Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vacuum Pumping 101

Been reading the thread and am considering pumping. Lots of good info for a newbie.

Been doing the beginners routine and may try this as well.


Start Sept. 09 BPEL 5.5"

Now Jan. 14 BPEL 6.6" Goal 7.5 "x 6"

Improving my Best Friend in 3 Dimensions.

Great information!

Thanks for posting.

Originally Posted by Guiri
The more PE I do, the more I read, the more I think it boils down to this point.

Guys ask “When do I need a rest day?”, “How many hours a day should I PE?”, “How long do I need to jelq for?”, “How much pressure should I exert?”etc.

Obviously we are all new to PE at the beginning, and what seems clear now, wasn’t back then. And one must not be tempted to overdo it at the beginning. I took months to get my jelqing routine right. And when I did, I knew it immediately. It FELT right.

Guys, you really have to LISTEN to your johnson. If you don’t feel it is working, good chance it isn’t. If you feel you have had a good seesion, good chance you have. If you feel like a rest, take it.

Do what FEELS right for you.

GREAT post!

Originally Posted by Mr_Scream
I’ve also been pumping for a while and would like to ask for opinions on something.

I always pump at 5in/HG and at present I do 2 x 10 minute sets. However, I’m now wondering if I should be looking to really stretch myself in the tube and whether this would encourage gains. Let me explain.

For the first 10 minutes slot, I enter the pump with a full erection and set the pressure to 5in/HG. This is very comfortable and if I measure BPEL, I’m just under 7 inches (this is with some expansion as my normal BPEL is 6.75).

After 10 minutes, I release the pressure and massage / jelq for 5 minutes, before re-entering the tube again. Normally I will set the pressure back to 5in/HG, but last night I went slightly higher for a few minutes (around about 8in/HG) and saw my penis stretch to just over 7 inches.

Now here is my question. I am wondering if, assuming all is comfortable, that I should be using this second pump set to increase the pressure and therefore the stretch / expansion on my penis? Or is the thinking that pressures up to 5in/HG are still the recommended approach.


I have found exactly the same thing—at 4.5 - 5Hg I am exactly 1/4” above my normal EL. I’ve only been at this for 8 weeks, and worked up to two 10 minute sessions with jelqing in between. I just switched it to three 7 minute sessions, with the plan being to work up to three 10 minute sessions by week 12. Personally, I plan on never going over 5 Hg, and I view the pumping sessions as a great combination to enhance and work with the jelqing sessions. In two months I’ve gained 1/4” of “newbie gains” in both length and girth, so I don’t plan on changing anything for a while. This is in combination with a couple of hours using an extender later in the day, in which I am also stretching about 1/4” over EL.

Originally Posted by Mr_Scream:

I’ve also been pumping for a while and would like to ask for opinions on something.

I always pump at 5in/HG and at present I do 2 x 10 minute sets. However, I’m now wondering if I should be looking to really stretch myself in the tube and whether this would encourage gains. Let me explain.

For the first 10 minutes slot, I enter the pump with a full erection and set the pressure to 5in/HG. This is very comfortable and if I measure BPEL, I’m just under 7 inches (this is with some expansion as my normal BPEL is 6.75).

After 10 minutes, I release the pressure and massage / jelq for 5 minutes, before re-entering the tube again. Normally I will set the pressure back to 5in/HG, but last night I went slightly higher for a few minutes (around about 8in/HG) and saw my penis stretch to just over 7 inches.

Now here is my question. I am wondering if, assuming all is comfortable, that I should be using this second pump set to increase the pressure and therefore the stretch / expansion on my penis? Or is the thinking that pressures up to 5in/HG are still the recommended approach.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++

I do a 1 hour session and a 1/2 hour session and I have the same question…

I read on this forum last night that going longer than 20 minutes won’t add any gains, so why bother going an hour…

But I also noticed if I jump up the vacuum for a few seconds, then down, then up, sort of cycling the vacuum, I get the best extension and I pack my 1.75” tube all the way to my head and even my head “almost” packs it.. But when I stay at 5Hg…. I get about 75% packing of the tube even at one hour…

So as Mr._Scream asked…. what are the risk/rewards for jumping the vacuum pressure… I mean I am aware of the risks, so I should say, what are the rewards, if any?

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
But I also noticed if I jump up the vacuum for a few seconds, then down, then up, sort of cycling the vacuum, I get the best extension

Interesting. What is the low and high pressure that you are cycling between, and about how long on each?

Originally Posted by computerguy

I have found exactly the same thing—at 4.5 - 5Hg I am exactly 1/4” above my normal EL. I’ve only been at this for 8 weeks, and worked up to two 10 minute sessions with jelqing in between. I just switched it to three 7 minute sessions, with the plan being to work up to three 10 minute sessions by week 12. Personally, I plan on never going over 5 Hg, and I view the pumping sessions as a great combination to enhance and work with the jelqing sessions. In two months I’ve gained 1/4” of “newbie gains” in both length and girth, so I don’t plan on changing anything for a while. This is in combination with a couple of hours using an extender later in the day, in which I am also stretching about 1/4” over EL.

Do you do one set in the morning, one in the evening or do you do two sets in a row just interupted by jelqing?

Originally Posted by computerguy
Interesting. What is the low and high pressure that you are cycling between, and about how long on each?

Well before yesterday when I got convinced that low pressure is just better for safety reasons… here is what I was doing.

Well first of all here are my measurements:

BPEL - 6.5”
BPSFL - 7 1/8”
I only measure stretched flaccid length because I was told it is a indicator of things to come.

