Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101


Revenge of Pillsbury Dough Dicks and The Stay-Puff Ball Sacks from Hell.

Is there anyway to pump and still have a normal looking penis?

Their archive has some daily pictures that are truly beyond fetish… It appears to be a whole lifestyle.

Why would you pump your scrotum to the size of a grapefruit? How is that useful?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 05-26-2005 at .

I don’t understand that tapering towards the head, I don’t want to get my glans squashed either. If anything I want it bigger. One of my tubes, the 2.5” has that design. For the time being it poses no problems because I’m not packing more than 3/4 of my dick, but soon will have to do something about it.


You don’t get your balls sucked with the 2.25”?

I still think you should be doing fine with the 1.75” and -maybe- staging to the 2”.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

Is there anyway to pump and still have a normal looking penis?

Their archive has some daily pictures that are truly beyond fetish… It appears to be a whole lifestyle.

Why would you pump your scrotum to the size of a grapefruit? How is that useful?

Safe pumping as outlined in Pumping 101 will never cause those distortions.

And if you do pump your balls to grapefruit size, what do you then wear to the hardware store or the mall? :)



Originally Posted by avocet8
And if you do pump your balls to grapefruit size, what do you then wear to the hardware store or the mall? :)

Well, the Tigers site has some shots of guys who have obviously got special pants… Just wonder what you tell your tailor?
“Yeah, I need these pants to be let out in the package area. I’m thinking of storing fresh produce there…”

As you can deduce I spent some minutes on the site going through the archive pictures. It was kind of like rubber-necking on the highway; it’s morbid and digusting, but you can’t look away.

I was in search of just one person who was pumping his penis to a normal-looking, albeit larger size. No chance. There were some who had an initial shot pumped to a somewhat normal looking large size, but then a few picts later had gone for the grapefruit or melon sack look and had given themselves, what I assume is known on this forum as, a MAJOR Donut-efftect on the ‘ole Johnson. Some were distorted and bent and looked like baby elephant trunks - not in length, but in the way they were bent and puffy, with weird foreskin distortions that looked like the end of elephant trunk to me. >shiver<

It seems that the Tiger’s people have…how shall I say it?…a different aesthetic when it comes to male genitalia. Personally I like the pants I have now. It’s good to have a nice package, but all subtly is lost at Tigers; who really needs to walk down the street carrying a ‘load’ in front?

It’s pretty bizarre. Survey says: YUCK.

Your initial post of Pumping 101 is very clear and detailed and seems common sense and safety conscious. It is in keeping with what I read from Supersizeit, and what the little blurb on says - although you were much more thorough and articulate. What you wrote is very clear and it seems to be worth considering. I’ll say one thing for Tigers - it certainly demonstrates that extreme results are possible, and if that’s so those of us who have slightly more realistic goals can certainly take heart.

I’m interested in what you have said with regard to restoring penile health and vitality through pumping. That’s something I would like to hear more about. I’m not reaching for the Viagara (or equivalent) as of yet, but I have noticed a fews after passing 40 that Mr. Happy needs a little more persuading than he once did.

Any thoughts on that?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I believe (firmly, so to say) that PE can go a long way toward rejuvenating a “mature” penis and penile vascular system. Fact is that as you move along in life, your entire vascular system changes. You are nearing mid-forties. Not old at all and not a normal time to get into any serious trouble. But your fifties loom ahead and now is a good time to anticipate what may or may not happen for you during that decade or the next one.

A goodly number of men first experience ED during their fifties and most of that is due to vascular causes. Pumping has been shown to be an excellent vascular exercise. Repeated erections under vacuum act much in the same way as a healthy nocturnal erection pattern does, 4 - 5 of them a night, each lasting about 30 minutes, but on a smaller scale. The repeated introduction of newly oxygenated blood tends to flush out both arteries and veins of accumulated fibrous material over time (“gunk” as it is usually called), making the entire penile vascular system more efficient than it was. Further, pumping has a tendency to encourage arterial expansion and often results in new arterial growth, as many of us pumpers have found.

My advice would be to hold off on the erectile enhancers (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and the rest) so long as your erectile function is good. See first what a regular and committed PE routine can do for you. Better living through chemistry is a very wonderful thing, but why do it if you don’t need it?



