Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

sparkyx: Wise words on measuring daily and on backing off at the first signs of overtraining.

I myself am trying pumping again, after stopping twice before because of overtraining. Before, the signs kicked in after 2-3 sessions. Now, I pump several days apart, slowly getting to being able to do it more often. I do 2x5 minutes at 5”Hg. This used to give me poor erections the next day, but not any longer.

So you’ve only been at your new routine for 2 weeks, but already see 1/4” in EG growth? Stunning! Keep us posted, and I love to hear your detailed stats, even if you plateau in week 3. Could you give us more details on your EG growth throughout your PE career?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Yeah, I’m not going anywhere until I have 9X7 ! :)

Who knows, maybe more if the wife can handle it. :woot2:

My biggest problem is I drift into doing more, especially when I am making good gains.

I really have to be disciplined and not go past what I have decided to do…it’ll screw me up every time!

I made a vacuum hanger that works really great, and I want to add hanging back into the routine, but I first have to get my baseline of pumping and jelquing down pat…which I think I have.

I guess I’m trying to transition to daily pumping…as I think it is better. I think you have the potential for more rapid growth by daily stimulus, but it obviously must be low enough that you recover quickly.

So the question is how much will be productive on a daily basis.

It may well be that I’ll have to keep it no more than 2 in hg for daily pumping.

Once I figure that out, I’d like to start (restart) hanging with 5 lbs. I’ll probably start at 15 minutes under heat, and a 5 minute cool down. That has worked well before.

I’d love to see what that does before or after pumping!

I may trying hanging in the morning, then 2 of Monty’s wts to maintain max stretch during the day, then pump at nite and put on a thera-p at least for a few hours.

I know this approach will be good, its just a matter of seeing HOW MUCH will be productive.

Once in a while, we will hear of somebody that really dials in the force/time and sees terrific gains.

Usually it is with a modest protocol. Some times it is which heavy forces, but they will always “hit the wall” and then be stuck.

You really know you’ve nailed it when you have hard as rock frequent erections, combined with heavy flaccid hang and steady growth.

I think by watching your physiologic indicators, especially careful daily measurements…you greatly increase your ability to find that magic “zone”.

Originally Posted by larslaukanen
sparkyx: Wise words on measuring daily and on backing off at the first signs of overtraining.

I myself am trying pumping again, after stopping twice before because of overtraining. Before, the signs kicked in after 2-3 sessions. Now, I pump several days apart, slowly getting to being able to do it more often. I do 2x5 minutes at 5”Hg. This used to give me poor erections the next day, but not any longer.

So you’ve only been at your new routine for 2 weeks, but already see 1/4” in EG growth? Stunning! Keep us posted, and I love to hear your detailed stats, even if you plateau in week 3. Could you give us more details on your EG growth throughout your PE career?


To address what you are doing, why don’t you try 2X5 at 1-2 in hg daily?

5 in hg kicks my ass! I think you will pleased by what happens for you if you can do it daily.

Before you use heat, measure your unit at 2 in hg at full erection. If you have shrunk, skip it for that day.

If you haven’t shrunk, or have actually increased…go ahead and do your 2X5.

If you can do that daily productively, then go to 3 X5 at 1-2 in hg. Once that is productive for you…add jelquing, but start easy. I think 20 is a lot to start at, especially if you go the full 3 seconds.

Once all that is good…THEN you can begin to increase the vacuum…but stay below 5 in hg for as long as possible.

But always…ALWAYS measure cold first and let that determine whether it is a work day or an off day.

As far as my gains, the 1/4 ” gain has been in length, although I think I have also gained about that in girth.

My quick girth check is in the morning in bed, when I get morning wood. I will use my thumb and index finger and make the “OK” sign around my unit.

I am getting to the point that my fingers won’t touch without pressure.

It gives me a quick check, easily done. Funny you mention it, because this morning I found my fingers touched easy…sure sign that I need to take today off.

I noticed that the increased girth has really effected my wife, its really making her crazier in bed lately.

She never was a big fan of doggie style, but as I increase, she insists on it :) !

sparkyx, I also avoid PE on days that I’m below par. Glad to hear I’m not alone.

At 2”Hg, I feel so little… I have a tough tunica, it seems. It doesn’t expand during jelquing or ULIs, only during pumping. I think I’ll stick to 5”Hg as long as I don’t get sub-par wood, then pump more often, hoping to eventually pump daily. I don’t think it really expands at 2”Hg, but I’ll check next time.

