Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Originally Posted by Formula1
… I’ve noticed that the pressure on my pubic bone is tremendous. I can only get to 5 pounds of pressure and keep the tube on for about 10 minutes before I have to get it off because it hurts too much. I only weigh 155 pounds so I don’t have any abdomen fat to rest the base of the tube against. That might have something to do with it.

Also I was wondering, what do you clean the tube with after each use?


You’re probably right about not having much of a pubic fat pad to cushion you. What brand cylinder are you using? Straightwalled or flared? Usually the flared variety is more comfortable against the pubic bone region.

I clean my tube with regular grease cutting DAWN dishwashing detergent.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

PEFOREAL, I’m sure you’ve said before but did you use the pump as your primary PE, or did you pump and jelq? Your base girth is quite impressive. How did you get to over 7”?

Originally Posted by peforeal

You’re probably right about not having much of a pubic fat pad to cushion you. What brand cylinder are you using? Straightwalled or flared? Usually the flared variety is more comfortable against the pubic bone region.

I clean my tube with regular grease cutting DAWN dishwashing detergent.


It is the flared cylinder. Thanks for the cleaning info.

Originally Posted by millionman
PEFOREAL, I’m sure you’ve said before but did you use the pump as your primary PE, or did you pump and jelq? Your base girth is quite impressive. How did you get to over 7”?


The one PE constant in my 4.5 years of doing this has been pumping, and I have combined this with jelqing. I think the jelqing component is very necessary for keeping good blood circulation, helping in the healing process from the stresses placed on one’s penis. Because of the shape of my dick being naturally thicker at the base and tapering toward the glans, I’ve been able to “pack” the cylinder at the base fairly easily, first starting with my 1.75” diameter cylinder and then moving up periodically by .25” diameter increments to my preferred size tube of 2.50”. It’s been a progressive buildup of girth size.

I’ve also done squeezes, used the powerjelq and clamping, but I will definitely attribute my girth increases to regular pumping/jelqing, and I’m still a regular pumper today.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Last edited by peforeal : 08-19-2005 at .

PEFOREAL, that’s cool and actually what I thought you would say. How do you like the pump/power jelq combination?

Originally Posted by millionman
PEFOREAL, that’s cool and actually what I thought you would say. How do you like the pump/power jelq combination?


I do still occasionally use my powerjelq because I like the more intense and different jelqing experience I get from it. I think variety in PE is a must. If I do powerjelq, I do it first and then pump second. The reason is because I don’t like powerjelqing with any kind of slight fluid buildup in my dick from pumping.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


Did I read somewhere that you are now experimenting with low vacuum for larger time periods?

What I have been getting good results with lately is 3 sets of 5 minutes at 2-3 in hg, EVERY OTHER DAY!

It seems like so little, but I find I get very little post pump contraction with very nice flaccid hang on that day, and heavier on the 2nd day.

I was experimenting with the thera-p wrap and liquid cialis, great stuff.

The only problem is it masks my true response to pe. It will leave me with a heavier flaccid… even if I over do it. This would then lead me to do more…which would lead to loss of progress, or outright injury (don’t ask).

What I’m doing now is only pumping, until I find the amount and force that is giving me my best results…then I will add back in the thera-p and possibly the cialis ( I have about a 2 yr supply!)

While I’m at this, I thought I’d let you know what I’ve found from water pumping.

It helps keep down the lymph (of course at lower vacuum, I really get very little anyway), but everyone already knows that.

The other thing is that it really will give you maximum girth expansion, more than regular pumping. I think this is because of the non-compressibility of water… it pulls just as hard sideways as up.

The other thing is that you will appear shorter in the tube with water than with air, and it is because of the reason in the above paragraph.

I used to think it was some sort of optical trick from the water, that I always looked shorter water pumping than air pumping. Its not…its because your girth will be wider in water that air, which WILL cause you to look temporarily shorter.

I started a thread about the relationship of girth to length, and…lets just say I quickly dropped out of the discussion. :)

I used to think that wider girth was also an optical illusion in water, but I saw that when I moved the tube that the skin was pressed up against it and moved with the tube. When you aren’t pressed up against the tube the skin will not move when you move the tube.

My latest experiment that I like very much is to use IR to heat for 5-10 minutes, then do 3 sets of 5 minutes under IR with water or air pumping.

I then like to finish with some sort of clamping for about 5 minutes still under the IR, jelque the clamp to get max engorgement…then straight into cold water in the engorged state and cool down for about 5 minutes to cement the gain.