Originally Posted by avocet8
Better living through chemistry is a very wonderful thing, but why do it if you don’t need it?


Just kidding. As usual your advice is sound, coherent and conscientious.

This forum is lucky to have you.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I was wondering has anyone build a manual pump? And if so directions or some pointers would be appritiated

Thanks avocet8,
That was a great write-up. I just got my first pump today and gave it a try (before I read your post). I have the same goals and concerns that you had when you started so I went pretty easy with it. I even thought to mark the cylinder as a baseline for future growth if any occurs.

It was a very pleasant sensation.

I’ve also never really figured out how to do Kegel’s. I always seem to be clenching my asshole which I’ve read is not supposed to happen. I found that with the pump, clenching produced an entirely different result that felt much more like it feels when you stop and start the flow of urine, especially when standing. (I’ve read that’s how it should feel.) Anybody else had that experience?

It just seems to me that less is more when it comes to pumping. Doing only as much as you need to get a nice comfortable stretch and then put it away and do more tomorrow or the next day.

I’ve looked at some of the pictures on this site of pumped penises and they scare me. I just don’t want a dick that is sort of deformed and has a donut around the head.

At 53, I’m mostly looking for stronger erections, but gaining an inch in 3 months would be a very nice bonus.

Last edited by BigSucker : 07-23-2005 at .

I'll try this again

Posted a reply but it went into the black hole - again. Moved back to Atlanta from London last Sat. I’m ready to start pumping again. I stopped pumping because I gave myself a Prince Albert for my 60th this past Nov. Have tried pumping a few times, but my ring - an 8 gauge captive bead ring - has a tendency to push to the back of my head and it also stretches my urethra more than I’m comfortable in doing. I always listen to the Little Chap in this PE process. Any of you guys pumping with a PA? I also have a Bib Hanger - might you feel this a better option than the pump? Thanks for the information.


I’ve been pumping for a little over a week, three to four days on and then a day off. I started out with 10 minute sessions and the last couple of days I have gone to 15. (Once a day.)

My pump doesn’t have a pressure gauge to so I don’t know how hard I’m pumping. I only go my the feel. When I start to feel the stretch that comes with a little stinging sensation, I stop pumping. Some air quickly starts to leak into the tube and the stretching/stinging sensation goes away. I try to keep it just at that point and use that as my gauge.

This morning, after I took the pump off, I noticed the beginnings of a donut. I didn’t see it while my dick was in the tube, only after I took it out. I don’t want a donut.

Is this permanent? How can I stop this from happening if I don’t see it while my dick is in the tube? The skin just looks tight when in the tube.

I’ve already noticed some nice effects from pumping like hanging looser when flaccid. But I don’t want a donut.

Without a pressure gauge, you are pumping without information except feel. Donuts occur in three ways - too high pressure or too long in the tube, or both.

Take a look at the Condom Pumping thread here. That might resolve your problem. Or consider some of the wrapping options some of our guys use. I find condom pumping easier and a little more interesting for its results, but pick the option you want and maybe buy a pump with a gauge when you can afford it.



Thanks, avocet8.

The donut went away by the next day. I haven’t had the problem again, mostly because I’ve been really careful with the pressure and haven’t been leaving my penis in the tube long enough to expand past the length mark I put on the tube the first time I pumped.

I noticed that the skin on my penis seems looser in general and the area between the circumcision scar and the glans is where the skin stretches the most. That’s also where the donut formed. I guess this tissue is different because it was originally part of the whole foreskin apparatus.

I’ll look into the wrapping and the condom thing, although I agree with you that a pressure gauge would give me maximum control.

Still noticing harder erections. They also seem to happen more often and more easily. I’m very happy about that. Any other benefits are gravy.

The annoyance of donuts is that the more you get, the more you are likely to get because the skin/tissue in that area tends to weaken with each occurance.

Good on the erection front. Shows your penile vascularity is improving. Lots of our pumpers report this.

You got the Kegel thing down now?



Just got the pump Friday and tonight was the second time I have used it. I’ve noticed that the pressure on my pubic bone is tremendous. I can only get to 5 pounds of pressure and keep the tube on for about 10 minutes before I have to get it off because it hurts too much. I only weigh 155 pounds so I don’t have any abdomen fat to rest the base of the tube against. That might have something to do with it.

Also I was wondering, what do you clean the tube with after each use?


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