Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

I would say the same as mine, 10" x 2.25". However, have a read at this before you make up your mind.

Selecting Your Cylinder Size

Originally Posted by kooljohn
Thanks for that Dave.

I’m 6.125” eg and 8” bpel and 2” wide.

What size cylinder would I go for?

The measurement of a circle is 3.1416 X width so your cylinder 2” width X 3.1416 gives 6.28” Which is only slightly larger than your erect girth. If you expect to continue to gain width then a 2¼” tube would seem to suit you. Otherwise, stay with your 2” tube until it gets uncomfortable.

Remember of course, that the pump will enlarge your penis whilst in the cylinder. So if you get too much water build-up, then a larger cylinder is on the cards.

Hope that helps.


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

This has been a very informative thread. Thanks a lot to everyone involved for all the time and effort put into it.

I have a question, but can’t create a thread yet. Hopefully it is okay to post it up here.

I have been pumping now for about a month. I’m using a 9” X 2.25” Lapdist wide-mouth cylinder (which is comfy, btw). Current (same as starting) measurements are approx 7.625 Length X 6.25 girth. I notice that most recommend a much longer cylinder than what I have. What is the reasoning behind that? I also don’t know exactly how pumping increases length, so that may be part of why I don’t understand.

From reading, I’ve gathered this info may help the more experienced in answering my question:

Thus far I’ve noticed no permanent erect gains. I have noticed some flaccid gains however, and now during pumping I pack about the bottom 2-2.5 inches of the cylinder, which is up from packing about 1.5 when I started. I have found that I get decent expansion and am very comfortable at 5in/HG right now, but sometimes only go 3-4 to be on the “safe side”. I am currently doing 20 mins, 5 minute break (with massage), followed by another 20 minute session, 5-7 days per week. I worked my way up week by week from a single 10 minute session per day.

Thanks again everybody.

I don’t see that there is a problem with your 9” cylinder. You are unlikely to have a problem until you get to 8½ inches in length.

Packing the bottom part of the cylinder is fairly normal and would in a way, help you to gain girth at the upper end of your unit. . I would suggest you don’t need to change to a larger cylinder just yet. - not until the top part of your penis is packing the cylinder.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I’ve also been pumping for a while and would like to ask for opinions on something.

I always pump at 5in/HG and at present I do 2 x 10 minute sets. However, I’m now wondering if I should be looking to really stretch myself in the tube and whether this would encourage gains. Let me explain.

For the first 10 minutes slot, I enter the pump with a full erection and set the pressure to 5in/HG. This is very comfortable and if I measure BPEL, I’m just under 7 inches (this is with some expansion as my normal BPEL is 6.75).

After 10 minutes, I release the pressure and massage / jelq for 5 minutes, before re-entering the tube again. Normally I will set the pressure back to 5in/HG, but last night I went slightly higher for a few minutes (around about 8in/HG) and saw my penis stretch to just over 7 inches.

Now here is my question. I am wondering if, assuming all is comfortable, that I should be using this second pump set to increase the pressure and therefore the stretch / expansion on my penis? Or is the thinking that pressures up to 5in/HG are still the recommended approach.


It really is something that you have to decide for yourself.

We would very rarely (if at all) recommend going above 5Hg as this is considered a safe level. But if you have been pumping for a long time. then you are aware of your own reaction and it is something you have to judge for yourself.

You will probably find that you start to have water collecting in your skin, if you take more than 5Hg for any longer than you have tried. Also red spots might appear, or water blisters which may turn to blood blisters. Which will slow down your exercising as you will have to stop for a while.

I have tried a higher HG and found that I get a turkey neck - loose skin. Also I find that I tend to turtle for a while after the session. These symptons will increase the more Hg you use.

So if you consider all the things that can happen, but are prepared to experiment. Do things gradually. - But we would not encourage it.

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Originally Posted by petitfaun
I don’t see that there is a problem with your 9” cylinder. You are unlikely to have a problem until you get to 8½ inches in length.

Packing the bottom part of the cylinder is fairly normal and would in a way, help you to gain girth at the upper end of your unit. . I would suggest you don’t need to change to a larger cylinder just yet. - Not until the top part of your penis is packing the cylinder.

