaplan hand pump and have really good luck with it, mostly in girth gains. I still have the old Johnston pump. I guess I’ve just been holding onto it for a backup or for parts, mostly the gauge, in case the gauge on the Kaplan pump got broken, or in case I someday ordered the electric Kaplan pump which is a lot cheaper if ordered without the gauge, but I have recently found the threading is different. So now that I don’t really care if I damage the old pump, I was thinking of trying it underwater in the hot tub. I suppose the water will destroy the gauge but since it will not fit the Kaplan pumps anyway, is there any reason I couldn’t just take the whole rig out to the hot tub and pump away?

Should I try to remove the gauge? I could unscrew it, but it will leave a hole to suck air, or water. I guess I could find a way to close the hole, but might just be easier to just leave the gauge on, or just let the hole suck water until pressure is acheived then pop the hose off. I would be pumping blind as far as pressure, but like Avocet said after a while you kind of get a feel for the correct pressure, and know when it is too much unless the feel for pumping water is different than pumping air. Or perhaps the gauge that is on the cheap pump now will show pressure in hg underwater? I think everything is plastic anyway. However, I know that water is denser than air, so I’m not sure the readings would be accurate, probably safer to just go by feel. Has anyone tried this? Would appreciate any advice on this idea before I perhaps blow my dick to smitherines.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


The mechanically inclined guys can advise you. My only advice in water pumping is to be real careful about pressure levels. When you’re dick is immersed in water, the skin becomes very soft making water blisters more likely. You don’t want them; they hurt like the dickens and take awhile to heal.



Big Girtha,

You are worrying way too much about things. Vacuum gauges mostly use standard eighth inch or quarter inch male pipe thread. Take the gauge off of the pump and bring it to the hardware store for comparison to a like threaded male pipe plug.

Better yet, put a barbed nipple on the pump and on the vacuum gauge and connect the two with a length of clear plastic tubing.

While pumping, make sure that you hang the gauge above the water level and you won’t have to worry about sucking water into it. You may see some water in the tubing but I don’t believe that it could be drawn up into the gauge as long as you keep the gauge up higher than the water.

For under twenty bucks you can go to almost any automotive store and buy the same hand vacuum pump with a gauge (mighty vac) that Kaplan sells.


I have a question about pumping and sex. Can you use the pump without having your dick deflate as soon as you release the pressure? I have been pumping for a week now and my cock definitely gains in the pump but as soon as I release it deflates.

You can use the pump to achieve an erection for sex. You need a cylinder that is not flanged (no widened “lip” at the base) and a cock ring that is flexible enough to fit over the outside of your cylinder.

Pump up to your maximum erection then slide the cock ring down the outside of the cylinder and off it so that the ring fits snuggly around the skin at the base of your shaft. THEN release the pressure in your cylinder. If the cock ring fits you correctly, you will maintain your firm (pumped) erection and can move on to sex.

It’s important to remember that a shaft-only cock ring needs to be removed after a half hour to allow newly oxygenated blood in and avoid ozygen starvation to penile tissues.



A sight that is worth visiting and specialize’s in pumping equipment, and prices that will not break the bank is.

http://www.yiny … .com/About.html

You will find both cock and ball pumping devices here.

I was just looking at the site petersellers mentioned, and had a few questions:

Does one have to purchase a pump separately from a tube?

Is the gellbell a good idea to get installed on the tubes?

Has anyone purchased from them before? If so, could you comment on how you sized your order and how the whole experience went?

thanks a lot, guys:)

does anyone here suggest a good penis pump, where can i get one, do i haev to order one or can i get a good one at a local sex shop.

Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"

Take a look at and also read the sources various guys have used that are in threads below.

A sex shop pump is likely to be flimsy. And you won’t have the option of ordering a tube size to your own dimensions.



Originally Posted by avocet8
This company is reliable, btw, and ships promptly.

Cylinder Sizing :

I ordered a pump 4 days ago. Even paid for 2nd-day air shipping. I have not heard jack from them. I’ve emailed them. No response. Is this unusual?


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Originally Posted by marty5379
I ordered a pump 4 days ago. Even paid for 2nd-day air shipping. I have not heard jack from them. I’ve emailed them. No response. Is this unusual?

Oh Marty you didnt see that … well they filed… ahhh bancruptcy… ahh 4 days ago. Right after collecting your money.

Just kidding. Captnhook had some similar discussions with them about being a few days late. But he got his stuff on or about the one week mark. You should get your money back for the 2 day delivery though.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Hi mikewhit, I have purchased tubes and other cylinders from “” The fellow who runs this site is named Clayton. I had problems with a couple of items go defective after a month of use, They changed them FOC and paid the shipping for the new items. The best way to get answers to your other questions is to email direct Clayton will be pleased to answer any questions you have. I have purchased cylinders from other sites, but I did not receive the service that “yinyangchi” gave me. Also if you compare the prices for simular tubes and pumps from other manufactuers you will soon see that “yinyangchi” is by far the best product for the money.


Originally Posted by 789
Oh Marty you didnt see that … well they filed… ahhh bancruptcy… ahh 4 days ago. Right after collecting your money.

I just ruined a clean pair of underwear :)


"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood


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