Thunder's Place

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Vacuum Pumping 101

You would be wise to delay the pumping for a couple of weeks at least. and see how your penis responds to the newbie routine.

But if you are set on pumping thre is no reason why you shouldn’t buy a lap pump now if you can get it more cheaply.

But of course you will have to satisfy your self of it’s condition.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Ok, I’ll follow your advice and wait for a few weeks. Had to buy the pump now due to discretion, SO vs stealth PE, but not living together for the next six months.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

Define ‘light routine’, Scipio81.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by irishjim
If you look at Avocet’s updated advice he said that he dropped the 20 minute sets in favor of shorter 8-10 minutes sets and saw NO reduction in rate of gains. A good example of less is more. I know it doesn’t work that way for everyone, but it seems sensible to maximise gains using the conservative approach, and only if that doesn’t work, go for the high hg shock treatment. Worth thinking about?

You must have misread my post. When I’m doing to the 20 minutes sessions, I’m not jumping up the Hg. But as far as going to a shorter time, I’m sticking to this for a while since it’s the first thing I’ve ever done (pump wise) that has produced gains that last more than a day.

I posted that my gains lasted through the weekend… then yesterday I pumped multiple 20 min sessions and well, I’m stretching my penis skin so much it’s shedding like a snake, literally.

Not only that, it’s just as easy for me to do 20 minutes sessions as 10. I work from home and sit in front of a computer, so actually taking it off every 10 minutes would be a pain in the butt.

My wife doesn’t know I’m doing this (she thinks I quit a long time ago, before I sold my Bathmate and got this air pump) but she sure did make some different sounds this weekend.

Lampwick. 100-120 jelqs over the next month 2 on 1 off, about 40-50% erect, progressing to 200-250 jelqs over a span of 2-3 months and possibly starting up with ULI’s after the second month but most likely not until after the third month.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

Great thread! Thanks

Wow most in depth pump review I have ever read, makes me want to try, but like most, the injuries associated with scare me,

Ill have o think on it over the weekend

Originally Posted by Scipio81
I’m one week into a newbieroutine after a 6 month decon, and I’m a complete novice to pumping but really want to incorporate it into my routine. So much so that one LAP pump is now in the mail. Is it safe for me to start pumping together with my light routine at once, or would the smart thing be to condition myself some more weeks with the newbieroutine?

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Define ‘light routine’, Scipio81.

Originally Posted by Scipio81
Lampwick. 100-120 jelqs over the next month 2 on 1 off, about 40-50% erect, progressing to 200-250 jelqs over a span of 2-3 months and possibly starting up with ULI’s after the second month but most likely not until after the third month.

Scipio81, has your LA Pump arrived?

I think it would be safe enough to start pumping. Just start out with short sessions at low vacuum, and watch your EQ and PIs. If you’ve been doing this long enough to take a decon break, you know the territory.

If you were a complete newbie, you could probably still pump and pump safely, but you’d be on unfamiliar ground, and would have to proceed with even more caution as a result. If you were a newbie, I would probably lean toward recommending against combining the newbie routine and pumping as too much, too soon. In addition, if you’re doing too many different things, it’s harder to sort out what is working for you and what is not. But again, you have some experience, so you have a better perspective on the matter.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by Lampwick
Scipio81, has your LA Pump arrived?

I think it would be safe enough to start pumping. Just start out with short sessions at low vacuum, and watch your EQ and PIs. If you’ve been doing this long enough to take a decon break, you know the territory.

Lampwick, I’m going to collect it at the postal services in about 15 minutes, mucho excited!

As you say I have some experience, but since pumping is entirely new to me I’ll follow your lead. What about 2 sessions a day combined with my regular routine, lasting 5 minutes at 3 hg for the first week just to get the lay of the land?

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

How does this routine look?

5 min warm up.

8 mins stretching

6 minutes pumping

10 minutes jelq

6 minutes pumping

10 minute jelq

5 minute pumping

5 minute jelq

I am just trying to find a baseline for pumping, does this look like it would help me achieve a gain if I have gained in the past?

Or perhaps I should try to limit the jelquing and then back to pumping idea? Some help please.

Originally Posted by Scipio81

Lampwick, I’m going to collect it at the postal services in about 15 minutes, mucho excited!

As you say I have some experience, but since pumping is entirely new to me I’ll follow your lead. What about 2 sessions a day combined with my regular routine, lasting 5 minutes at 3 hg for the first week just to get the lay of the land?

By now, Scipio81, you’ve probably been doing this for a little more than a month. How’s it going?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by KingKilla
How does this routine look?
5 min warm up.
8 mins stretching
6 minutes pumping
10 minutes jelq
6 minutes pumping
10 minute jelq
5 minute pumping
5 minute jelq
I am just trying to find a baseline for pumping, does this look like it would help me achieve a gain if I have gained in the past?

KingKilla, you have your daily routine listed as:

“1 1/2 hours hanging ten pounds 2 hours orange bends 300 jelqs 3 15 minute pump sessions”


For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Lampwick, to be honest with you I believe I am a young dude and may have been bragging a little bit. Truly I think most hangers know that with heat and prep, 1 1/2 hours of hanging can EASILY become 3 hours. But if the routine I posted was done, it was only done for maybe one day.. So anyhow I am looking for reasonable feedback on my new routine, and this old routine? If any one wants to ask about it I have an answer.. Definitely too much.

So please help me with feedback about this NEW routine if you will.

Hello everyone,

I have a possibly somewhat unrelated question, and I didn’t want to start a new thread.. This being the “101” thread, and me being a newb (even after lurking for years) what better place than here, right? So here goes. I’ve been obsessed with the idea of PE for the longest time, but never been able to stick with anything. I purchased a cheapish pump a couple of years ago to help augment a jelqing/stretching routine I started, but I feared something was wrong and never really followed up — now, however, I’m wanting to start up again and purchase a new pump. Every person I’ve ever read about who pumps says it feels great, but that wasn’t the sensation I got. It wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable I guess. Didn’t make me get hard, didn’t make me want to blow my load or anything.. It was just very “meh.” I also never really got much in the way of “bigger” in the pump, which was pretty discouraging.

My question is this: Is that “meh” sensation and lack of visible “growth” a byproduct of the quality of the pump itself, or is there something horribly wrong with me? The pump is a standard, smoked plastic number with a latex ring/sleeve/insert thing, a blood pressure type pump, and no gauge. I never overdid it to the point of pain or blistering or anything like that, but I never got any good sensations out of it.

Any thoughts?


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