EG- 5 1/2” - 5 3/4” at the base depending on Erection Quality
I don’t measure flaccid girth because I don’t really care.

Ok, now you have some perspective….

Ok, I was doing this:

First 5 minutes - slow up to 5hg to get erection.
(I’ve been goofing around with PE for 7 months now on a daily basis (less time off for injuries and vacations) and I can barely get an erection now when doing PE..I’m still just fine in the bedroom)

After I have a full erection in the tube… I usually stay at 5Hg for another 5 minutes.

As expansion starts, vacuum goes down so when that happens, I start to pump up..I usually go up to 10hg for about 30 seconds and then down to 7.5hg for 15 minutes…

Then I go to zero for a good blood infusion for about 1 minutes to 2 minutes.

Then I go back up to around 7hg until everything is stable.. usually 3-5 minutes

then I go up to 10hg and since at this time it usually doesn’t cause pain… I go up to 15hg…for about 20-30 seconds, then back down to 10hg for a minute and then back down to 7.5hg.

Then I just go back and forth to 15Hg for 20-30 seconds then back down to 7.5hg for 5 minutes or so…

I just keep cycling like that… after every 15-20 minutes, I go to zero, for a blood infusion…

When I do that for an hour or a little over an hour… I get to 7 1/8” in the tube… So I am reaching my BPSFL while at the same time packing the 1.75” tube all the way to my head and even my head almost packs the tube.

It looks pretty cool, for a guy coming from 5.5” BPEL to be over 7” long and at the same time 5 1/2” around.

A note, when I do this in my 2” tube, I only get to 6 3/4” length but also 6 1/4” around…. and only pack it about 3/4 up my shaft.

the down side of even short 15hg is I got a blister the other day…but when I use just 5hg… the blister doesn’t even come up much…so I can still pump at 5hg even with a blister.

When I pump at 5hg only… I can barely get to 6 1/2” length (well, I only go for 20 minutes now also)… I’m taking the advice of more 20 minutes sessions as opposed to 2 hour sessions… Even though the 2 hour sessions REALLY give you something to look at when your done.

Plus I use a silicone sleeve over my donut area so I don’t get a donut..

Also, after I am finished I go into a silicone sleeve with vacuum head, that keeps me at full length… Man that looks REALLY cool when you take it off 12 hours later and your almost as long as in the tube and fatter than normal.

Man this was a beast of a thread to read! I am very glad I read all of it though, it was chock full of very good information on pressures, times, good and bad routines, and pump advice.

I am convinced that pumping will be a great benefit to my PE routine. I have already ordered a pump and cylinder from eBay and will report back after my first session.

I want to thank avocet for starting this thread way back when and everyone who contributed to it. You guys may not know me, but you have already helped me.

I did an experiment last week and WOW…. great gains. Don’t ask if they are permanent, they probably aren’t but they aren’t going away either…

Ok, so I took Avocet’s advice and just shot for multiple 20 minute sessions as opposed to longer ones.

So last week, I did 4 days in a row of about 6 20 minutes sessions, with an hour break in between.

Normally when I pump, even for a long time, it hangs really well for many hours, but even on the best of days, by the next morning, it is back to normal.

Well, NOT this time… This time after the third day, not only was it still swollen in the morning, it stayed swollen all WEEKEND without having to pump at all! It was awesome.

So my hope is that with several months of 6 20 minutes sessions a day, the gains will become permanent. I’ll keep you posted.

Originally Posted by skepticalOne
I did an experiment last week and WOW…. great gains. Don’t ask if they are permanent, they probably aren’t but they aren’t going away either…

Ok, so I took Avocet’s advice and just shot for multiple 20 minute sessions as opposed to longer ones.

So last week, I did 4 days in a row of about 6 20 minutes sessions, with an hour break in between.

Normally when I pump, even for a long time, it hangs really well for many hours, but even on the best of days, by the next morning, it is back to normal.

Well, NOT this time… This time after the third day, not only was it still swollen in the morning, it stayed swollen all WEEKEND without having to pump at all! It was awesome.

So my hope is that with several months of 6 20 minutes sessions a day, the gains will become permanent. I’ll keep you posted.

If you look at Avocet’s updated advice he said that he dropped the 20 minute sets in favor of shorter 8-10 minutes sets and saw NO reduction in rate of gains. A good example of less is more. I know it doesn’t work that way for everyone, but it seems sensible to maximise gains using the conservative approach, and only if that doesn’t work, go for the high hg shock treatment. Worth thinking about?

Good luck skeptical and I look forward to your future posts.

I pump regularly, usually 4 times a day - Avocet8’s mini pump twice a day, water pump during my morning shower, and extended (1 hour) low pressure pumping during the night. I have not yet experienced any gains lasting more than a few hours. I will continue this routine unless you report back with sustained gains from your more structured routine.

I have noticed that my scrotum, however, seems to have enlarged somewhat on a “permanent” basis since I started pumping 3 months ago. Has anyone else experienced this?

Are you pumping your penis, dtwarren1942, or are you doing whole package pumping (including the scrotum)?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I only do whole package pumping once every 2 or three weeks, but shaft pumping seems to maintain the increase between whole package pumping. It’s been at least three weeks since I last pumped my package and my scrotum still feels larger.

I’m one week into a newbieroutine after a 6 month decon, and I’m a complete novice to pumping but really want to incorporate it into my routine. So much so that one LAP pump is now in the mail. Is it safe for me to start pumping together with my light routine at once, or would the smart thing be to condition myself some more weeks with the newbieroutine?

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth


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