Nice with the wife… My girlfriend doesn’t know about my PE, but she comes quicker than in the past, which I attribute to the modest EG growth. As for EL growth, I sometimes do her from behind, with us both lying face down (me on top). This way, I can push really deep and slow. Oh, does she moan these days with that extra inch in length!

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Originally Posted by larslaukanen
At 2”Hg, I feel so little… I have a tough tunica, it seems. It doesn’t expand during jelquing or ULIs, only during pumping. I think I’ll stick to 5”Hg as long as I don’t get sub-par wood, then pump more often, hoping to eventually pump daily. I don’t think it really expands at 2”Hg, but I’ll check next time.

Constant heat ( 104-114 F) makes a real difference with tough connective tissues! I use the IR light, but any heat would work.

I think it is important to keep it constant. I think that if you use hot towels or rice sock…and get up to temp…then remove it…I think you drop out of effective range very rapidly.

With heat, 2 in hg will do it, it just takes more time.

If not 2, try 4 or 3 …the point being is that if you can do it more frequently, I think you will see better results.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Constant heat ( 104-114 F) makes a real difference with tough connective tissues! I use the IR light, but any heat would work.

Okay, I will try that. I do have a heat lamp, but it gets so damn hot… I used it for jelquing/ULIs for a while, but tired. I’ll try it for pumping.

I’m just curious: on what do you base your claim that heat does make a difference? Personal experience or theory? (I’ll try it either way…)

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Originally Posted by larslaukanen
I’m just curious: on what do you base your claim that heat does make a difference? Personal experience or theory? (I’ll try it either way…)

Both. Personally I find it is the secret ingredient for me.

If I don’t use it, the lower vacuums don’t expand me much. If I go to high vacuums, I am flirting with contraction reactions.

Research on heat is fairly clear that it helps in at least ligamentous lengthening.

I think what makes it controversial is that many guys do fine without it.

So I think it is fair to say that it isn’t necessary for everyone, but can be beneficial to most…and certainly key for some.

Originally Posted by larslaukanen
Okay, I will try that. I do have a heat lamp, but it gets so damn hot… I used it for jelquing/ULIs for a while, but tired. I’ll try it for pumping.

Adjust the distance so it is tolerable for you. Make sure you are careful about hot spots on the tube…ouch!

I think they say 18 inches is an accepted standard. Use that as a starting point and go from there.

Heat for about 10 minutes before you start, keep it on for the whole time, and let it cool off for about 5 minutes while you are still in the tube.

I like to make sure I cool off in my most expanded state. Research has also shown this to be beneficial. Certainly I do better with it.

I find that I can get the same expansion at much lower vacuum levels, thereby greatly decreasing the rebound contraction that comes with the higher vacuum forces.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
As far as my pumping routine, I am doing 3 sets of 5 minutes under IR heat. I then remove the heat and do 5-10 minutes cool down WHILE IN THE TUBE!

sparkyx, do I understand you right:
The three sets are at 1-2”Hg, 5 minutes each, all with heat.
Then you turn off the pressure and turn off the heat, but stay in the tube.

How is this cool-down in the tube different from a cool-down outside it?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Originally Posted by larslaukanen
sparkyx, do I understand you right:
The three sets are at 1-2”Hg, 5 minutes each, all with heat.
Then you turn off the pressure and turn off the heat, but stay in the tube.

How is this cool-down in the tube different from a cool-down outside it?

NO! You must leave the vacuum on during your cool down!

You want to cool the tissues in the expanded state, which will ( studies show) help cement you gains better.


Sorry for being dense, but I’m trying to piece together the routine you propose (and which I’m curious to try). Is this correct:

Measure at 2”Hg to determine whether you have shrunk and should skip PE today.
10 min heat warmup (no PE exercises)
5 min pump 2”Hg with heat (and kegels)
2 min jelq with heat
5 min pump 2”Hg with heat (and kegels)
2 min jelq with heat
5 min pump 2”Hg with heat (and kegels)
10 min pump 2”Hg without heat

Also, do you have a tough-girth history like me? I have had little EG growth and little non-heat expansion during ULIs and manual clamping: 1/20”… (see link to my progress report in my sig, if interested in details).

By the way, I’m mostly interested in girth at this point.

Thanks for being patient,


Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Hey Lars,

Yeah, thats it.

Make sure you get a good max erection when you measure. Try to have it the same every time to eliminate variables. I take about 1-2 minutes to make sure.

I think I’m accurate to about 1/16 th of an inch.

