Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by Hello2
After my session today , I got a dark , bruised area in my shaft skin , just below the head , it goes all the way around . I´ve been keep myself to 4 hg , and i feel very comfortable with it . Had no problems untill now and it doesn’t hurt or anything . Any advice? Thank you for your help.

Make sure you are using plenty of lube on your shaft and head so that your skin isn’t abraiding against the side walls.

Did you increase your time in the tube during that particular session, Hello?



Hi Avocet8:

I’m following your routine. I’m on the 7th week and doing 3 sessions of 15 min. each at 5 to 6hg. every day but sunday. I feel that morning wood is less frequent unlesss I take liquid C. Also I noticed that after a session I hang heavy, mostly fluid wich is nice but after a few hours is gone. I’m also jelquing 5 min in between sessions and 15 min. at the end. but I really feel fatigued after it. Can you tell me if I’m on track or overdoing it?……I don’t know if I am since liquid C” is maybe covering overworked side effects?.


Maybe drop your final jelk session altogether. You’re doing about 25 minutes of jelking, it looks like, yes? That would wear me out, even a little overdosed on liquid C. :)

Try counting jelk strokes instead of counting minutes. If you do 100 strokes prior to each pump, that’ll give you at least 300 which is a whole lot of good pulling. Having dropped the final jelk session, substitute in the beginning, after your warm wrap, a few minutes of all-direction flaccid stretching. This won’t wear your cock out.

The post-pump effect varies. Usually, though, you will gradually retain post pump engorgement longer the longer you have been at pumping.



Think I didn’t lubed well enough avocet8 . Rested a few days , seems ok now.

Thanxs for the reply avocet8. I will do as you suggest but should i stop taking liquid C? and if I do, how long before I start taking it again?


Originally Posted by LittleBigDick
Thanxs for the reply avocet8. I will do as you suggest but should i stop taking liquid C? and if I do, how long before I start taking it again?

Why not keep taking it if the result is good for you? It won’t interfere with your routine unless it keeps you too hard for jelking but you say that isn’t a problem.



Avocet8 , after a few days rest , the bruising went away and I did another session today , i got the same result . I start in the tube in a semi - erect state and i slowly build an erection with lower pressure , once achieved i increase the pressure to my regular 4 hg. What am I doing wrong? any advices?

Originally Posted by Hello2
Avocet8 , after a few days rest , the bruising went away and I did another session today , i got the same result . I start in the tube in a semi - erect state and i slowly build an erection with lower pressure , once achieved i increase the pressure to my regular 4 hg. What am I doing wrong? any advices?

I don’t know what you are doing to cause the bruising. Can you say more?



Well , I do 10 min pumping , 10 min jelquing , but the bruising occurs after pumping . I do as you say in this post , page 1. Maybe i should have gone slower? i started with 2hg then upgraded to 4 hg , could that be the problem? And should take a break?

You must be very sensitive to vacuum pressure, hello. If you can get good expansion at 2 HG, go back to that.

Are you doing 10 minutes solid of jelking? Maybe that’s the problem?



I get the bruising by pumping alone so I don’t know . Anyway I will rest a few days and go back to lower pressure and see how that goes.

Good plan. Let us know how it goes.



Hello all,

It’s been about 9 or 10 days since I began pumping with 2 days off. I have to say that I did experience some small gains while in the cylinder.maybe a quarter or eigth of an inch. No results out of the cylinder yet though.

I’m about to increase to two 10 minute sets as I’m now used to the pressure. I’ve been keeping it between 4 and 5 on the gauge and feel completely comfortable after being in the pressure after 2 or 3 minutes. It’s the first few minutes that can be discomforting but not painful.

I’m doing between 40-50 jelqs after each pumping session. Strange but it doesn’t feel like anything is going to happen. I am pleased with the immediate post pump appearance of my penis overall.but after a few minutes I’m back to my normal size. After having read many of the posts I know that gains are going to take time and effort.which I will apply myself to. I’m hoping that it’s not all in vain though.


I personally don’t feel that pumping alone is most effective either. I would suggest searching the forum for other methods that may be appropriate for you to mix with a pumping routine to create a hybrid routine. Jelqing the tube towards the end of sets might help with post workout gains.

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."

Well I’d be the first to admit that immediately after I’m out of the cylinder it’s nice and plump.once I star jelqing it comes back to where it was initially. This is only the second week and I realize that no significant gains will be made in such a short period of time..

Question for the vets do you apply heat? I’ve seen some who use thera wraps and such. Please educate me on this.


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