Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by avocet8
This is not a routine for newbies and I wish you’d point that out. Small wonder your white cell count is over the hill. You are blowing up a lot of penile capillaries.

Also, you can save yourself a considerable amount of PE time by reducing your warming sets. Any size flaccid cock will heat thoroughly in just a couple minutes. You can always warm up again along the way, between exercises, for a minute or so.

Pumpers especially beginners and although I have been pumping since April(I still consider myself a beginner) with some amazing gains in length and vascularity;We are all different and may experiencing varying results but that Avocet8’s introductory program works like magic and we may not get instantaneous results however they do come and indeed they stay.

Regguy well done on your for cutting back;I will be honest that I too tried to pull of a few stunts and messed around at bit 10Hg and struggled for a long time time to see my erections return.

Take care and happy pumping.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Originally Posted by avocet8
This is not a routine for newbies and I wish you’d point that out. Small wonder your white cell count is over the hill. You are blowing up a lot of penile capillaries.

Also, you can save yourself a considerable amount of PE time by reducing your warming sets. Any size flaccid cock will heat thoroughly in just a couple minutes. You can always warm up again along the way, between exercises, for a minute or so.

What gripes do you have with my routine. I think it is a lot safer than most of the other post I have read on this forum. Like I said before I do not have problems with the way I pump right now. It was the way I use to pump that I got problems with. I do not have any problems with the way I do my exercise right now. As far as it being for newbies or not like I said before This is a lot safer than most of the post I have read on this forum.

Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.

What to you guys think of the pumps form adam and eve?

Adam & Eve Adult Toy Store | Best Sex Toys for Men & Women

I was looking at the top guage pump for $59 not bad price, Even if I was to build one it would be close to that price.

Started, December '05: 5.5" EL, 6.0" BPEL, 4.74" EG Currently: 6.0 EL, 6.5 BPEL 5.5 EG

Current Stats: As of Oct. 24 2006: EL 6.1, BPEL 6.7, EG 5.8 (Achived threw pumping)

Goal: 7" EL 7.5 BPEL and 6.0 EG

Originally Posted by Wana8incher
What to you guys think of the pumps form adam and eve?

Adam & Eve Adult Toy Store | Best Sex Toys for Men & Women

I was looking at the top guage pump for $59 not bad price, Even if I was to build one it would be close to that price.

Price is nice, but the workmanship is cheap. The plastic grip will fail. It appears that the tube size they offer is One Size Fits All, and that doesn’t work, as we all know.



Originally Posted by ThunderSS
In your opinion.

Yes in my opinion my routine is safer than most of the routines I have seen on this forum.

I said most of the routines.

I didn’t say my routine is safer than any routine I seen on this forum.

My routine in my opinion is safe and affective.

Thanks ThunderSS for not adding stuff I didn’t say.

Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.

Why I warm up longer than a couple minutes.

Warming up longer is good for a numerous of reasons.

(1) it brings blood into the penis to help with length and girth.
(2) it helps soften up the penis tissue so the penis will stretch easier.
(3) it helps to eliminate most of the bruising associated with pumping.

Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.

I do not know how to explain that one. I get no bruising when I heat up longer than 5 minutes or so. I bruise real easy when I pump. No matter what I pump at I bruise. If I pump at 2-3 HG I bruise easy. But if I heat up I do not bruise. If I had to guess why I do not bruise I would guess it helps open up the caps or something.

I do not know why it works; I just know it works for me.

I will say this though if you heat up longer than a couple of minutes the water temperature should be about 103 degrees F so as not to damage tissue from having the water too hot.

Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.

OK I found this so I might give a better answer.

“in the form of a warm washcloth applied to the bruise for 10 minutes or so 2 or 3 times a day may increase blood flow to the bruised area allowing the skin to reabsorb the blood more quickly. Ultimately, the bruise will fade in color”

What I am thinking it works by increasing blood flow so if you have some capillaries bust it helps reabsorb the blood back into the capillaries more quickly.

But that is just a guess also.

Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.

That is what I thought also but when I warm up longer I do not bruise. I do not know why I do not bruise. But I don’t.

OH I just come up with a idea. It might be that it helps soften the capillaries so they stretch easier so they do not bust. But that is just a guess also.

I guess we could come up with all kinds of reasons why it works or shouldn`t work.

Become one with the pump. See the pump become the pump.

Originally Posted by Marco_187
I’VE GOT AN IDEA! Get a thin material that you can wrap around the cylinder from one end, and then wrap the other end of the material around your neck! Your neck will hold up the cylinder for you!

MAN! I’m good. [Cheeky, happy, grins… he he he…]

I actually use this device myself.

I have I think a neck / camera strap which goes around the neck and an elastic (rubber) band attached to it.
I disconnect the tubing from the top of the pump (one of the models with a removable tube) and then attach this rubber band.
It gives me the right angle (LOT? I’ve forgotten all the acronyms, haven’t been a regular)

I can comfortably walk around my apartment in my dressing gown with my cylinder attached and this restraining thing keeping it at a slight upward angle.
It allows me to clean / cook / wash dishes or watch a movie for example quite comfortably.

New to PE

Hi all,

First I’d like to say this site is awesome and has been a great help.

I had a small amount of experience with pumping about a year ago. I noticed then that I was able to get some small and temporary gains but I didn’t stick with it. I think I did about a week. I had a cheap firemans bulb pump and now a year later I’ve spent some $$$ on a Pump and gauge from Medical I started last Monday with 1 10min session a day, I quickly felt that I could handle aa littlemore and by Weds I was doing 2 10min sessions plus 5mins of Jelqing after. All seems to be going OK.. I’ve been pumping to about 6-7HG. I don’t have any real questions I guess I just wanted to get some feed back and some of that “in time you’ll see gains” I’m an instant gratification kinda guy and it’s hard to stick with anything. My goals are low. I would be sooo happy to get 1/2inch in length and 1/2inch in girth. I’m starting at 5.75X5.

Oh yeah one quick question at the risk of sounding stupid, What is the rice sock and how do you heat it.

Anyways thanks for listening/reading my run on.

I don’t use the rice sock. I use the hot shower or IR heating, but search for titles only and type in rice sock and you’ll probably find your answer quicker.


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