Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

This may not be your problem, but shortly after I got mine, I couldn’t get any vacuum either. After some thought (and after trying all the things you tried), I figured out that the hose adaptor on the cylinder needed to be tightened :-)

Thanks, Plus

Not sure how do to that but I’ll give it a shot tonite,


The adaptor on mine (LAPDist) screws into the top of the tube.

I’ve pumped almost daily for a month. Seeing some FG gains and perhaps EG.

However… The last few times, I’ve had lots of tiny red spots, like pinpricks. Burst capillaries? They go away after 12-24 hours. But I worry perhaps they will become permanent.


Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Sorry,but I’ve to repeat my post:

Hi all!

I’m 17,5 years old,and I’m planning to buy a kaplan pump.My unit is 7.125 inches long and my girth is 1,75inch.Am I too young for starting(I think my puberty is not yet ended),or the age doesn’t matter?What results can I expect?does the lack of sleeping have an effect on my size?and what about nutrition?Which size of cylinder should I choose?I would really appriciate your fast replies.thx.

Hi kolakala. I think there is an age limit of 18, and people may not want to give advice for legal reasons — what if you have an injury and blame it on people here?

If you were over 18, people would probably say to go with a 2” diameter pump. Girth is measured as the circumference, I suspect your 1.75” is the diameter, right?

Is it safe to pump before puberty ends? No idea. Better to play it safe and wait.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

quick question I have not read through all of the thread will be doing that today while i am working.

Does pumping help with stamina in the bed and if so how?
does it make you less sensitive or something?

Hi Plus

Checked my Lapdist this morning to make sure the coupling was snug. It turned a wee bit and when I pumped this a.m. I had no problem with the seal. I’ll see if this was just luck, coincidence or a fix as I continue to pump during the week. Thanks, Glenn

Originally Posted by Glenn Delta
Checked my Lapdist this morning to make sure the coupling was snug. It turned a wee bit and when I pumped this a.m. I had no problem with the seal. I’ll see if this was just luck, coincidence or a fix as I continue to pump during the week. Thanks, Glenn

It’s amazing what a small twist and better seal will accomplish with pumping. I think you may have solved your problem with keeping the vacuum pressure.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Well I got my pump today…

Vacutech 10 X 2 ThickWall …… havent tried it yet!!!

By the way it costed me a total of $300 (including $71 from customs charges …Damn!!!!!).

Thank you very much for your reply , Avocet8 …..

Last edited by KeyserSoze27 : 02-06-2006 at .

Anybody got any answeres to my questions????

Originally Posted by electricpumpguy
quick question I have not read through all of the thread will be doing that today while i am working.

Does pumping help with stamina in the bed and if so how?
does it make you less sensitive or something?

After some months I noticed it did help me last longer but I wasn’t aware of any loss of sensitivity. My guess is that one just gets accustomed to different sensations of vacuum pressure and of jelking and all that and can tolerate more of it before having to spill.



thanks man has any of the pumpers gotten the deluxe package from LA pumps and if so how is the pumping video is it very informative do you think that the video is worth paying the extra money

The video they sent me is useless as to pumping or pumping techniques. A lot of talk about staying healthy as males that most of us know already.



anybody else seen the video?


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