Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Is sleeping important for my unit’s condition?

your unit and your body.

Started 5.5 x 4.5 erect Length and Girth Goal 7 x 6.5 erect Length and Girth

Currently 5.9 x 5.5 erect Length,Girth and going !

Originally Posted by Mad Dog

At what pressure did you get such results?

I started out with 5hg of pressure, for 10 minutes the first couple of days. Then I used 5-6hg for 15 minutes a day. After every pumping session I finish with 100 jelqs. Is it safe to go over 15 minutes?

Originally Posted by x24113

I started out with 5hg of pressure, for 10 minutes the first couple of days. Then I used 5-6hg for 15 minutes a day. After every pumping session I finish with 100 jelqs. Is it safe to go over 15 minutes?

Do you feel any pain at pressure of 6+ InHg? About pumping for more than fifteen minutes at a time - I believe it’s obviously not a good idea, you should get some rest between your sets.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Man, pumping rocks..

It’s gotten me totally re-psyched on the rest of PE in general. Being able to see instant, albeit only momentary, gains right before my eyes helps me remember why I’m doing it. Having to be super-paranoid about getting caught in a compromising position by a family member is a pain in the butt, though. There’s some stuff you just don’t wanna have to explain.

Currently 6.9bpel 5.0eg - shooting for 8.0bpel 6.0eg - warning: numbers may be subject to change.

Man, pumping rocks..

It’s gotten me totally re-psyched on the rest of PE in general. Being able to see instant, albeit only momentary, gains right before my eyes helps me remember why I’m doing it. Having to be super-paranoid about getting caught in a compromising position by a family member is a pain in the butt, though. There’s some stuff you just don’t wanna have to explain.

I’m feeling you on the paranoya mauler. I can’t help but wonder what I would say if one of my kids ever got a glimps of me PE parafenalia. My wife knows about my PE and is perfectly fine with it, but the kids are getting older and more inquisitve. The girls are. The boy doesn’t have a clue about much! lol! I just bought a pump. I sure hope I’m here on delivery day.

The Plumber Starting @ 6.5x5 bpe 12/20/03 Now 7.0"x5-1/8" bpel 1/20/04 Goal @ 8.5x6.5 bpe

I just got a pump last week myself and am feeling the same way. I’m just more pumped about PE in general.

A FEW QUESTIONS? Can someone explain lymphatic fluid to me? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of having a rubber sleeve at the base of the pump vs. Not having one?

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I don’t use a rubber sleeve but somebody will be back to you about that.

Lymphatic fluid is a part of healthy blood volume. Put your fingers under your jaw line and you will feel, if you poke around, some small lumps in there. These are lymph nodes. You have them in many parts of your body, including your groin - on both dorsal sides - most easily found where your thighs and hips join together. These organs are a part of your immune system. They’re “good” glands. They produce a clear and yellowish fluid (lymphatic fluid) that during robust PE will accumulate usually under the glans in the area of a circumcision scar or under or within your foreskin in what we call a “doughnut” effect.



Hello , I´ve been doing my routine 10 min pumping in the morning at low pressure , 10 min manual stretching / 10 min jelqing in the night and so far so good but no results , should i wait more time or increase the work? Any advice is welcome!

Originally Posted by Mad Dog

Do you feel any pain at pressure of 6+ InHg? About pumping for more than fifteen minutes at a time - I believe it’s obviously not a good idea, you should get some rest between your sets.

I don’t really feel any pain. I do notice that the rim/lip on my head gets slightly discolored. But this is even at lower pressures and also it does not have to be inside the pump very long to begin becoming discolored. The top of my head is pressed tightly against the top of the pump, however the bottom side is not touching the pump at all. I don’t think there is any real way to fix this. Does anyone have any suggestions, because I don’t think that the discoloration is a good thing.


Can I do vacuum hanging with the lapdist device? If not, which vacuum hanger would you guys suggest?


Originally Posted by helloeverybody

Can I do vacuum hanging with the lapdist device? If not, which vacuum hanger would you guys suggest?


It’s not possible. Have a look at monkeybar’s device in Review forum. It looks pretty good.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

The base of my pump is the same hard plastic that the rest of the pump is made of. There’s no cushion for the pelvis. I’m having trouble getting up to a good pressure and keeping it there becuase of the discomfort against the area around the base of my penis. Does anyone know of or has anyone designed some sort of air tight cushion to make this a little more bearable?

Also.I don’t have a pressure gauge. Any good ideas about how to feel it out. Up until know,I’ve been just going to the point of bearable pain without getting to any obvious just stupid amount of pressure.

MadDog, any news on your order from LAPD yet? I’m in my third week and still no bloody pump.


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