I will add back (when I’m fully healed) post vacuum thera-p wrap with one or two of monty’s pe wts to help keep it in an enlarged AND lengthened state (without further stress, or at least minimum stress).

When I was using the thera-p all day with the pe wts, I found that I would be starting my pumping almost where I had left of the previous time…very little shrinkage would have occurred.

My girth was expanding to the point that my wife was feeling very tight, to the point I had to use lubricant. She was going crazy!!!

Then I created an injury which forced me to stop completely for a few weeks. I am now starting back carefully.

Which leads me back to the question about low vacuum, longer times?

If that was you, what have you noticed?

Originally Posted by bigmac8

Pumping with water is something I have only been doing since I started PEing/pumping. I did some water pumping, in the past, but very little because of other constraints.

This time I have been consistent with this routine. The increases came gradually over a 3 weeks period.

That is why I made the comment about the squashed look of the head during this routine. It swells to the walls of the cylinder, which it has never done in the past without the water.

From my side of this, the head is bigger than it has ever been. This seems to me to be one of the benefits of pumping with water and all the PCing. The other being increased girth and hardness.

Also the entire penis is more compact and rigid , the girth increase is stronger and harder than before. There is no sponginess to the shaft at all, as there was before when I was pumping only and without water.

My cylinders have a permanent ruler on the outside of the tube. I can watch the length as it grow through out the whole routine. I notice with the water and the squashed head, the length shortens up just under 0.25 inches. This occurs minutes after the cylinder with the hot water is applied.

When I pump up without the water and use a cock ring, I notice the length returns. I then increase the vacuum just a little and watch a slight increase in length appear. I hold this increase only for a few min.


I was reading back through this thread and found this at about 72?

This guys was noticed the same thing of girth and shortening. He was getting exception gains with his routine.

I edited his response to highlight the points I was making.


I’ve never been too fond of water pumping, mostly because I always got good results from regular pumping, I find it more convenient and also because the two times I got major glans blisters was from water pumping (too aggressive in my newbie days). You seem to have found what works for you, and that’s all that really matters. You bring up some good personal observations too, which should be useful for those who do or will try water pumping.

As far as low vacuum for longer periods of time goes, that’s pretty much my pumping routine of late. With my schedule, I try to pump every other day.
I always prefer to pump with max erection, so I typically pop .25 mg viagra, get real hard and then pump for 1 -2 hours, using porn if necessary to maintain the rock hard erection. I take breaks from the vacuum every 10 - 15 minutes,do some quick dryjelqs for circulation, don’t get nasty donuts anymore and I achieve a nice proportional thicker dick. The fatter hang lasts through the next day with no major rebound shrinkage, which used to happen in my newbie days. It’s this kind of technique, I believe, that has allowed me to progress from packing my original 1.75” tube now to my 2.50” tube (easily more than half way up the shaft).

I certainly don’t recommend the kind of 1 -2 hour sessions I do, until one’s dick is slowly conditioned over time. I’ve found my dick’s tolerance levels, and now I can work comfortably with that knowledge to keep on pushing the pumping envelope. I will say that in the beginning, I did make some good erect length gains via pumping and jelqing. But for the past 2 years, I’ve been relatively plateaued in my erect length, although my girth has continued to expand in small increments. I attribute that girth increase factor to pumping. Because of that erect length plateau, I’ve decided to give hanging a shot with TPS’s redi-stretcher which I just got yesterday. I’m a newbie in the hanging arena, so wish me luck. I’ll be pumping less, but not totally giving it up for awhile.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


I don’t think water pumping is worth the extra effort for most, it just allows you to use higher vacuums with less lymph…which may in the long run not be good.

If the higher vacuum ranges result in rebound, then it is counter productive.

The only other benefit is that it pulls girth width harder, which may be appealing to some. This also may also not really be that much of a difference in effect to warrant the effort.

It can be a way to keep heat on the penis, however, I think it barely lasts more than about 3 minutes before the temp drops below an effective range.

I think guys like you that have made steady progress have found your way into the "magic zone". That is the amount of force that allows you to slowly expand your unit without a rebound contraction or fibrotic changes.

Many guys use high forces and get temporary gains. I think that they have forcefully stretched the connective tissues. Then they hit a wall. I believe because the tissue goes into survival mode and reacts by getting stronger.

The guys that make real continuous progress find that zone of "encouraging" the tissues to grow and expand without stressing them so much they adapt with toughening.

The beauty of your approach (and Avocet ) is not only do you get great results, but you bypass nasty injuries and deformities.

