Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Can’t read it, even with my reading glasses, Hello. :)



I’m sorry i forgot to explain , the black scales on the right are the mmHG and the first grade that shows is 100. Even a little squeeze on the pump makes it go to 50. So I´m a little confused. I will try to get a better picture.

That’ll help.



I have a Dr Joel’s pump with a guage. I can post a pic of it if that will help for comparrison.

That could help me until i get a new photo . Thanks!

Thanks Avocet and Lars.I’ll keep you both in mind should I have any questions. E bay would be a good idea but I think I’ll go with LA pumps or Vacutech to begin with. I’ll look for those on e bay.

Lars your gains seem to be impressive.good going. I’m sure you’re a happy camper right now.

It might be too late to salvage the relationship I was in (notice past tense) but will work like the dickens to prevent it from happening again.

At 4.75 in circumference I hope that a 1.75 tube isn’t too big.I’m wanting to get some usage out of a cylinder tube before (if) I have to upgrade.

Cheers all.

Originally Posted by avocet8
The rings you’re using look very tight to me and with the stretchy grips they appear that they might not only fit poorly in the tube but also may loosen your seal from time to time.

What I use and like very much is a pliable “O” ring I bought from a hardware store in the plumbing dept.. It is made of seamless neoprene; they come in a large number of sizes. You have to experiment a bit on sizing, but they are very cheap (about US $1.50) so buying several is very reasonable. The fit is snug at the shaft base, doesn’t interfere with the tube at all and does allow sufficient arterial flow in to allow the erection to progress under vacuum. I don’t use the pump to get an erection for sex, but when I have pumped with one of these on the erection holds nicely when I come out of the tube. My guess is that the rings you’re using aren’t allowing enough arterial blood in to build a really firm erection and once out of the tube they are permitting too rapid a venous flow back out, defeating your purpose.

Yes, pumping at lower pressure would still work if you give it time and you’d avoid the red spots, I’m quite sure. Pettechia is almost always a result of pumping at higher HG pressure than your tissue can deal with. Many guys here get it from jelking too forcefully.

The only danger of pettechia to guys like us who need all the arterial flow we can get is in creating, over and over, little micro-explosions of our capillaries when in fact we should be strengthening our penile vascular system through things like regular pumping at healthy HG levels. Since you report that you are seeing some increased vascularity, you could probably build on that over time. I wouldn’t worry much about pumping also causing an increase of your venous flow out since most of the draining veins are a bit deeper inside than the primary supply arteries you can see on your shaft.

Been at it a few times, and the same result. Bought a wider and longer tube hoping less pressure would be exerted on the head to no avail. Still getting a 1/4 inch blood patch (can see the red blood just under the skin) pumping far lighter than I’ve done in the past (used to get discomfort from the pressure, but no bruises) and a fer more minor black and blue/red marks on the head.

Gave it about a week break from using the pump (and several days after the bruise appeared gone), but the same thing comes back.

Called up the pump manufacturer and they were adament that the pressure would not cause this, but possibly the length of time under it. Told me 30-90 seconds is normal to produce an erection (yeah.right.maybe for the sales pitch in their advertizements), and said I shouldn’t be having any bruising. I’m going to try adding some vitamin supplements in hopes of increasing the blood vessel strength.

I’ll also see my urologist, but he’s been worthless in the past in regards to these devices. As this is my last means to having a semblance of a sex life, my frustration with the lack of answers from the pump manufacturer and docs is at the boiling point.

30-90 seconds is bullshit, except maybe on an 18 yr old.

I can’t figure out the bruising unless the pressure is higher than they or the device indicate.

Did you try a different cockring?



Originally Posted by avocet8
30-90 seconds is bullshit, except maybe on an 18 yr old.

I can’t figure out the bruising unless the pressure is higher than they or the device indicate.

Did you try a different cockring?

No, as the venous leak is my biggest problem and it took months of trial and error to find the right types of rings and numbers (2) to work. With the bruising issue, I’m limiting the pump’s use only for sex (once a week, though it may have to go longer if these blood vessels aren’t fully healing) and can’t afford to play around with the rings then.

Placed the order today for the LA pump deluxe version. Should be here in 2 days or so. Let her rip!