Cool man, thanks a lot.

Originally Posted by Mr_Scream
I’ve also been pumping for a while and would like to ask for opinions on something.

I always pump at 5in/HG and at present I do 2 x 10 minute sets. However, I’m now wondering if I should be looking to really stretch myself in the tube and whether this would encourage gains. Let me explain.

For the first 10 minutes slot, I enter the pump with a full erection and set the pressure to 5in/HG. This is very comfortable and if I measure BPEL, I’m just under 7 inches (this is with some expansion as my normal BPEL is 6.75).

After 10 minutes, I release the pressure and massage / jelq for 5 minutes, before re-entering the tube again. Normally I will set the pressure back to 5in/HG, but last night I went slightly higher for a few minutes (around about 8in/HG) and saw my penis stretch to just over 7 inches.

Now here is my question. I am wondering if, assuming all is comfortable, that I should be using this second pump set to increase the pressure and therefore the stretch / expansion on my penis? Or is the thinking that pressures up to 5in/HG are still the recommended approach.


I myself pump my 1st set of 15 mins at 5” Hg, 2nd set up to 6 or 7” Hg and final set about 7.5” Hg. However, I find the longer you stay in the tube under vacuum conditions, the more the penis slowly stretches and I would advise you to extend your sets to 15 mins if you want more stretch rather than ramping up the pressure.

I have a question for avocet8 or anyone else who knows. I’ve read this excellent post several times, but have a question on the multiple sessions per day. If doing say three 10 minute sessions, are they done at separate times in the day, separated by many hours? Or, are they consecutive, where pumping is followed by jelqing, then warming, then pumping again right away? Thanks.

I do them consecutively. I know there are others here who sessions spread out.



I’m newbie with pumping and i bought in a sexshop the bathmate hydropump.

But i’m little scared every time i use it.The main reason is because it has not a gauge.

First of all i would like to ask if there is a lot of difference between air and water pumping?Wich is safer and more effective?And if is the same don’t you think is better i’ll buy a professional air pump with a gauge?

Is really not a problem of money specially for the health of my penis.If you tell me is better going with a professional air pump with a gauge i’ll buy it…And also i would like to know wich are the pump reccomended from doctors for treat ED in other words medical device not pornoshop stuff.Please help me.


I can’t start a thread at the moment, I was just wondering if it’s essential to have a rubber covering at the base of the pump? I’ve got through 2 in 6 weeks as they keep breaking and I have to buy a new one every time! V expensive! Do some guy pump without the rubber fixing at bottom? (Bit that your dick passes through first) also, if you do is it as effective? I guess you don’t get the compression? Thanks for any help!

Originally Posted by enitra

I can’t start a thread at the moment, I was just wondering if it’s essential to have a rubber covering at the base of the pump? I’ve got through 2 in 6 weeks as they keep breaking and I have to buy a new one every time! V expensive! Do some guy pump without the rubber fixing at bottom? (Bit that your dick passes through first) also, if you do is it as effective? I guess you don’t get the compression? Thanks for any help!


If I understand correctly what you mean, those rubber rings are just a luxury to make the use of the cylinder (and possibly also giving a better seal) more comfortable.

I have never used one.

As long as you are comfortable without one it should be okay.



Originally Posted by avocet8
I do them consecutively. I know there are others here who sessions spread out.

Thanks, appreciate the response. Glad to hear the sessions are consecutive, it’s a lot more convenient that way. I’ve been mixing/experimenting doing jelqing before and after pumping (even if I do it before, I do a few after with massage). Can’t decide which way I like it best, but I think jelqing and pumping is a good combination since I’m interested mainly in girth.

Originally Posted by Renholder

If I understand correctly what you mean, those rubber rings are just a luxury to make the use of the cylinder (and possibly also giving a better seal) more comfortable.

I have never used one.

As long as you are comfortable without one it should be okay.



Hey, thanks for the advice! Will save me a lot of money :) . However, I tried it without and it seems to cause alot of pain with the pressure on the tubes that link the balls and unit? I think it’s because it needs more suction to hold it in place? Does anybody else have this problem or am I doing something wrong?


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