Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by Thor1973

1. It really felt like the pump was sinking down pubic tissue as opposed to increasing the length of the penis, am I doing something wrong?

I don’t think you are doing anything wrong, the same thing happens to me.

Originally Posted by Thor1973

2. Is it supposed to feel good?

After reading Avocet’s “Pumping 101” I expected it to feel good also, but alas (or luckily) it didn’t. For me, it’s not uncomfortable or pleasureable. It just “is”.

Originally Posted by Thor1973

3. How much gain in length should I see inside the pumping tube?

During a pumping session, I don’t get any length increase over my standard BPEL. Over time however, I have made gains, and because I followed Avocet’s advice and marked my initial high point in the tube, I can see how far I’ve come from the beginning.

Originally Posted by Thor1973

1. It really felt like the pump was sinking down pubic tissue as opposed to increasing the length of the penis, am I doing something wrong?
2. Is it supposed to feel good?
3. How much gain in length should I see inside the pumping tube?

Thanks for any answers, this site is awesome for it’s openness and the good research and thoughtful answers.

Xorg gave you good answers. And yes, the tube does press into your fat pad.

I never said it felt like sex, Thor. :) But pumping is a rather pleasureable sensation to me. Also, if you don’t overdo your routine, your cock should feel sort of invigorated afterward.

Early on you may not get very much stretch under vacuum. Make an indelible mark on your tube at your highest point now and watch your progress. There are clear plastic stick-on rulers you can buy to attach to the tube side, too.

Good your wife is interested. You won’t have to do “stealth” PE.



Avocet8 , I couldn’t´t take a better picture of my meter because my digital camera cant focus better on such a small object , so I hope you don’t mind , i did a basic drawing of it on my computer , I think it will be more clear. Here it is : . The black is the mmHG . This might be a newbie / stupid question , but i cant see how i can figure out 5hg on that meter. Maybe its not on the correct scale? ( mmHG ? ) . Thank you for you time.

For reference, 100mmhg is about 4”hg. 130mmhg is about 5”hg. 155mmhg is about 6”hg

My Kaplan pump goes to 30”Hg, which is about 1 atm. In other words, that’s vacuum, like outer space.

At 5”Hg, you have removed 1/6th of the air in the cylinder.

Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Hello all,

Just got the La deluxe today and tried it out for size. Lubed the base of the cylinder with some KY oil and away I went. Fit great.and pressure didn’t drop much at all.maybe had to squeeze once or twice to keep pressure up. Went at it for 2-3 minutes under 5 PSI and it looked like I was bigger than I had thought. I have a 1.75 cylinder and it seemed like it was stuffed.

Question for the vets.what is the best time to measure. Erect or limp? Should measurements be taken (I am going to mark the tube for reference) immediately after a pump session or prior to it?

Thanks in advance.

Well that sure explains things gprent. Thanks!

Originally Posted by Jughed
Hello all,

Just got the La deluxe today and tried it out for size. Lubed the base of the cylinder with some KY oil and away I went. Fit great.and pressure didn’t drop much at all.maybe had to squeeze once or twice to keep pressure up. Went at it for 2-3 minutes under 5 PSI and it looked like I was bigger than I had thought. I have a 1.75 cylinder and it seemed like it was stuffed.

Question for the vets.what is the best time to measure. Erect or limp? Should measurements be taken (I am going to mark the tube for reference) immediately after a pump session or prior to it?

Thanks in advance.

You can measure whenever you want. It seems fairest in reporting your stats in the forums, though, to measure non-pumped erections, about 24 hrs after a workout and before another. That way you get a consistent read of your gains and can compare your progress with others here who use other methods of PE.

Have fun with your new toy. :)



Great suggestion and thank you for it. If I may also ask what would be a decent jelq routine to add to pumping? I’m mindful that this is new and will take time for my body to become acclimated to the new rigors of exercise and pumping.but any info would be appreciated.

If you’ve never jelked before, take a look at our video on that here at Thunders. Start modestly in the number of them you do at first. If that doesn’t strain you in any way, you can add more strokes each day and very soon you’ll be able to do a good number of them.

PE is not a race. It’s a long and fairly slow process. [we all wish it happened faster] But this being the N Year, a good time to look forward to, say, August when the cock you have then may have significantly more volume than the one you have today.



Here is that pic of my pump dial I promised a while back. Sorry it took me a minute.

Dial 2.webp
(34.7 KB, 235 views)

Go by the outside gauge (black) that begins -5, etc.

If that feels uncomfortable initially, drop back.



Progress already! I’m in the 4th day of 1 ten minute session daily and while in the pump the tip of my glans is nearly one quarter of an inch beyond the initial marking. It goes back to normal size when I’m finished (how I wish it would stay the way it is in the pump) but it seems very good so far.

Question for the vets again.what is the best method of cleaning the cylinder between uses? I’ve tried rolling up paper towels and using them length wise to clean but it’s not satisfactory.

Needless to say I’m encouraged with the initial results so far.maybe over time there will be some sort of gains kept while out of the tube.

After my session today , I got a dark , bruised area in my shaft skin , just below the head , it goes all the way around . I´ve been keep myself to 4 hg , and i feel very comfortable with it . Had no problems untill now and it doesn’t hurt or anything . Any advice? Thank you for your help.

Which pump is better

VT 9000 Electric Power Pump vs ctc xl 3000

Is it better to have the pulsation pump action like the CTC XL 3000 or a constant pump action like Vacu-Tech’s model?


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