Went to B&Q today to ask for see through pipe. They looked at me weird. “What do you want that for?”

“Oh, it’s for demonstration purposes.”
“Demonstrate what?”
“Blockages in pipes - for clients”

They bought it but don’t have any see through pipe, they pointed me to the right direction though.

I have been playing around with the new cylinder I made. It is 2” OD with a 1.75” ID(inner diameter). I have the original cylinder that came with my pump, which has thinner walls and is about 2 an 1/4”. Even after a couple of warm up sessions of about 10-15 mins at 5HG with the original cylinder I can’t fully pack the smaller tube. I was hoping to use this new tube primarily for length. Between stretching, jelqing, and pumping, I don’t really want to add hanging into the mix if I can avoid it.

Should I make another cylinder at 1.5”? Maybe I should just keep up with this routine until I can fill the 1.75”. My concern is that from what I’ve read, it is easier to focus on length first and then girth.

Also, do any pumpers in this forum clamp also, and if so do you do it before or after pumping, or on alternate days or something? I just picked up some cable clamps(cuffs) from Home Depot, and I tried using them sans pump. It seemed like a good workout, but I am a little leery of using them after pumping. I don’t know if adding the extra pressure after already being in a really engorged state would be a good idea. Any thoughts?

Thanks a lot!

today I will order the vacutech pump. I prefer it over the LAdist pumps because they ship with UPS which will handle the customs for me, which are a real pain in the ass here in Egypt. They said it should arrive in 2-3 days.

I have a couple of questions:
in the pumping 101 first thread it says to do pumping for 10, 15 or 20 mins. Is this time continuous or should I split the time into shorter sets? If yes how long should these sets be?

How long/how many reps should I jelk after the pumping?

Would using the penimaster (PM), which I have already help cement the gains? And should I yes, should I pump at the end of the day (after using the PM for several hours during the day) or pump first thing in the morning and then wear the PM during the day?

Sorry if these questions have been answered earlier in the thread.

Originally Posted by 5point5

I have a couple of questions:
in the pumping 101 first thread it says to do pumping for 10, 15 or 20 mins. Is this time continuous or should I split the time into shorter sets? If yes how long should these sets be?

How long/how many reps should I jelk after the pumping?

Would using the penimaster (PM), which I have already help cement the gains? And should I yes, should I pump at the end of the day (after using the PM for several hours during the day) or pump first thing in the morning and then wear the PM during the day?

Sorry if these questions have been answered earlier in the thread.

I’ve never used a PeniMaster. Others here have and can comment on that.

The idea behind the 10, 15, 20 minute pumping schedule is to accustom your cock to a new type of stressing. If you keep the pressure low, say 5 HG or below, the chance of injury is minor. Yes, those are duration times. If you prefer shorter sets, do that. Guys with ED will probably benefit from shorter sets, just more of them. Younger guys with no ED issues can follow the basic program, increasing time in the tube as they condition themselves.

Get into jelking gradually, if you don’t do that already. Start with a low number of them - 40 or 50/day during the first week, less if that gives you discomfort, then add additional strokes each day. I like to do 100 jelks between pump sets. For me this is comfortable, but I worked up to that. I felt that I got best gains by jelking between pump sets.

Morning or whenever probably doesn’t matter a whole lot. But keep in mind that your testosterone levels are always highest in the early morning hours - higher than they will be all day and into the evening. A morning routine might give you a sort of jump-start on things. For me that always worked best because I could to my PE early and be done with it until the next day; that and the fact that I am always hornier in the morning. :)



Been a lurker here for many months. I just purchased a pump and tried it last night for the first time. The wife and I were eager to see if this worked.

I measure 5.55X5.if I am measuring right. Not sure lol?!

I have to say it did not hurt at all. I followed Avocet’s advice and never really got above 5hgs. However I was expecting a more pleasurable sensation.

I will let you guys know how I progress. First night I noticed my length was at 6” in pump.

1. It really felt like the pump was sinking down pubic tissue as opposed to increasing the length of the penis, am I doing something wrong?
2. Is it supposed to feel good?
3. How much gain in length should I see inside the pumping tube?

Thanks for any answers, this site is awesome for it’s openness and the good research and thoughtful answers.


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