Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by electricpumpguy
anybody else seen the video?

Got it, watched it, tossed it.

Update : The bruising / discoloration continues beneath my head , and it only occurs when im pumping . I think

I might be too sensitive to constant pressure . I thought I had it under control after restarting slower , but i had to skip a day due to lack of time so i had 2 days rest. And on train day it came back again. The good news is i got results and broke my first pen mark by 0,5cm easy. I´m doing 12 min pumping followed by 12 jelqing 2 days On 1 OFF. I though i might resolve my sensitivity problem by dividing the times , to something like 6 min pumping / 6 jelqing , 6 min pumping , / 6 jelqing. What do you guys think?

I agree. Good idea to reduce your duration in the tube. Try 5 - 6 minutes pumping at 3 - 5 HG.

In case it’s the jelking contributing to the bruising, try counting strokes instead of counting minutes doing it. At first, count the number of strokes you do in, say, 2 minutes. If about 100, that’s sufficient for that set.

For now stick to shorter pump sets (two of them) and about 100 strokes of jelking in between in two sets. If that doesn’t give you any bruising for a week, then add 5 jelk strokes a day to each jelk set and allow yourself one more 5 minute session in the tube. See what happens.

Congrats on the increase at the pen mark. You’ll get gains and without beating yourself up.



Avocet, What is the maximum # of jelqs you’ve done in between sets? How many squeezes did you perform in between sets? I’ve been curious about switching it up between jelqs and manual squeezes. I’ve been doing 200 jelqs in between sets, and I’ve seen some quick improvements in the girth department. I do think that 200 maybe a bit much, but I end each session with good wood.

Also I was wondering when I should add a set, as right now the last two weeks I’ve been doing 2 sets and 200 jelqs between.

Hello guys!

I’m planning to buy a pump.Should the penis be lubricated when it’s in the tube?

I don’t like jelqing(maybe my technique is bad).Is it possible and safe,to only use massage between the sessions?

How long should I pump in the beginning,and how many sessions do you suggest?

Does manual stretching and pumping work together?

Please answer

you should read the first few pages of this thread

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Originally Posted by millionman
Avocet, What is the maximum # of jelqs you’ve done in between sets? How many squeezes did you perform in between sets? I’ve been curious about switching it up between jelqs and manual squeezes. I’ve been doing 200 jelqs in between sets, and I’ve seen some quick improvements in the girth department. I do think that 200 maybe a bit much, but I end each session with good wood.

Also I was wondering when I should add a set, as right now the last two weeks I’ve been doing 2 sets and 200 jelqs between.

I seldom did more than a hundred jelks per set. Once I was conditioned to them, though, I’d do three sets between moderate duration pumps; four sets if I had time. A trick Thunder taught me was to end the upstroke under the glans with a short squeeze/tug. The squeeze (not a strangle one) expands the glans and seemed to help enlarge it over time; the pull gives you just a little more stretch than an ordinary jelk stroke might.

I did mostly modified Uli squeezes. I did get into Horses there for awhile but they resulted in a lot of discoloration that took two years to fade away; I don’t recommend them. They’re awfully hard on the cavernosal chambers, too. I didn’t do a lot of reps of Ulis; maybe 10 squeezes but to a count of ten, then release. I’d often jelk, then do Ulis right after that.

If 200 jelks at a time doesn’t cause you any strain or discomfort, maybe that works for you?



These are very short questions,so it’s not a big effort by you,but for me,it’s very important to get direct I repat:

I’m planning to buy a pump.Should the penis be lubricated when it’s in the tube?

I don’t like jelqing(maybe my technique is bad).Is it possible and safe,to only use massage between the sessions?

How long should I pump in the beginning,and how many sessions do you suggest?

Does manual stretching and pumping work together?

I’d like avocet8 to reply too(becouse you’re the most experienced,of us)


You should lubricate your glans and your shaft before you enter the tube. (Read the first post in this thread.)

It’s certainly safe to use massage between sets but that isn’t going to give you as much pull/expansion. Whatch the video here at Thunders on jelking.

I always start out with manual stetches in all directions just after my warm wrap. Do this while flaccid.

There are lots of experienced guys here and you can trust what the vets say.



Shorter time on the tube has helped my bruising , i don’t get it as much now , although after 6 min pumping , 6 jelqing , my erection inside the tube isn’t nearly as strong as when i start. I still do get the bruising though . At moment , well since i started , I’m pretty much only doing 1 day ON , 1 day off routine. After i have a session i always get bruised so i don’t have another workout the next day. Should i go hard on my one day and get another 5 min pumping and just rest it out the next day , or try to do so light work on the second day and do 2 days on / 1 off? Any advices? I´m more inclined to 1 on 1 off routine . I tried light work on second day once and it took me longer to heal my bruising. Thank you for your time.

Try to look at this another way.

Every pumped erection is a good PE step. If you did, say, three sets of 3 minutes each in the tube instead of fewer at 6 min. each (make up a reasonable number of sets for you specifically), and got a good erection with each, that is a benefit.

Try to find a pumping routine, even short, but multiple shots at it, that does not cause bruising.



I´ll try that and see how it goes , thank you again! I will keep you guys posted.

I tried the 3 min version this time , didn’t go very well either , I will try again after tomorrow , I´m starting to think its not possible for me not to get bruised , so should i keep doing 1 day on / 1 off as it got me results or quit pumping all together? I do 1 day on 1 off at the moment since usually after one day the bruising is gone.

What pressure are you pumping at, Hello?



I am using below 5g at the moment , tomorrow I will try 3 min sessions again with very very low pressure just to see the difference.


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