As far as your length goes, I have a theory that was well received (NOT!!!)
that you can use the analogy of an inflated balloon to describe SOME of what we see in pe.

If you inflate and tie off a balloon, and pull it out wider (girth) it will shorten. If you pull it out longer it will get thinner.

Now I acknowledge that there are many other factors involved, but I do believe it will explain some of what we see.

For someone like you, and BG and others who have really increased girth, and yet are not progressing on length…I think that you have been getting length gains that are absorbed by the girth gains.

In other words, I believe if you had not been also lengthening your unit, it would have actually appeared to have shortened as you increase girth.

Here is my well received thread on that concept;

Theory on girth vs length

I didn’t understand why people we getting so pissed off, until I reread post #9, and I realize I did come off as arrogant…wasn’t my intention. The written word does lose a little in translation. I was frustrated, and it came off badly.

Anyway, I think your plan for Tps’s hanger is good, I would recommend something similar myself. Just think about my concept and if you buy into it, you will see that you must have also been lengthening (relatively) or you wouldn’t have maintained your length (appearent).

Actually, I think that ADS might be best for you. Either Monty’s wts, or one of the other ADS. I think properly dialed in ADS will do for length what your pumping has done for your girth.

By the way, what vacuum levels have you progressed through, and what are you currrently using?

Anyway, those are my thoughts.


Originally Posted by sparkyx
…For someone like you, and BG and others who have really increased girth, and yet are not progressing on length…I think that you have been getting length gains that are absorbed by the girth gains.

In other words, I believe if you had not been also lengthening your unit, it would have actually appeared to have shortened as you increase girth. …

By the way, what vacuum levels have you progressed through, and what are you currrently using?


I’ve been thinking about your response, and I believe there’s validity to your theory. When I first started pumping with my much thinner dick in my 1.75” tube, it seems I was able to make more length gains. When I started packing the 1.75”, I moved into a 2.0” tube and still made length gains until I started packing that cylinder. By staying in a certain size cylinder for awhile, it seems to have helped me cement my girth gains while maintaining my length gains. I’ve continued to move up in cylinder size, because these kinds of transitions allowed me to grow my girth, all the while maintaining or growing my length in smaller increments. I do think that I may have met some kind of maximum gain in length via pumping that can probably only be restarted by moving away from pumping for awhile and returning aggressively later. Thus, my upcoming experiment with the redi-stretcher.

It would make sense that as I moved up in tube size and grew my girth (and length), that any obvious length increases were being offset by the expanding girth. One thing I do know visually is that my overall dick volume has grown a lot.

I prefer to keep my vacuum levels at no more than 5” hg. If I do go to 6 or 7”hg, it’s for 10 seconds or so just to maximize my stretch in the tube, and then I drop down.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal

I’ve been thinking about your response, and I believe there’s validity to your theory.

It would make sense that as I moved up in tube size and grew my girth (and length), that any obvious length increases were being offset by the expanding girth. One thing I do know visually is that my overall dick volume has grown a lot.


I thought about it a lot, it started with some of my own observations that didn’t seem to make sense. I’m glad you got something out of it, if you read it all the way through…you see that not many agreed with you.

There is a thread here on girth vs length on its effect on total volumn. Its counter-intuitive, but an inch in girth gains have VASTLY greater impact on volumn than an inch in length gains.

With the girth you have gained you probably have increased your volumn about 3 fold! Of course thats a pick it out of the air estimation.

In that thread, he has a volumn calculator, it might be fun for you to actually see!

By the way, what vacuum levels did you start with, and when did you move it up (if at all).

Originally Posted by sparkyx
…but an inch in girth gains have VASTLY greater impact on volumn than an inch in length gains…

By the way, what vacuum levels did you start with, and when did you move it up (if at all).


The much greater impact on dick volume with girth gains vs length gains has to do with the squaring factor of the radius in the volume formula for a right circular cylinder (assuming that a typical dick would have that basic cylindrical shape).

When I started pumping, I would experiment with vacuum levels mostly at 6” hg and then up to 8 - 10” hg. This wasn’t too productive, as I quickly learned from the overstressed dick, the post-pumping shrinkage and glans soreness. Nowadays, it’s mostly at 5” hg erect with consistent pumped results.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Originally Posted by peforeal

The much greater impact on dick volume with girth gains vs length gains has to do with the squaring factor of the radius in the volume formula for a right circular cylinder (assuming that a typical dick would have that basic cylindrical shape).


God, I love it when you talk that way! :)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
God, I love it when you talk that way! :)

Ah, the power of a little mathematics!

Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap


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