Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

I have been reading about PE for some time but have recently decided to give it a serious try. I have a Dr. Joel’s pump. I was trying a warm wrap followed by a 6-8 minutes of pumping at about 3 psi, jelqing for 200 strokes and then another 6-8 minutes of pumping, and then another 200 jelqs. I was planning on 3 sets, but after the second set I noticed a few red spots on either side of my shaft. I stopped immediately and did another warm wrap.

I am going to wait until the bumps fade completely until I try again.

Would it be better to do one long session of pumping followed by jelqing instead of alternating?
I know it’s easy to get overly enthusiastic, so I am trying to avoid that.

I am interested in adding weights and clamping into my routine, but I understand the importance of going slowly.

I know that pumping is not part of the “Newbie Routine” so I guess I am trying to develop a hybrid routine.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. I am also curious about how the LOT theory pertains to a routine that includes pumping.
Thanks a lot.


You are at a little high pressure, especially for a beginner. Come down to 2 psi.
You are in the right ballpark on times for sets, maybe a few too many jelqs in between. If you are doing 3 second jelqs, that would be 10 minutes of jelqing between each set…a bit on the high side. You might want to do some manual stretching as well.

Good luck.

HalfRusski 07-26-05 - BPEL 5.90", EG 5.0" 11-16-05 - BPEL 7.45", EG 5.625" Weather report - snow (what did you expect?!) What is a nice guy from Louisiana doing in a place like this?

Sorry if this has been covered but, how can I stop the donut from happening?


Adding to what Halfrusski said, go by feel and read the PI(physiological indicators thread). Have a routine mapped out but don’t be afraid to stop early if you feel that your penis has hit its maximum workout point on that day. I personally think one of the most common mistakes most PE’ers do is overworking their penis.

Thank you


Thanks for the advice. I have been playing around a little with duration of pumping, pressure, and intensity of jelqing in between pumping sessions, with various results, and I think I am settling into a pretty comfortable routine, one that I will use consistently until I see results. But then just my luck, today I was adjusting the position of my tube during a pumping session and the tip, where the tube attaches, snapped off!

I got the Dr Joel’s kit I am using from Ebay. I actually never really liked that tube. I think it was to big, and it was transparent blue. It did have the inches and centimeters, marked for both length and girth on the side, which was nice, but I would rather use a clear one that is a snugger fit. Any ideas on a good place to get a replacement?

Thanks again for all the advice.

I still have my Dr. Joel’s pump. I just want a tube that will work well with it. Those seem to have a different coupling. But thanks!

Sorry if I am going over old territory.
Few naive questions from a relative newb.

Is it necessary to pump with an erection?

Have got a cheap pump without a gauge (all could afford right now) so bit iffy on how much pressure should be applied? If I feel pain that is too much, is that the best guide?

Does pumping reduce the quality of your hard on at all?

How does this sound for a routine? 4-5 days a week (I am after girth and length!)

5 minutes warm up and manual stretches
5 minutes dry jelking (not cut so don’t really feel the need for lube)
10 minutes pumping
10 minutes jelking/squeezes etc
Warm down
Get as much of a hard on as I can and put a flexible cock ring on for 30 mins or so.or is it ok to just put the ring on with a semi or post jelked non erect state?

Oh yes plus pc exercises for 10-20 mins a day .can you overwork the PC muscle?

Cheers all

Pump with an erection if you can. Pumping limp is pretty much a waste of time.

If you feel ANY pain at all, lower the pressure. Not good. :)

Just follow what avocet8 says in this thread, and you will never get an injury.

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Originally Posted by slapa

Does pumping reduce the quality of your hard on at all?

How does this sound for a routine? 4-5 days a week (I am after girth and length!)

5 minutes warm up and manual stretches
5 minutes dry jelking (not cut so don’t really feel the need for lube)
10 minutes pumping
10 minutes jelking/squeezes etc
Warm down
Get as much of a hard on as I can and put a flexible cock ring on for 30 mins or so.or is it ok to just put the ring on with a semi or post jelked non erect state?

Oh yes plus pc exercises for 10-20 mins a day .can you overwork the PC muscle?

Cheers all

Regular pumping at a sensible level should give you even better hard-ons and more frequent ones.

You can put the ring on at any erection level. It won’t get in the way of the erection happening if it fits right.

If your BC muscle feels tired or achey ever, you’ve overdone the Kegels. At that point give it a rest for a day or two.



Tube Sizing

I am 8 - 8.25 and 6 inches around I ordered a 9 x 2.25 cylinder am I going to be able to work that properly.I don’t want to have to drop another 80 dollars..



You are already at a lot of guys goal size, but no matter, you want more. Just to allow for a little more wiggle room, I would change that cylinder order to a 10”X2.25”. Without too much trouble, you will be pumping up to 8.5-8.75” pretty quickly.

Some questions:

Is pumping increasing the blood flow? If the blood flow is increased, is also the flow in the CS increased?
Does pumping make harder erections?


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