Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Stretched penile length (SPL), which most closely correlates with erect penile length, …

So does this mean that you don’t have to be erect in the tube?

I kinda find it difficult to become strongly erect in the tube. And I thought it was a problem…

Originally Posted by jlichtenberg
So does this mean that you don’t have to be erect in the tube?

I kinda find it difficult to become strongly erect in the tube. And I thought it was a problem…

I think it probably is a problem, and usually means you don’t have a good seal while pumping. Get rid of the hair down there, might help.

Originally Posted by boner7484
Here is the abstract - The role of vacuum pump therapy to mechanically straighten the penis in Peyronie’s disease - PubMed

And here is where I found the whole thing - VED study from the UK - Peyronies Society Forums

Interesting study, at first I was wondering why they only measured stretched length instead of erect length, but then I realised due to the condition of the men in the study, measuring erections would probably not be possible for the majority.

I also found it interesting that about 30% had length gains of 0.2 to 0.6" but no girth gains. Hmmm… I guess they were measuring flaccid girth only.

Here’s another one. Seems the guys in this study were smaller than average—they say it was ineffective, but it seems that it yielded a 7% increase in length. If someone who was 6" also got a 7% increase, they’d be 6.42" … not bad, I’d say.

http://www.urot … penis_size.html

[EDIT:] Sorry about that link … I was able to view it via google cache, but after posting it I see it requires a login.

Couple of questions..

First, just got my pump and starting slowly.
5 min, x1 time a day. Been pumping for 4 days in a row now.

Today I noticed small dots on my penis, think they are red.. What does that mean? Should I cut back already?
I’ve never gone over 5 on the in.HG vac scale on my mityvacpump. Usually lies on 4..

Sealing question. Do I know it’s sealed properly if the gauge is stable, or very slowly sinks?

And a question about lube, I have no lube ATM, so I use spit. Wondering if baby oil works? I read on the instructions that I should only use water based lube.. Does the baby oil contain some stuff that’s not good for my cylinder?

And when washing the cylinder, it won’t damage anything if I fill it up with warm water? I mean at the end, where the vent is.. It’s of course disconnected from the pump when washing it.

Originally Posted by computerguy
Here’s another one. Seems the guys in this study were smaller than average—they say it was ineffective, but it seems that it yielded a 7% increase in length. If someone who was 6" also got a 7% increase, they’d be 6.42" … not bad, I’d say.

http://www.urot … penis_size.html

[EDIT:] Sorry about that link … I was able to view it via google cache, but after posting it I see it requires a login.

here is viewable link

Interesting comparing the two though. They use the same pump, but the first one uses it for 10 minutes twice daily. The second group uses it for 20 minutes, 3 times a week. Both groups saw some lenght gains.

Last edited by boner7484 : 05-27-2010 at .

My pump arrived today! Joy! :jumpblue:

I tried it as per this thread, 1 set of 10 minutes, with all the vaselin in the right places, no worries at all, feels great.

One question though, when my pump is doing nothing, the gauge reads at 2Hg, and when I pump it starts from there. Is this a factory error that I should take into account? Looking at the gauge, I got up to 7Hg before feeling the start of discomfort, but it was probably only 5Hg, right?

That does sound like it’s off by 2hg. It should start at zero. But hard to say by the discomfort level … if you were new to PE I’d say yes, you’d start feeling it at 5Hg, but I assume you’re pretty condition (clamping, etc.)…but you’re new to pumping so maybe that’s right. Might want to give their tech support a call and see if there’s a way to recalibrate, or have them send you another.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
My pump arrived today! Joy! :jumpblue:

I tried it as per this thread, 1 set of 10 minutes, with all the vaselin in the right places, no worries at all, feels great.

One question though, when my pump is doing nothing, the gauge reads at 2Hg, and when I pump it starts from there. Is this a factory error that I should take into account? Looking at the gauge, I got up to 7Hg before feeling the start of discomfort, but it was probably only 5Hg, right?

Did you post a link to an ebay pump earlier? I bought the same pump if that was you. I can’t even get up to 5hg without it feeling painful.

Yes I posted that link. Tell me, how many full pumps of the pump does it take before the pressure shows 5Hg?

I also noticed that from 0 to 5Hg (inches) there are only 9 notches, the first of which is really close to yet another notch which lines up with the 0Hg for mm.

Gonna ask seller what’s going on.

Measuring time? time/pressure length/girth ratios

Hello everyone,

So I’ve been pumping for a short while, and was wonder at what point should I remeasure? Is there some type of standard at which gains occur? I’m sure its different for everyone, but some type of guideline?

Also, what about higher pressure at shorter intervals? say 8-10hg for 5 min. Is there a correlation between time/pressure for length/girth gains?



Start 11/08 BPEL 7" EG 5" 2009 BPEL 7.250" EG 5.375"

5/12/10 BPEL 7.75" EG 5.75"

Goal BPEL 8.5" EG 6-6.5"

Hey R.M., some guys have made “permanent” (maybe needing maintenance pumping) gains between 3 and 6 months, and others have pumped for years and claim only temporary gains within some window of time from last pumping. So it will vary. But from what most experienced vets say, seems like pumping at lower pressure (under 5hg) for longer periods (30 - 45 minutes) would yield better results. I have also seen some research that indicated periodically dropping the pressure for 30 seconds every 5 or 10 minutes during a session helps.

Good luck!

Quick question does any body know about kegels and pumping I went ahead and tried some kegels inside the pump today and it got longer seemed harder and much fatter at the end of my workout does any body know about kegels while pumping

Originally Posted by pussymagnet999

Quick question does any body know about kegels and pumping I went ahead and tried some kegels inside the pump today and it got longer seemed harder and much fatter at the end of my workout does any body know about kegels while pumping

I’ve been doing them for the last month … for the sake of efficiency … felt pretty good too. Can’t see any reason not to combine the activities.


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