I think its good to measure 2X/day. I do it in the morning and again in the evening. One time will be fine though.

If you come up short for the day…skip your routine. I allow ADS with one of Montys rings on those days and/or thera-p. I think these give a real gentle expansion with almost no tissue stress. (2 rings add a little to tissue stress, 3 adds a lot of stress.)

If you are the same or slightly larger…go for it.

The one thing I haven’t quite gotten a system for factoring girth gains… I have gotten thicker and I believe that it can temporarily cause you to measure shorter.

I kinda’ give myself a 1/16” leeway on it. If I’m a little shorter, but better girth and good nite wood…I will go for it for the day.

On your vacuum levels, you can experiment with 3 in hg, but be aware even 1 extra in. hg can make a difference.

Even with this “mild” of a program, I had to take a day off. I had 2 days where there was no increase of length, so I took a day off yesterday.

I woke up this am and my unit really felt thick (finger estimation)!

I really don’t have the opportunity to pump today so I did 15 minutes of hanging with 5 lbs and a vacuum hanger.

Believe it or not, I have found hanging increases my girth also! I think it is because the vacuum hanger causes me to stay 50-60% erect and I really think that that increases girth as much as length.

Make sure you have signs that you are fully recovered from any overtraining or you won’t get accurate readings.

Indications of full recovery are good erection quality and quanity. If you have lost this recently…take a few days off until they return, then start the program.

One last thing. On cool down, I go 5-10 minutes. I think the longer the better, but it may not make much of a difference.

Just make sure your unit is back down to normal temp. You can even use a wet cloth to cool the tube down quicker if you like, especially if you want to make sure to bring those temps down in a expanded state.

I like to put on the thera-p wrap after I get out of the tube and try and leave it on for at least an hour…longer if possible.

Just more along the lines of keeping the tissue in the expanded state as long as possible.

Read up on that thera-p wrap (avocet and peforeal) I seem to get girth benefits from it.

Last edited by sparkyx : 09-08-2005 at .

Thanks, sparkyx. I haven’t pumped for three days, and tonight I should have some privacy.

As for making measuring girth easy, I simply have a strip of paper, half an inch wide and 6” long. On it, I mark my standard girth (5.4”) and then two more tick marks above and below (5.3” and 5.5”). Of course, you cannot use this in the tube (as you can with length), but right before with a good 100%.

By the way, you didn’t answer about your girth history. If you don’t mind my being so nosy, I’m just curious if we have a similar history, that’s all. Some others seem to expand easily girthwise (ULIs, manual clamps, post-pump size), while I barely expand at all — I’m talking immediate expansion as I’m doing the exercises or just after pumping; my only expansion is IN the pump, under pressure. Also, how much EG have you gained, in how long, and from what?

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

You know, I started over a year ago, made some immediate gains…but have really spent most of that year experimenting with different things.

I started at probably 5.5 in girth, and have flirted with 1/4 in gain off and on this whole time.

Recently, I’ve really cemented that 1/4 in and have been getting close to 6 in on good days.

I ordered the 2.25 in cylinder, because I am really packing the 2” gravel tube I started with. I kinda’ feel it is limiting my girth right now, because I pack it almost right away, especially at the base.

Like I mentioned before, I also found when I started to do vacuum hanging with a partial erection, it really seems to increase girth. That and wearing the thera-p band.

I use a milder effect of partial erect hanging by wrapping the thera-p real tight during the day, while using one or two of Monty’s wts.

The tight thera-p makes my unit get real thick, like a heavy flaccid hang, almost a partial erection all day. If I add 1-2 pe wts, it then adds a good mild stretch, more like a heavy,long hang.

I think this helps cement girth and length gains, as long as you haven’t over done it…then nothing helps but rest.

If I use too much pe wt for ADS, my unit gets thin and long. Its like it squeezes the extra blood out of the mild erection.

Right now I’m really jazzed because its both girth and length are creeping up while in the tube, and showing in real life use.

I went over 8 ” in the tube for the first time this week, and it was at 3 in hg!

Right out of the tube, I measured over 6” for the first time too.

I just have to be careful, because I get excited and want to started adding all kinds of time/force and additional stuff…which always stops my growth cold!

Interesting, sparkyx. So you’ve been slow on girth too. Inspiring that you’re now taking off.

Have you every done ULIs or (manual) clamps and measured at the same time? Others apparently get an instant expansion in girth. I do not — only under pressure in the tube. (Can you tell that I’m looking for more similarities between us so that I can get even more inspired by your progress :-?)

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log


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